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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. ass class is p cool. The anime, not the probable porno.

    1. Felicity


      Manga even

    2. The Radiant Aeon

      The Radiant Aeon

      Who says it can't be all 3

    3. Shamitako


      I prefer to call it AssRoom :P

      And yes, it is V V good

  2. Have you ever wrestled a crocodile? Will you ever wrestle a crocodile? Depending on your answer you may gain or lose respect.
  3. well fuck motioninjoy my pc didnt even need it, at least with this controller. Skullgirls ahoy

    1. Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

      Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

      Skullgirls has a built in controller support. So you controller might work for schoolgirls but not for other fighters

  4. See, I'm tossing ideas back and forth but I figure, they don't matter till I get them across to someone else. Maybe I was stupid when I was younger, maybe there can be something to nothing.

  5. Like a poem except not. The premise is to show skill over language by writing a short story on any topic with only, bet you guessed it, 100 words. I've tried it myself, I find it quite difficult. Bear in mind, as the first sentence says, this is not poetry. It's meant to be a clear, cohesive story. I'll start with one based on Pompeii. Not the cheeriest one granted but it's the first topic I felt I could do this with. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The citizens of Pompeii city. They bustle about their doomed city with a blissful ignorance. It would be too late for them. Too late to react to the cataclysmic eruption of the looming shadow above. Fire, fury, a choking cloud of charred ash, then a river of fierce, hungry magma buries them, immortalises them. History would not know them for they still exist even now, in our present, statues echoing the living past. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 74 Dunno if anyone else will take another crack, or even if I will, but I figured I'd open up the idea for others.
  6. I'm not going to aim for the stars. I'll aim just to their left

  7. 1: Favourite RP? 2: Favourite OC? 3: Favourite novel? 4: Will you disregard this question?
  8. Rule Number 1 is that you gotta have fun

  9. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? My bet's Africa.
  10. If DR3 Despair does what I think it will I'm gonna flip a depressed tit

  11. on a scale of one to chilli to microchip, how jazzed are you for the new McIntyre Melody 5000 remake 2: Electric boogaloo? What are thy thoughts on moi, senor?
  12. Everything. One day I will watch it all and everyone will call me trash but I will be the Enlightened Trash
  13. so if the blood of virgin lesbians restores youth, what does the blood of hetero virgins do?
  14. Well, 10 quid for a new controller to work with my PC. Here's hoping I wasn't too cheap.

  15. Fuck Frank Underwood

  16. What do you want me to shoot?
  17. just saying yu gi oh gx has the BEST opening theme in the history of anime

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Shamitako


      None of these sound or look anything like Bye Bye Yesterday

    3. Felicity


      That's cuz Bye Bye Yesterday is trash c:

    4. Lits


      Light of Hope, Trump Card, and Unleash Monsters from ARC-V are really good too

  18. Surprise pizza is best pizza

    1. Cepheus


      cold, leftover Pizza for Breakfast is BEST Pizza!! :D

    2. Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

      Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

      Not better than surprise butt pizza

  19. jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ Arku
  20. I will punch your lights out, as taught to me in electrician school.

  21. How often have you been infuriated by Reborn and it's members? So like you say murder is quite fun but would you actually go ahead with it if given the opportunity with no legal consequences? I'd ask what the weapon of choice would be but I have a sneaking suspicion I already know the answer. Oh, and Cherry coke or naw?
  22. Do you have any moments of peace and quiet, that you dedicate to a relaxed ride on any train of thought you have? For me, this is the moments just before I go to sleep, as I'm in the shower and as I'm walking down the street. I have my mind wander, tread old paths of distant memories and explore new ground on the frontier of new ideas. It doesn't result in much but it's nice. A mental respite can do wonders.
  23. When did you start/join your band and what brought the decision on?
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