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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. Narnia. That is all

  2. Hello there! Have fun! I look forward to battling you! I think that's it.
  3. I agree, This seems like it could lead to a complicated mess.

  5. Or its the 9 badges. Why does gold have to be superior, huh? Huh? HUH?!?!
  6. Run Fatboy Run, cuz why not Next: Do you believe in magic?
  7. Nicki Minaj 'nuff said As for which i wouldn't like to see, probably Swirlix, cuz id have to commit poke murder and eat it.
  8. I wish to join this team rainbow, just for the name.
  9. I have a fear of being the equivalent of a bullys lackey or even a sidekick. The way that everyone associates you with that person rather than me and my characteristics is Scary. If i go through life, i want to do it as i am, not as an accompaniment for someone else.
  10. If it wasn't for anime or games such as pokemon my moral compass would be pointing south right now.How is that bad?
  11. It seems to me like you could benefit from having a bulky status poke. If you are willing, why not catch a foongus and evolve it to an amoongus. a nice choice of status moves, can be a good hit eater and also helps with fairies too. Just an idea
  12. Infernape. Ninja karate fire monkey mode ACTIVATE *super saiyan scream*
  13. Don'tcha wish your girlfriend was hawt like me, don'tcha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me , like me don'tcha

    1. Sylvan Nephilim

      Sylvan Nephilim


    2. Maelstrom


      I wish with all my soul that my girlfriend isn't like Dobby the Elf. Except for being nice and very well intentioned.

  14. DOBBY IS A FREE ELF *TWITCH* Welcome though :3
  15. Felicity


    Back to topic, I believe that in the previous togepi text there was a question about Dr Connal diagnosing ZEL with Multiple personality disorder (or the actual term for the condition). If we assume reborn has a timeline, the fact that togepi man (best superhero eva) knows of this suggests it happened in the past. Perhaps there is a link between sigmund and ZEL... or im reading into things WAY too much
  16. Good people overcome the obstacles in their life. Great people plow right through them.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wendel


      And you are neither Mael

    3. Wendel
    4. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      I don't have obstacles. I /am/ the obstacle.

  17. Ok, lets give this a try... So, two things you should know about me 1: I am a person who was born with an eye defect known as a nystagmus in conjunction with being shortsighted. It is an eye condition which normally develops later on in life due to stress and aging and is recognizable with wobbling eyes. This has resulted in me being less dextrous and coordinated than alot of normal people my age. 2: I can be a prideful person and dont like any kind of achievement or Fasttrack being given to me to make things easier for me. If it means something to me, i will do it with my own abilities or accept the fact i cannot do it. Ok onto the actual problem. So in my school life, due to my eyes, i have been affiliated with an organisation known as th visual impairment team. Their aim is to help people like me. Sounds good right? Well, in truth they are incredibly generalist in their approach to helping people. *They have bad eyes? MAKE EVERYTHING BIGGER!" At school i am constantly bombarded with ridiculously enlarged sheets which actually hinder my work and each time i bring the topic up with them, they disregard me. It once got to the point where, due to regulations, i and another student received actual foam blocks in a maths test to help us "visualise" the problem. Whilst i understand the good intentions of the group, it irritates and stresses me that they refuse to listen n the numerous times we discussed this and i worry that people who are worse off than me are receiveing the same standardised treatment as me and it also hinders them.It also doesn't help that this is piled onto me during a time that is stressful for everyone and that can affect my future. Sorry to those of you who have things worse than me and deal with it better. i feel like a whiny bitch compared to other scenarios in my head, but if you took the time to read this, Thank You.
  18. My personality. I've somehow fabricated this outer facade that isn't who i am.The wierd thing is its not like those cases where people are hiding behind a mask of happiness, i somehow act incredibly gloomy and pessimistic when im actually pretty goddamn cheerful :/
  19. COME ON GUYS! BELIEVE IN THE HEART OF THE CARDS AND THE STRENGTH OF YOUR POKEMON! WE CAN DO IT I will try talking to the hobo rather than the hiker for the onix event. Perhaps that is how we get him a home? That theory went kaput
  20. I agree, with the earlier hours, as i have to get up at 6:30 and staying up til 1am is a strain for me. I'd really appreciate the ease of accss to league as i would really like to get involved in league
  21. I...honestly cannot remember. I think i did it with my old weather team though and got a burn or something
  22. She has plenty of pokes that use sandstorm but as far as i know there is no field effect for Rini
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