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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. Just ignore the fandom and you'll be gooooold TG is the poster child for every special emo snowflake out there. Also Kabaneri is aight. It essentially condensed the first part of AoTs plot into 4 episodes. Just with less actual winning and more acceptance for the kabaneri, kinda. Probably good. I've pretty much dropped Twin star exorcists and Bungou stray dogs right now. The shows are aight but when I get home on the day I'm sat there and I just don't want to watch them. Re:Zero is my fave so far. The ending of each episode does the job of a cliffhanger and makes me want to watch more, simple. The fluff is also done to juuuust the right degree that it doesn't take away from the show for me. Kiznaiver, ehhhhhhhhh? It's Trigger for sure. Just without much crazyness so far. It's probably just building up anyay.

    1. GotWala


      That's how I feel about The Last Guardian... And Nier 2... And Final Fantasy XV... So many awesome games coming out eventually, haha!

  3. Remember, yu miss every shot you don't take.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      and every o you don't type.

    3. Felicity


      That's the bullseye yo.

    4. Shamitako


      Actually, I always land the shots I don't take

      Goddess of Luck powers and whatnot

  4. Promises are bad, make bloodoaths instead.

    1. Sutoratosu


      Bloodoaths by definitions ARE promises. Infact, by your own logic man, technically they would be worse than promises because a bloodoath carries far greater weight than a mere pinky swear you make with your mate on the playground when you're six.

    2. Felicity


      Nah, Bloodoath sounds cooler. Should have specified why they were bad.

  5. Everyone who doesn't play him hates him. Because he is one of the cheapest champs to exist.
  6. tfw fizz is on the free rotation Don't let more people play the cheapest champ in the game! C'mon!
  7. Unbench The Kench 2: Revenge of the Sightstone
  8. Damn Yamamoto. Damnamoto.

  9. Would rabies manifest symptoms that quickly tho? Like, I get it's a show and isn't necessary bound to actual rules, especially when magic is a thang, but i dunno.
  10. I mean Subaru was throwing up, which makes me think poison. If we assume the first reset in the mansion was caused by Subaru dying in his sleep by poison, or choking on his own vomit, we gotta figure it has to be Rem. I think Rem is actually the one who does everything, right? Including cooking. Then there's the sounds of armour we heard clanking through the hallway. For that, I unno, a part of me thinks that's just like an enchanted piece of armour set to guard the house and kill intruders, which they saw Subaru as considering he was a new face. The maids might all have "forgotten" to make arrangements to prevent late night death. The fabulous guy, his name eludes me, is a real strong mage after all and has reason to zealously guard his property. Hell, he is constantly manipulating space just to protect his books, as well as having a guardian with them most of the time. He's also a bit of a creeper what with having his maids sit on his lap in the middle of the night and seeing his staff as his property. For the change in routine, I think that was just Rem and Ram spiting him when he tried to push them along with that stuff rather than letting them get on with it. It is interesting that Rem seems to have an inferiority complex. Maybe Ram is just the master's favourite and she gets shut out all the time.
  11. Re:Zero is the show this season that leaves me wanting more at the end of each episode.

  12. Note: If you think back on what she says and does throughout the story and what is revealed of her past, Delilah is actually a manipulative, alcoholic asshole. She doesn't seem that way though because of the funny banter.
  14. I know muh role. It's just that, well, it just didn't matter to me that game. I just went with it and found we didn't need it and I was like "ooooh, deadmans plate!". The only reason my adc was dying was because akali insta shredded her first in a teamfight anyway, laning was fine with my trinket. And yeah for Kench I should be taking exhaust. There are times when having two heals on deck does save us though. I don't pop it immediately for less effect, it's just good to have in the meantime when we're both frail af. It works.
  15. How to play Tahm Kench support and get the S. Don't support your ADC, support your jungler instead.
  16. Oooooh, Cry plays Ratchet and Clank

  17. since whn was danganronpa 2 a thing on steam wat

    1. FraRPetO


      Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc is also on steam. They were announced quite a while ago.


    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Actually... Jesse had the whole retconned even or at least the fans did. Cata was really for the Catacylsm beta buuuut, the fans of the channel after the beta retconned it to mean "constantly annoying those around" to continue that phrase.

  19. I am slowly progressing on osu. I can now do the first Nisekoi opening on easy with no misses. Yaay

  20. Infest the flower garden. all we need is a shedinja. As I say that, RIP Shedinja.
  21. The theory of rainbowners

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