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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. You've activated my trap card! Anyway I take great offense. We must duel in one on one apple combat. First to the golden core gets rabbit priority. As for my own appreciation, I said it first in the other threads (maybe threads ngl don't recall) that there's so many people to list it'd be so difficult and if I missed anybody I'd feel terrible. I did try it in my most recent thread but that's like plugging so i'mma just say no more. Do you know who needs some real appreciation though? The post button. Otherwise I couldn't say any of this.
  2. Now I#d love to play Witcher 1 and 2. I even own them. Shame my laptop can't bloody run them.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Felicity


      played but i'd bet a fiver you don't own it.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I do. It's like... directly downloaded into my PS4.

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Sooooo, where's my fiver?

  3. Jakler listed a lot of my faves too to be frank. Especially walking dead, Goddammit but I love Lee so much. I'll add a few more. KH: Birth by sleep, the final battles all feel so climactic. It makes it worth slogging through all the same worlds again and again. KH 358/2 days. FUCKING WHY WHO WILL I EAT ICE CREAM WITH NOW?! Dragon Age Origins. The story for 2 was alright but the final battle was not hard at all. UNLIKE THE FUCKING ARCHDEMON DEAR LORD. Inquisition was the same as 2 for me. Good in story, battle wise meh. Little known game called Lost Magic for the DS. Depending on your choices you'd get some honestly real fucked up endings. Kinda horrifying to me but hey, it made me feel something damned strong. Thomas was Alone. Not any more he wasn't. The Wolf among us. I was a wolf muthafuckas. As for the Layton endings, I'm honestly not going to lie, I think I prefer the second or first games endings to the third. The third I didn't even realise I had played because I honestly forgot it so hard. I'm hesitant to say Digital Devil saga. My strife is that I hate what happens just before the final dungeon but the lead up, the set up to the final dungeon was so good.
  4. All things considered, it's on a saturday night. School won't be on, people can certainly take one break from studying if they really wanted to for the night. A scant few people might be working sundays but otherwise this was literally the best possible way to make it accessible to europeans who're five or so hours ahead. For those further ahead, it'd take a whole lot more to cater to, My suggestion would probably be to shift the main events, King and Queen, a tad bit earlier. That's what everyone laments missing and, I wasn't there so correct me if I'm wrong here, the cards against humanity game after the event(?) that ICSW mentioned shows people were still pumped after those games. They're not exactly wind down events.
  5. Love you too babes. Because there's like 50 people on there and there's two Alices I get confused ok thought you were on there Reborn hasn't hit a new low, that was PZA. That left salt in every wound and everybody went through the grinder at one point or another. There are issues now, sure, but the good outweighs the bad.
  6. Hopefully that's for eu too. I think there was an ssue with the people who distribute Atlas games to eu though so hnggg
  7. First, Supernatural should be a genre. I don't mean the show, but the show definitely fits that genre better than fantasy. My list Orange is the new black, Drama/comedy/crime Daredevil, Superhero Buffy The Vampire, Action/Supernatural Warehouse 13, Supernatural Scrubs, Comedy/Drama House, Drama Dr Foster, Drama Probs more later but these are the first off the top of my head
  8. Thanks Temp for being so welcoming when I first came here. It's part of the reason I stayed past the initial few weeks. Thank you friendite. Yeah well, that's because we were very similar. They say that you hate someone because you can see yourself within them. Whilst I wouldn't say it was anything so strong as hate the theory sticks.I mean I was pretty hypocritical for needling you about typing. Especially now you rarely make typos whilst I clearly still do. Even so, you've grown to where I'm happy to know you're in the community with us. Stick around bud. Nothing wrong with having differing interests. I know you help the community so that puts you in my good books. Thanks Mde. Thank you, Nord, I remember the first PM I sent you about RPing, before joining Strats PSS. Jesus christ Darius was a mess then.... Thank you for helping me figure out what competent writing was in a time when I could very well have walked the path of the edgelord. Thanks Viri. You're one of the more vocally supportive members of the community. Thanks for that, even if I don't seem appreciative. I can't see anything that would mean a dtr there but hey, interpretation. And of course Telos is on my list. I went out of my way to include members who may not even look at this thread. They're still awesome. I think I've said everything to you in PM boyo Thanks Chubb, we'll win the Ace competition this year too at the winter party, dynamic duo is agogo. Thanks Rose. You're easily one of the more patient people in the community. I feel that's a necessity. Congrats on everything you've done recently by the way, don't think I ever said it. Ngl, not too appetizing for breakfast. Might just save that for later. I lost my right hand getting here. It was worth. Fuck, I'm not done yet? Thanks Hushie.

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuude... that's so flipping good.

  10. I mean if I'm going by numerology results I think my lucky number was one but fuck that hoodoo. I only trust real superstition. So, all being well and topics counting towards post count, this is my seven thousandth post. I think that's a lot then I wonder how many words on this website were mine. Still, that number, it's fucking insane. I've never been anywhere like reborn where I would be so vocal, take the time to interact with people, discuss, joke and confide when I only know what a fraction of you look like. I know maybe what five or six people actually sound like and there's so many of you I'm only barely aware of within the community. That's fine though. A strangers kindness is a rare and wonderful thing. Finding an abundance of that here has fuelled a whole lot of optimistic thoughts in my time here. For any wondering that's two years and four months just about. I came here as a teen from a video from Shofu, now I'm almost a legal adult. Whether or not I've grown up is one thing but this place helped influence a lot of my principles as I aged. I think this was for the better. I started off in Reborn city, obviously posting about the game that had attracted me. Then I began branching out, looking at other parts of discussion within the site. I took part in the last stages of the Reborn League and most of the events to follow. I remember the way the community had huge upswings upon the games release, participating in the avid discussion going on whilst also beginning to take part in the roleplaying section, getting myself acclimated to writing with the help of others. I made friends, had a lot of heated and public discussions about some of the stupidest and mundane topics this side of the internet and ended up carving out a place within the community. I dare say I'm one of the more well known members. I think it's cuz I don't change names very often to be honest whilst generally popping up once or twice in a lot of places. So it's been fun, and frustrating, but so very fun. Thank you for putting up with me.
  11. Like Oh-em-gee this is like totally spectaculah

  12. Does my post number count as a numerical palindrome?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Exalted


      i just love that out of all the numbers you couldve used you used 69

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I mean this is Dobby we're talking about lol :P

    4. Felicity


      I only noticed this one :P

  13. But I mean, it's confirmed we'll get to party with kawaii anime bois and grills.
  14. I just went from watching a half hour documentary into Jeremy Corbyn to watching televangelists praise trump to happy hardcore music. Fucking how?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Maelstrom


      because they just dress up on sundays and refuse to accept the core of their own teaching.

    3. Ironbound


      From an outside perspective, this must be exceedingly ludicrous.

    4. Sutoratosu


      There's so much fucking truth to what Maelstrom said...

  15. badadabadabadabaadabbadaad

  16. It's difficult to sum that up. I want to keep going on about it but then I keep taking myself into tangents. I'm going to uni next year so this is my last mandatory year of education. I'll just describe it in 3 words. Fast, scary and frustrating.
  17. I mean I know it's real early considering his recent release but dark star, space dragon, sol maybe?
  18. Let it be known I am a support main Assists as far as the eye can see!
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