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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. Being proven wrong is never fun. Especially when you refuse to accept you're wrong.
  2. Anything Jesse Cox, Dodger and Cryaotic.
  3. I'm watchin' -Re:Zero -The Zombie "Kabane" thing. I legit find it creepy but I also get creeped out by the idea of infection. The zombies being stupidly hard to kill opposing the worldview CoD brought me up with doesn't help. -Onmyouji. Mmmmmmm but you can see a lot of the same things the writer did in Binbougami ga. Funnily enough, the old lady who attends Benio is pretty much a total character design rip from a character in Binbougami ga. I want this to be good but they already introduced a cute mascotty character who, even if he gets dismissed real easy, is annoying for me. Momou is cuter. I'll also be constantly comparing the two shows liek I just did so it's like hnnnnng -Boku no hero academia. I read ahead on the manga for a while so I know what's happening in this first cour at least. You'll really want to watch it. Think if Naruto and OP were like prototypes for this show and they used superheroes instead. -Bungou stray dogs. The first episode was pretty dope. I do have a pretty pessimistic feeling about there being any kind of story payoff though. No basis for it, but it's there. -O yeah and Kiznaiver. With the people behind TTGL and KLK behind this you gotta at least keep an eye on it for a while.
  4. "I can be patient, can you? I can be patient longer than you can live"

    1. Exalted


      oh really now wait for the super ultra mega cake to bake for another 7 millennia

  5. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh I don't reeeeally know. I tend to look into games before investing time or money into it. That means I tend to enjoy what I do play.
  6. You have been here for a hell of a long time, christ almighty. I have nothing more to contribute other than pointing out the obvious. Elephants are big, the sky is blue, Reborn is a pokemon community.
  7. Or Odaym. Pronounced Oh-dayum, of course
  8. holee shit Jhin is strong as hell. First time hax.
  9. Gulpin. Get a Swalot at a pretty early level, which makes it pretty useful for the mid game gyms, surprisingly that includes Corey, and then you get access to Toxic which you can then breed onto another mon that scales better into the later game such as Quagsire. Toxic is then quite useful for anything you can't hurt too easily.
    1. Cepheus


      first of:

      What the hell??


      d'aaaaawwww kitty :3

  10. Individual topics are fine, I mean, the catch all topic was meant for stuff like general "I like dis, I don't like dis, DAT EPISODE HOLEE FACK" summary of a season kinda deal. If someone wants to focus in on the show then it's fair dues. I was kinda worried about this show when I first started it. Like, we basically had two episodes with the additional episode 0 to work with at first which was nice for grabbing my interest but the comedy waaaas ehhhh alright but nothing new, like the "i'm broke" catchphrase thing, and it didn't feel like the gruesome aspects weren't enough to guarantee we're going to get a solid, continuous story amidst the comedy. However with ep 2 out and the story still going along at the same kinda pace it feels more like the show isn't going to meander in any pointless moments a la lulzfests. It could meander though in regards to needless repetition. We've seen a lot of repetition so far as Subaru adapts to the power and that's all well and good so far. He figured it out fairly quickly and he did show the capability to learn from his mistakes with the whole guard thing. If we're subjected to new ways to deal with each moment though, again and again, I'm going to get impatient. I don't want to see a 25 episode version of Haruhi's endless eight. One last thing about the learning from his mistakes too, I really hope Subaru gets to the point where he picks up on the fastest way to interact with everyone. Like in ep 2 where Felt goes mental at him looking in her house. He could have just said he wanted to do business and he'd have been fine, according to Felt herself. If he doesn't do that in another possible timeline I'mma have to smack the screen.
  11. Plot twist, I can only see a select few. Why? Cuz i'm partially blind. I have a card t prove it too.

  12. I see you Dobby The Elf, SHIA, Xiri, Google, Spineblade, Azeria, Bing, Yahoo, Oth, QueenAriados, Spark Dynamo, Malkiax, TimTim, Aizle, AndSoThereIsSt3ffo, cakeofdoom, Sohn der Höhe, Captain Breakfast, jasmiinininja, YagamiNoir4896, Lilleen, NovaKnight, Deatheye28, Red_Chaos, PhantomBima, ej190, Hiss13, Nova, Edea, buhudus, Coderis, Odybld, DavidSilva, Gardevoir4president

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Cepheus


      but can you see whykids love cinnamon toast crunch?

    3. dead account
  13. aight,I'm probably never going to make use of this but w/e good thing to have around at least.
  14. Note: The E also gives vision so you can kinda use it to check the smaller bushes for enemies
  15. typically you're better off just poking with your Q over time. That hits hard and punishes them for hiding behind minions when their alternative is getting hit by morgana/lux/thresh/blitz etc. Plus the angles for hitting the enemy behind the minions is actually kind of bullshit.
  16. And considering it was immediately upvoted in the incredibly short space of time it takes me to click onto my profile page as I habitually do before heading to the community forums, yes I know it's a strange, narcissistic habit, I have to question if you even read it. I will also note that you put up a couple, well, emotional topics in these forums. Whilst I don't want to give any offence, inevitable I feel that may be, I have to question if these issues are attempts at inciting a reaction and seeking some attention. If that's the case you may just need to vent and have somebody properly listen. If that's the case my PM box is always open, as are the PMs of a lot of other upstanding people on these forums.
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