Hi, I've been here 2 years, the narcissist within was gonna make a big old "I love you guys" speech to nab some quick attention and giggles but I'm feeling not so optimistic, I think that is the best term for it at least, so instead I'm going to say something else that's on my mind.
People get bad moods. Everyone gets bad moods. You complain, moan, whine and maybe if you;re optimistic you joke about whatever puts you in a bad mood. You get your good moods too, naturally. Tit for tat in the cosmic balance of maybeitexistsia. What about when you have no mood? What is that?
Your first answer is probably apathy. You don't care, you just move along with your life until whatever ails you ends. At least that's how I've always thought of apathy, I don't claim to know anything proper about the condition itself.
Maybe your next answer would be boredom. You aren't uncomfortable per se, there's nothing actively wrong or right in your life. You just sit there in stagnancy until you have to take care of your basic needs.
With both time just kinda washes over you like a pebble until you're eroded into dust, swept away into the cosmic ocean at death.
I hate that idea. I take steps to avoid this stagnancy whilst precariously managing my life and making arrangements for the future as best I can.
I see other people though who seem to simply sit in this horrid state of being. If you're one of those people I urge you, I implore you to please for the love of whatever deity might exist to get up and find something. Let whatever that little spark of creativity or curiosity or whatever it is that drove the first humans to light you up like a bonfire. Maybe you'll only burn for a short while or maybe someone else will use you to roast a marshmellow then leave. Maybe you'll be lucky enough to provide someone some comfort before you go out or even create a new flame.
At the very least you'll be warm for the rest of your life.