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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. Jorgen was, in a sense, in his element. His mind whirred, not literally like his limbs, as he considered his options. He couldn't keep going for long, fighting was out of the question (that was the point of undercutting Lucille) so either he found a really good hiding place for his large frame or he stopped. Thing is, his shotgun would be confiscated. He was pretty sure he didn't have any permits, not existing and all, so some thing had to be done. He formulated a crude plan in the little time he had left. In a cheap tack, he selected a building, memorising its height in relation to the others and, instead of jumping clear over it, slammed into the wall besides a window. As he did, he rammed the duffel bag holding his illegal weapon, and essentials, into the room through the window, trying to disguise the movement in the impact. Now he was only guilty of destruction of property which he'd blame on being scared by the police. Totally fool proof, right? Jorgen fell down to the pavement, landing with a "whoof" and putting his hands behind his head, waiting for apprehension.
  2. I kept jorgens suspicious focus on lisa to provide an in but you never took it up so, rip.
  3. Huh, they nerfed udyrs r back to where it was a while ago. Sick.
  4. See, the funny thing about expression is that it had become a lot more difficult to do so with the internet because these unique feelings are echoed somewhere else, thus they are not unique. Eventually, people will walk away because this expression is not quite as scintillating as whatever new trend there may be. Tortured souls are no longer seen as emotionally beautiful. The sad thing about expression is that it needs someone else to listen and respond somehow, to validate it. Otherwise, what was the point? But if this pain isn't interesting, then ninety percent of people will leave. They don't have a responsibility here after all. The pathetic thing about expression, or rather those who want to express themselves, is that the people who are around and willing to listen tend to be over looked. People are too busy looking at themselves and how they feel. The best thing about expression though? The aspect that makes it worth it? Do it enough to no avail and you might realise who your friends are. Try looking around for a second, instead of inside.
  5. everyone comes back. It's a troof
  6. but like he's on the war path anyway, why do that when he's gunning, or swording I suppose, for someone else already?
  7. I am 1337 Haxorz, am i popular now?

    1. IntSys


      no, low level leetspeak is bad.

      n07 l337 3n0u6h, d0bby

    2. NickCrash
  8. focus is dropping like a stone

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Felicity


      I don't do coffee or tea, or much caffeine in general. Never got on with the stuff.

    3. Bluewolf


      I'm right there with you -____-

  9. It's fine to drop if you aren't enjoying yourself in my opinion but don't assume people don't care. There's been so much fuss over Luna precisely because people do care and want to avoid stepping on your toes. It's a little disrespectful to Notus and everyone else to suggest that they don't care.
  10. See, a day ago I was like "I won't get borderlands 2 on pc, played it too much." The current steam sale has weakened my resolve

    1. Felicity
    2. Imperial


      Krieg is the best ! RAMPAGE TIME!

    3. Sheep
  11. I can't think of an example where people enjoyed going into a game knowing most of what they'll find more than if they were totally blind. Constant buzz about it will build hype in the bad way, building expectations to be let down, especially for a game so focused on exploring and finding all the features. People can consume the media in regards to sun and moon by their choice but it gets harder to make that choice on their own when it's all they see here.
  12. Jorgen snorted at Lucille. So far, she hadn't seemed friendly and she was their ally. God only knows what she'd do to a threat. "No, screw that, I have a better idea." It probably wasn't but hey, Jorgen always wanted to try parkour. "One of you get a message to Gabriel, I won't be able to pose as his dad." The cyborg who had been described began sprinting towards the entrance of the alleyway where the police were coming. His weight left impressions of his boots in the ground as he went. When he reached the mouth of the alleyway, clearly visible to all, he leapt, up towards the nearest building. He crashed into the wall but didn't breach it, He then dug his fingers into the wall and used it to launch himself up once more, heading to the roof of the building and hopefully over and away. A clear target to pursue. He was already pegged as dangerous, he may as well use it. Of course he hadn't committed any major crimes, so that was in his favour.
  13. uh The reborn site shop? Fuck idk man I don't go to clothing retailers much cuz i'm cheap af with fashion, not sure supermarkets are actually retailers and everything else I get online.
  14. Bibs the Ultimate Memer
  15. I think the Upside Down from Stranger Things is actually just Australia

  16. Ain't no fortune about it boi, bitches planned to kill best gril of the arc.
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