I entertained titling this 'not an ama' in hindsight but I like the attention so answers will be given
1: first person airhead. It's easier to get my sense of humour across, a vague wondering of concepts, if I can frame it as the musings of the character. I've been doing forays into third person recently though as I find ways to get my humour across anyway. My writing style will probably change over time anyway, learning will do that.
2: I prefer fantasy I suppose because fantasy is as close as a genre can get to "easy to use, hard to master". The tropes and such are so ingrained in a lot of people that half the work is done for you right off the bat. Of course, if you want to excel in it you have to go above and beyond and craft a world of your own. Therein lies the "difficult to master" part. It's also an easy target for postmodern interpretations due to aforementioned tropes so you can twist a lot of things around for your amusement.
3: A sense of levity is something I highly enjoy. Good writers make you feel tense whilst they engage you in their story. The best play with that tension like a puppet, bringing it up and down to create a literal emotional roller coaster. Levity is a big part of doing so and is also supremely hard to master as you find the right times to use it.
4: A lot of things. Very few things have managed to get an emotional rise out of me quite as much as my favourite stories. However they're told, in whatever medium, it's amazing that they can inspire any kind of feelings, get masses of people so invested in a story. I want to be able to do that, get people invested, then I want to use it to make people look back at my stories with a fond smile. Leave them better off for reading what I write.