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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. Endride: The anime about a geosexual power fantasy

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shamitako


      I'm just past the opening and I'm already scared

      But my rule is three episodes before I judge something, so I can't actually say how good or bad it is unless I get that far

      Which I probably won't

    3. Felicity


      like, I've seen plenty of terrible shows bbut most actually had decent opening. The op was just ew

    4. Shamitako


      Yup, yup

      I can think of a couple examples. My personal favorite being:

      (please, save yourself the pain and stop after the OP)
  2. If you like fantasy and battle maids go read The Gods Are Bastards

  3. I can see why people don't like Udyr. My friend and I carried that game so hard. At the end they took Baron after they aced us. We show up after a respawn and I just walked in and decimated them. It was beautiful. It also helpsmy liing of Udyr that Udyr crushes Yasuo, who I hate.
  4. less than a week after catching up with suits, season 4 is put up on Netflix. Noice

  5. ok say what you will about the digimon film but the Omnimon scene was a crowning moment of awesome

  6. If you've only read the first 6 or so books of D files then I can see how you'd think they're detective stories. That is how the story structure is after all. I'm, uh, considering the entirety of the series and throughout the whole of the series Harry's role as a P.I does slide off to a backseat position, thus why Supernatural is a better genre for the series. Hell, the most recent one is a story about a heist, no detecting at all. Even so, here is my take on the Dresden files. This series, quite a long one mind you with 15 books to it's name so far and going to a staggering twenty WITH a concluding trilogy, is indeed about a man known as Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden. Conjure by it at your own risk. Harry is a Wizard for hire in Chicago, taking on P.I jobs of the mundane and extraordinary kind alike. First allow me to clarify, this series is not an explicit supernatural secret society series. The world of the Dresden files makes no effort to hide itself, its just that Harry is the only one to actively advertise himself. The first few books spend time familiarising you with Harry, the people around him and the people against him. This is by no means a small cast but every single person is significant in their own way. From mortals to half fae to beings capable of breaking reality (and actively trying to do so). Then the series picks up a little with the Red War, no that isn't an official term or anything, there's no other way of saying it without some kinda important spoilers. Once this war comes to a close, you get a midpoint trilogy that focuses on bringing the war to a close and focusing on the aftermath. We are now still balls deep within that aftermath as of the most recent book Skin Game. Now, I'm biased here, but the Dresden files shines in many different ways. First and foremost for me is the attention to detail that is important. Everything Harry, who narrates the series, says is important to either set up the scene or display what Harry is thinking and what insight he gleans from the scene. The second way the series shines is that it's funny. The Dresden files deals with some pretty morbid and gruesome things, monsters tend to deal in that after all, but Harry's wiseass demeanour and commentary helps ensure that the dark doesn't cling to every part of the story. It's this wonderful mix of observational humour and stupidity that blends with the mature insights into the world to create a very funny sense of humour. Of course I literally grew up with it so, it may not be as funny to you. The next point that is fantastic is the continuity in the world of Dresden. Each book is different in it's own right, they tend to focus on different aspects of the world as they go. One book will be about Vampires. the next, Werewolves, the next will be the Knights of Denarius, hellions and demons banded together. Despite these fairly large changes in threat and the nature of what Harry faces, the stories all blend together as Harry gains clues as to what is happening in the world at large. Huk was right that it's a detective story but Dresden is trying to piece together clues abut his reality on the whole. The characters and cast all tend to devlop over the course of the series. Relationships change, people grow, Harry learns more about people as life goes on. In particular Harry goes through the most development, which is only natural as he is the main character. Mainly thought this is shown in how he learns to face the world and his approach to things. He's literally taking something from every fight and coming out with a new lesson learned. Like not being a sucker for a damsel in distress. It's very hard to pick out flaws in the series for me. I think the biggest really is the volume. These books are pretty chunky, moreso as you go on, and if you find that you don't like stories that are rooted to one perspective then it could drag. It might help to read them out of order if I'm honest. Funnily enough I started on the fifth book in the series. I don't regret it. Each book is worth reading in it's own right but if you take the time to get stuck into the series on the whole then you'll have a lot more to appreciate. If you want, audiobook may be the way to go with this one. James Marsters, also known as Spike from Buffy The Vampire Slayer, does a fantastic job narrating and in doing so taking the role of Harry Dresden. Go read it for the love of God, this series holds a place nearer and dearer to my heart than some of my family members. Give it a go and see why.
  7. wtf was with that league caster april fools game

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I dunno... but it was wonderful. XD

  8. Haley or Leah I don't knooooow

    1. Combat


      If you're looking for opinions, I'd go with Leah.

    2. Shamitako


      Leah, always LEah

    3. Felicity


      ok, Haley it is.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Felicity



    3. Flux


      Spiderman is the coolest superhero unless you count Spawn. Because then it's Spawn.

    4. Shamitako


      You're all wrong, tThe coolest superhero is obviously Sailor Moon

  10. I mean Malphite is pretty effective period. Ult and kill. Especially as a jungler.
  11. Spiderman has to be my favourite superhero.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Combat


      Spider-Man is ok, but he really doesn't have the same punch as other heroes have. He seems to be of a more fun loving and pun throwing type, which isn't my type.

    3. AeroWraith


      Spiderman, Spiderman, does whatever a spider can do~

    4. Arkhi


      You could grate cheese on those abs.

  12. Yeah well I've got dodgy eyes, sue me.
  13. YO BOIZ SUPER SERIAL SUGGESTION HERE LEGITNESS So you know how there's .hat and .lost etc? Well, how about each user can purchase one command similar to this. They'd have one at a time and have to use their rupees if they ever wanted to change it. This way everyone who sticks around to use their rupees gets a command and in the server commands gets to make a little impression until we have a little library of self made quotes of all the users. A real community thing.
  14. Listen to the music of the weebnation

  15. Konbawa daisuke desu ka sugoi kawaii-san chaaaaan~ Pyon~

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shamitako


      I mean, they're both total gibberish so...

    3. dragoniteborntacoz


      yeah but i didnt lose IQ when i looked at yours

    4. Felicity



  16. First one of the top of my head is supernatural. That in itself will cover a lot of bases. For example, The Dresden Files. It fits into fantasy, action, mystery and several others but I'm sure anyone else who has read the series will agree with me that supernatural is the most fitting. And I will be talking about the D files at some point. Or Fanboying, either or.
  17. Why does netflix nly have the first 3 seasons of suits I want more

  18. You might need more genres. Worm- Web serial by J.C McCrae. It can go in action, sci-fi and maybe a little bit of horror is in there too. For those not familiar with web serials, the first thing you should know is that Web serials tend to be incredibly long. Worm is no exception. To quote the home page that gives a quick summary of the book. "It totals roughly 1,680,000 words; roughly 26 typical novels in length (or 10-11 very thick novels)." So if you give it a try, be prepared to stick through a lot. So, let me now summarise the serial. It is about an introverted young woman named Taylor who has the capability to control bugs in this superhero filled world. The story begins with her first attempt to take down a bona fide badass of a villain, the notorious leader of a local gang, because she aspires to be a hero. Shit goes down, she proves how bugs can be scary and the circumstances evolve. The story follows Taylors induction and adaptation to the Superpower community in the main setting of Brockton Bay. McCrae uses Taylors perspective to explore morality in this world and explore what a society would be like in such a world. If that doesn't interest you, bear in mind, Taylor does not start off on the good guys side. Now, for what makes this serial shine. Power scaling and action. The writer is fantastic at choreographing action scenes and the unique set of powers in the very, very large cast is used very creatively. In specific Taylor's capability to control bugs, something that seems insignificant, is proved to be something incredibly versatile and downright scary. A character who has very good intuition as a superpower is actually one of the most feared characters in the series. Then there's the threats. The characters and monsters that are literal walking disasters. The Endbringer battles are some of the most harrowing scenes I've read. If you think Game of Thrones is liberal with character death, then Worm takes it up a notch because no one is safe in these fights. In the first Endbringer battle in the series, it has been said that McCrae simply rolled dice to determine if a character survived. One final note about the finale. No spoilers, don'tchu worry child. but I like to think a finale is one of the bigest selling points of a story so it needs to be discussed. The finale is, well, it's built up for a long, long time. It takes a while to get there and it drags as it approaches. However, the final arc of the series, holee shit, the final arc is every bit as climactic as you could want. It's orchestrated perfectly, every faction plays it's role and the Big Bad is no joke. The epilogue alone leaves you with a little sigh of satisfaction. So, go read it, Worm is good. Next, from the same Author, the second Webserial to their name, Pact. This is a Horror/Action story without any doubt. This story is quite long but not to the extent of Worm, much smaller. In case you wanted something a little less. This story follows Blake Thorburn, Blake used to be a part of a very unhappy family constantly vying for the grandmothers favour so they can inherit the Thorburn estate. However, the Thorburn estate and the surrounding area is not normal by any means and Blake finds himself plunged into a goddamn terrifying, if ordered, world of every monster under the bed. The high points of Pact aren't as evident for me as they may be for others but I can appreciate them. For one, McCrae is god damn fantastic at writing horrific creatures of the beyond. Some of these things are just shy of being Eldritch abominations. When McCrae wants to be terrifying, they are fucking scary. Another pro of the series was touched on in my revew of Worm. McCrae is very good at Choreographing action scenes and whilst action isn't quite as prevalent, this choreography actually transfers very well into interactions. Due to the nature of monsters, these interactions are as close to verbal sparring as you can get so this skill is used very well. There is a glaring Con of the series and that is just, it's depressing as all hell at times. Naturally it's not meant to be bright and happy but the things that happen to each of the characters is pretty devastating. The shit Blake has to wade through is insane and barring a grand total of two characters there's practically no one else going through it with him. Along side him yes but not with him. The plus side of this is that there are some huge crowning moments of badass. The finale for Pact. McCrae does some pretty good finales in my eyes. The consequences may not be the best but dammit all if it wasn't awesome. You know one of those crowning moments of badass? All I'm going to say is: Defenestration. So there's two of my reviews and I've got many, many more to go.
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