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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. When I was 8 or so I got uprooted to a certain extent. Not anything so dramatic as moving to a whole new country. I didn't even move town. I just moved school and hopped between houses with my mother and sister. What makes this relevant is that the moving all culminated in essentially cutting ties with my life as it had been at the time. Social networking was not what it is now and even then I wouldn't sign up for that until many years later. So I essentially lost contact with all my old friends. Couple that with the growing distance between myself and my father, recently divorced from my mother, and it felt like half my life was ripped away with a jagged blade, all left in the old places I used to frequent. My school, my friends houses, my first home I had lived in for 8 years. I still wonder about what could have been with that. Then I look at what I have now. I see the friends who are with me now, my family who were with me all this time, the parts of life that keep me rooted, but not chained, to the life I have now and I realise that it doesn't matter. I have a place already and thinking about leaving it all doesn't do me much good. So before wishing ever so fervently to move away I suggest you think about what keeps you where you are or maybe even what drives you away. Don't tear your own heart out over a wickedly painful little desire when you might already have what you want right under your nose. The grass is always greener on the other side.
  2. Kiznaiver- Death by facesitting. Dat battleass
  3. yaaaaaaaaaaaas

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! What am I yelling about?

    2. Felicity


      no one is yelling but you. You tell me.

    3. Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~
  4. stand in avi till i resize pyonssss outie

    1. Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

      Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

      Just crop most of the top so the size of the file goes down

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Yea, I mostly crop off borders to cut it down or... cut to the part I want/like from it to make that bigger. Can be hard to find the right balance. ((it's actually why I've not used the artwork I commissioned from Zumi as an avvie... I couldn't find a way without it feeling like I butchered the hell out of her hardwork, and I'd feel horrid about it.))

  5. o right nisekoi exists for avatars
  6. ehhhhh, I've seen her around before but the vocaloid(?) in thse pics has neve appealed to me. I appreciate the offer tho
  7. t +Pyon Pyon Kyuu: Why can't she breathe fire %King Murdoc: There are a shitload of youkai species %King Murdoc: because she's a rainbow dragon duh +Pyon Pyon Kyuu: Not buying it =/ %King Murdoc: okay what about Suika %King Murdoc: aka drunken loli with superstrength +IDobbyI: you'd think a rainbow dragon could use a spectrum of elements Dammit I was proud of that one
  8. girl, you pretty but smol. 7/10
  9. My computer may be a potato but I normally average 50-60 ping a game. Feels gud man when you have to struggle with the occasional 2 fps
  10. I type in adam is and it immediately goes to "Adam is gay". Then I fnd out there's a newgrounds game called "Adam is gay". The first choice is whether or not you want to masturbate.
  11. l8 but Cuz you a triumph boi. EDIT: And what I think should really be your new theme
  12. Why do people eat pokemon they're meant to be your friend STAHP WITH THE SLOWPOKE TAIL
  13. SMT 3 is on PSN. Good shit

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kaito


      SMT3 as in... Noctune? Or am I missing something? Cause yeah, Godot's right. Been there a long time.

    3. Kaito



    4. Felicity


      It's under the title lucifer's call on the store but ye. Another reason I probs missed it. Only saw it because I was looking at the ps2 collection part of the store which didn't exist, last time I checked.

  14. Not S though so you don't get his chest
  15. gimme some music

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ironbound


      *sings in his best operatic tenor*

      How is that?

    3. Felicity
    4. Flux


      There's some indie rock that you probably won't like.

  16. scream at the mushroom demons in my head until they release hallucinogenic spores that turns the grinding into what I have affectionately called groanding
  17. I tie them once. Perfectly. Such that I only have to do it once. PERFECTION.
  18. I just got to the first day of spring in my second year of stardew valley. WHY IS THERE SUDDENLY SO MUCH SHIT ON MY FARM NOW

  19. I spotted 2 gifs and several memes you could take from Boku no hero academia

    1. zimvader42


      Must admit, first ep is looking pretty good so far.

  20. Tacps-senpai am I gettiing better at teh adc Brand support was annoying af for killsteals mind you
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