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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. OK, Game trade ins suck major ass

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ukyn1993


      dont know the conversion rate, but gamestop loves to cheap people out of games. "oh thats a brand new game we are selling for $70? here...we will give ya 10" and thats if your lucky

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      yea Gamestop are notorouis for it. Game is basically their version of him.

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie
  2. I am ashamed by my loss against Titania... BUT I SHALL NEVER GIVE IN!!!

    1. Sheep


      You and me both. We'll get her eventually.

    2. Felicity



    3. Sheep


      Hah, highfives for losing to Titania. So are we like winners for losing?

  3. Hello, Welcome and if you ever need anything, Blackmail people.
  4. FAYAH! Fire represents the passion in life.

    1. Flux


      I want pizza now...

  6. Whole Day o' Drama Done!

  7. Shadow Thief ain't the only Sneaky guy on the forums...
  8. So, i would just like to say, if i ever become too much, just smack me..

  9. Welcome. So long as you don't interfere with Taco Worship you are Welcomed
  10. You guys were creeped out? I wanted to find and Hug the little bastard. Oh and my guess is that a puzzle will be behind those randomly placed doors scattered about Reborn that eventually leads to an area with a Slight possibility of catching a legendary.
  11. Wo/Manmode it bro. Sometimes I've been up so long for league i give up hope for sleep and pull all nighters. Although i understand if you have to sleep for school and whatnot.
  12. The main thing id suggest is to give Strength to Gyrados over Rain dance to make way for Mach punch on infernape. Rain dance does work well with your Electabuzz's thunder and the aqua tailbut otherwise there's no real gain. Take Advantage of Gyrados' Attack!
  13. Is it bad that when my maths homework asks me to solve the inequality, i want to quote Martin Luther King?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Felicity
    3. Ukyn1993


      math is evil, so very evil

    4. Bluewolf


      Don't worry, whenever I see SOH CAH TOA I always mistake the 'A' as the word adjective.

  14. !st run: Piplup. Rarely ever used him so i thought "Hey, Why the Fuck not?" 2nd run: Bulbasaur. Decided to use him on a whim. Currently being used in my furthest playthrough which i use each time a new episode comes out, and it works out perfectly with my typings and Drought Ninetales 3rd run: Chimchar. I decided to do a run through for ep 11 so i decided to use my Broseph. In truth he was my 2nd ever starter as i picked Turtwig on my diamond game,but as soon as i fought my rival before the E4 i restarted my game jst to get Infernape 4th (current run): Froakie: After all the tales of Protean i decided i wished to test its power for myself ingame. Its been incredibly useful, although i wish i had kept water pulse instead of the goddamn shuriken...
  15. Homework...Or...Anime Binge....Easy choice

  16. OK, i normally never cry at sad moments. I just finished Angel Beats. I am now a snivelling wreck.

    1. Notus


      That anime is amazing!

    2. Felicity


      I agree so much it hurts! ;~;

  17. Imma fight for the right to Zeus

  18. Felicity


    I think Ame has said it has to do with not antagonising the law any more than they have too, due to the fact that Sigmund is actually the legal guardian of the Kids.
  19. Felicity


    I still wonder what role Anna actually plays in the League itself...
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