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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. Conversely there's a lot of clutter in the form of these threads already, pushing down other Topics in Trainers journal when there's an influx of AMAs, BDays and milestone threads. Having a public celebration subsection would just seperate all of these away and keep things afloat for longer in Trainers journal. It'll also be nice for when there's an influx of these threads, which does happen every so often. Plus gaming has eight sections, Etcetera only has seven and doing this for trainers journal would mean each section in et cetera has one sub which greatly satisfies my sense of order.
  2. Belly is the weirdest word.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shamitako
    3. Anvilicious
    4. Spineblade


      Belly is pretty weird. The only context where it makes sense for me is in PMD.

  3. tfw you're winning a game everywhere except top, who's having a hard time but not too terrible with help, when that lane gets to inhib and no one stops th fed tryndamere from backdooring except me, a support, who couldn't touch him. My Adc was 6/1/3 by 20 too :c
  4. I think my Battlenet account got hacked? Not too annoyed, I had literally nothing on it aside from an untouched hearthstone account but like, I don't remember adding my first beaten game?

    1. Felicity


      o now it just isn't asking for the answer to my question so I'm like Kaaaaaaaaaaaay

  5. Make a subsection for anniversary and Bday threads
  7. I've been sat playing with this balloon for the pas 10 minutes.

  8. I mean, using a walkthrough to decide an ending for yourself kinda defeats the purpose of playing. The best way to play any game where your character choices determine the ending is to play through it once, get whatever ending you actually earned and THEN, if you're dedicated, go for the other endings.
  9. Gotta love dat there death yessiree

  10. Well shit, my morals are playing hide and seek.

  11. So my parents just gave me an amenite fossil, which is basically the helix fosil, and a chunk of citrine from weymouth

    1. Cepheus


      Time to revive our lord and savior Lord Helix!


  12. Vagrant Stories, yay or nay?

  13. Me at the awards ceremony I'd include a video too but I don't know of any platforms to link it that ain't Youtube so ripperoni
  14. Could a dolphin love a whale? Why is there a command to "Reply to this topic" above this reply box? Can dragons breathe fire by simply screaming to the point where the vibrations cause combustion? How many licks does it take to get to the centre of a lollipop? Where would you consider the centre to be if you included the stick? and most importantly
  15. something something love and hate are very similar something something darkness
  16. They submit the list f people who fight each week and generally rep the nation.
  17. Your Forum Name: Dobby The Elf Your Server Name: IDobbyI The Year You Joined Reborn: 254 AD Your Favorite Type (Yes you can have more than one): Fairy Your Least Favorite Type: Fairy Did you participate before? Yaaas. Your Social Security Number: A General Availability: When the sun or moon align with the earth. So most of the time.
  18. See with the ogre story I'm sat thinking about ore monogatari, a show that is so dissimilar to this one.
  19. Thus marks the fourth win in One for all of four games played. Syndra, Lux, Veigar and now Bard. We got some really good teamfights. They had Baron and 3 dragons. and a fucking ad lulu build like ???
  20. zzzzzz take me to the weebcon next time. I will crossplay chitoge idec
  21. Jingle bells jingle bells fuck summer I want winter. Both Wnters.

    1. Cyanna Cyril

      Cyanna Cyril

      Winter is coming friend. Winter is coming ;)

    2. Ikaru


      winter is best

  22. Look, I'm in this community ot be the very best like no one ever was. I didn't come here to see a heavy discussion in small statuses. If I wanted to do that, i'd go to twitter

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ironbound


      Might I interest you in some Magnezone-shaped cookies?

    3. Felicity


      No, the only Cookies I eat are from Bibs and Magnezone is ehhhh

    4. Ironbound


      We can no longer be friends.

      *runs off crying tears of mercury*

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