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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. Aight, MLP fans, feel free to like MLP but if I see another character I like get ponyfied I'm going to flip.

    1. Combat


      I have to agree with you on this one. MLP feels like one of those fanbases that wants you to know that it exists, which is kind of annoying. People should be free to enjoy what they like, but putting it in others faces is... Well, it sucks.

  2. Juxtaposition. It, uh, it's a thing. I prefer reflection over contrast with themes but there you go.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Omega_Ra1der


      I am learning how to use it for my english project.

    3. Ikaru


      It's Inuki's favorite thing

    4. laggless01


      You mean like the Aang/Zuko backstory episode in Avatar?

  3. Perspective is what makes a monster. People fear monsters. If you expect to be seen as a monster then ask yourself, what are you really doing to terrify someone else? Helping people read isn't very scary. You might want to add that you seek attention if you're trying to disclose who you are, judging by the spontaneous existence of this topic, your general air of fake-arrogance, your importation of yourself into RPs and your similarity to me. I don't mean to hurt, just point out something you may have missed in the introspection that probably took place before making this thread. Still, if this is meant to be an introductory topic to get to know you better then hell, I'm Dobby The Elf. Nice to meet you again.
  4. I'm at 26 now, you'd expect little more variety at that point
  5. sleeper? It's all I ever see right now for my ADCs. 2/3 of them suck but still
  6. Tfw crushed by the new champ two games in a row. Not even being op, he just continuously outplayed me.
  7. Good shit Erased

    1. Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~
    2. Ikaru
    3. Flux


      Aight, that was pretty good. ^^

  8. Oh boy I sure d love chilled intestines.

  9. Hey, I had a partner for the first flower dance in stardew valley. I feel happy.

    1. Shamitako


      I didn't figure out what people liked fast enough QQ

    2. Shamitako


      I was one day short of dancing with mai waifu

    3. Felicity


      Funny thing is I haven't been trying to befriend Haley. I just rocked up on her Bday, threw a flower at her and then chatted at her each day.

  10. I feel so bad for Louis, he always gets screwed over and awwwwwwwwwwww

  11. People don't realise how good they have it.

    1. Shamitako


      Indeed, nobody does

    2. Shamitako


      Of they also fail to realize that nobody actually has it better than them either

      Everyone has their own problems and no one deserves to be the judge of whose is worst

    3. Felicity


      I wasn't making any comparisons though?

  12. sadly enough these are indeed the best pictures of me at a party last saturday. I'm white shirt guy. That night my hair was pulled back into a pony tail, not that it's particularly evident.
  13. Bear in mind criticism is not something to follow blindly. If the commenter had a valid query about the work or notices something you missed it can be good to register it but when it comes to more subjective things then you start stepping on shaky ground. When in doubt it can be better simply to dismiss a comment rather than let it negatively impact you. For example, when writing someone comments that they'd like to see X trope in your post apocalyptic story. Maybe they want a protagonist with some A-cup angst. So you work it in. You use the trope a little before leaving it alone. Then you look back and realise you had a girl worried about her body image in a world where it hardly matters to her immediate survival. It clashes in a way that some people might like but otherwise detracts from the serious nature of the story. This could have been avoided by dismissing the criticism.
  14. One thing I love about Suits is how incredibly intelligent the characters are shown off to be with something so vastly convoluted as the law. It makes them badass ina way no fantasy hero can ever be.

    1. Halloween


      Does it have good dialoge? I love me a good drama, but nothing ruins it like people talking like they're in a drama, ya know.

    2. Felicity


      Dialogues fantastic, actors pulled it off so well

    3. Halloween


      ooh, gonna send it to a friend and see if she wants to see it with me then! i mean compared to re-watching buffy the vampire slayer how bad can it be?

  15. T-34 Best tank girl

  16. I didn't drink at the party, everyone was focusing o drunkifying another friend.

  17. Pepe le pew be stylin'

  18. I forgot how much I loved Suits.

  19. I watched Naruto, then Bleach and played too, too many flash games in between episodes because the site I was on had a thing where you had to wait after watching an hour of episodes.

  21. Step back and breathe. Then use a little logic. You'll come to the right conclusion.
  22. Actually I'd say whatever I want in public with strangers about. It's individuals and their attitudes towards discussions that influence whether I curb my tongue. Attitudes they informed me about in a reasonable manner. Besides, as I mentioned before, rules don't have to be in place for the jokes to stop in main for a while, a polite request to stop will stop it. These measures don't need to be taken and start this ruckus and make people feel like black sheep for liking a shitty joke now and then. As for whether kids should be exposed to this, that's a whole other argument. No one is forcing them to stick around and be exposed to these apparently horrible innuendos, which really aren't bad. Hell, this is probably one of the best places to be in when exposed to that stuff. because children will eventually find it all and more, as Reborn is the most tolerant community I've seen. So no, it really isn't that simple. And for christ's sake if you actually are around just say so when it's clear I'm doubting you. Otherwise I am obviously going to misunderstand you.
  23. I'm not particularly eager to take that at face value considering you can't speak about the reborn server as it is now. Every place is different, some similar sure, but still different. Saying it was the same elsewhere may not be true when you don't know what the server is like now. Same goes for the rest of your argument. It may have been the case that changes worked in the past but that isn't necessarily gonna happen again So maybe try listening to someone who is more up to date on the server than assuming five years means you've seen all the world.
  24. I get you've been here for a while which Is why I'll point out that you should know exactly how much this place has changed in that time. That being said, the server isn't immune to change and I know you're rarely on, unless you want to prove otherwise. That being said, I don't think you know how things are and you should maybe take a look around sometime. Get a better grasp of the server dynamic. Yes, this place remaining accessible is important but I'm now wondering whether or not the steps being taken to accomplish this is having diminishing returns at the cost of putting other members out. The community is growing faster and faster, do the floodgates need to be opened this extra inch when it causes as much strife with one minority as it did with another? I think I feel safe in saying that if people didn't enjoy toeing the R7 line themselves then most were probably ambivalent about it. These steps didn't have to be taken, this community isn't a group of mindless monkeys, if one asks politely for someone to stop ina serious manner, then nine times out of ten, the jokes will stop. These rules didn't need to be and were just a spark to what is now a fair amount of unrest in the community.
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