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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. Warning Powers can get fucky. It takes a dedicated host to keep track of every characters capabilities as well as the standard challenges of hosting an RP. If you're up for it, I wish you the best.
  2. Are you on PBE for the new client or did i miss an update?
  3. I am adorable and ready for the halloween spookfest

  4. I just livestreamed a raid on a police station.

  5. Best girl is Jaune ya fuckin' nerds. So new volume is on Oct 22?
  6. hit rank 5 on Sona and Malph in the past two days and i'm feelin good. Two s games ina row with malph too.
  7. Hjvuhrexyuyuygutrdyyhuib6r34a2qs4tgujuvtfd5r5btrxwwxdcesxtthijnygv
  9. I reminded again that bunny girls are best girls.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Felicity


      every anime/manga.

      Foxes are for nerds who are edgy but want to seem intellectual

    3. Another Felix

      Another Felix

      Meanwhile rabbits are for lonely losers who need the ego boost of someone weaker than them.

    4. Felicity


      Ooh, touched a nerve there didn't I?

  10. ok yeah this quiz is fucking solid cuz that makes a lot of sense
  11. completely forgot about this yay topic revivals and such Name: Adam/Jim/Keith/Phillip/Sam/Andrew/Fuckface McNasty Age: Mentally I am 2, physically I think the wii fit would say 40 Birthday: Everyday, double on august fifteenth Location: IDK i cba to look at google maps Height: I think I grew to 5"8? Idk, depends on if i wanna wear heels Hair Color: malevolent purple or dirty blonde. Eye Color: blue/green/indigo/violet Live With: 8 other flatmates. Ffffffuck Pets?: I did have 2 cats. One who dislikes me for leaving him. Relationships?: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10....11... idk anymore Crushes lately?: Many. Fruit in particular. Dream Job: Author Currently Playing: a House music compilation. Favourite Food: anything and everything rn Favourite Drink: ^ Favourite Color: Pink/blue Favourite kind of Music: I gueeeesssssssssss no i have no clue i like a lot Favourite Band: Eden doesn't count as a band but he makes the musics i guess? Favourite Album: I own literally 0 albums. Favourite Game: WHY MAKE ME CHOOOSE FUCKNADO! Kingdom hearts BBS or Persona 3 i suppose. Favourite Genre of Game: action RPG Favourite Hobbies: Reading/gaming/watchin' shit Favourite Movies:Run Fatboy Run Favourite Shows: fucker, again? I think i'd have to say no fuck it i can't pick one out of the pack of fantastic anymore and tbh i'm fine with that
  12. avi powers gogogo

  13. 1847 do you have no lives??? I go to a workshop and dog nerds just come out of the woodworks
  14. I really really like this one as a sucker for old ass fairy tales. Also anna deded cuz then we lose her jirachi too. EDIT: how do we bring this field about btw, or is it a purely natural one?
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