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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. Finished Rwby vol 3. Didn't die.

    1. dragoniteborntacoz


      it wasnt as heart braking as people say was it

    2. Hiss13


      If anything I'm more annoyed by this season than anything.

  2. Ok, I just went through the whole of volume 3. .
  3. Velvet, the bunny girl of RWBY, is the best girl. It is naught but true. Also, ep 11 was nowhere near as bad as I expected it would be.

    1. dragoniteborntacoz


      would you say she is...picture perfect

  4. Mik's hair is fucking majestic dear lord almighty
  5. Murdoc let me just apologise profusely, in the mess of the last few weeks I missed your post and thought I was waiting on you to move on. This big ol' delay was my fault and seriously apologise.
  6. Claudes group Claude laughed. "Yes Doux is the weaver of my web, master manipulator of young pokemon trainers!" He revealed with an appropriate amount of pomp and flair in his voice. He would have gone on to greet the last arrival, Kage, who Claude had unfortunately not noticed as he arrived. Dammit all but hat felt bad and for now he would have to be content to make it up to him later somehow. For now they had to start with the hunt. "Okay guys, well, sorry for the wait. We now have a message on our trusty technology here. We've gotta go a hunting for treasure!" Claude was trying to keep his voice steady as he spoke. Gotta seem like a leader here. "As a starting point I think we should go to the place called lab 1. Go through this place in some sort of order. We all good with that?" He asked to the group.

    1. Commander


      I think Dobby's finally cracked. Should I put him out of his misery?

    2. Lord Chespin

      Lord Chespin

      I'll get the gun.

    3. Felicity


      Gotta break a few eggs to transcend into an omelette.

      I'm too good for any of you to eat

  8. Hey so has it been stated roughly what level this group of Patrat are yet or what. It'll give me a better estimate as to how hard that Tackle hit Roy. With the pace the battles have been going so far there's a lot of info to digest at once. Which is hard for my frazzled little elf brain at the moment.
  9. This is why I never hopped onto soundcloud. It was bound for the Grooveshark grave

  10. Katie Katie was about to yell her command to Roy but again found herself responding far too late. Instead, it was Roys own battle instincts that drove his movements. First Roy covered his eyes with his paws to prevent the sand getting in his eyes. He knew what this would entail though and braced for impact. As the patrat slammed into him though, Roy grabbed hold of the Patrat, using his strength to take hold. Katie saw this and it sparked something in her mind again. "Use your leverage to take it to the ground and then give it a good Kick again!" She cried. Katie had no qualms with fighting dirty, kicking a downed foe. Neither did Roy as he did just that, hurling the pokemon to the ground and beginning to swing his leg again in a vicious little kick.
  11. So Trump is also vying for the support of the weeaboo demographic. How effective this ploy is only time will tell. I for one am conflicted. https://www.facebook.com/fakyuscrub/videos/928302987266988/
  12. RBRN Alice: something something english only Black_Telos left • Black_Telos was [REDACTED] +DobbyTheElfI: daijobu Alice +DobbyTheElfI: Daijobu Aika-san: konnichiwa +DobbyTheElfI: konbawa Aika-san: ohayo RBRN Alice: ohio Aika-san: arigato +DobbyTheElfI: tsumimaseeeeen! >////< RBRN Alice: Kyaaaaaaaaa! >< Aika-san: nani??!! ò o ó +DobbyTheElfI: Nani sorae?!!? +DobbyTheElfI: Baaaaaka!!! %King Murdoc: what the fuck happened to this chat while i was looking away +Red_Chaos_PR: no idea +DobbyTheElfI: it became a wwebocracy Aika-san: murdoc senpai!! Mr. Mojo Roo: i don't know +DobbyTheElfI: and it's name +DobbyTheElfI: WAS JOHN CENATION
  14. Route 1- Katie Maybe I should have taken up Aleck's offer to battle Katie thought dimly as she realised she was the slowest to react to the threat at hand. Which was bad considering she and Roy should really have been one of the biggest damage dealers around. Right? Katie thought that was right, something about typing. Well, time to put it to the test by apologising to Alecks by helping him out. "Roy, kick the Patrat who wants to be an acrobat over there!" Katie ordered, pointing at the Patrat that was attempting to get behind Apollo. Roy did so with gusto! He had been somewhat scared, his trainer had been staring into space for way, way too long anfd he wasn't at all sure what she was thinking. Now he leapt forth towards his target, swinging his foot low to sweep the Patrat off of its feet as it closed in on the chimchar. Sure, the little monkey had been annoying to him before but that hardly mattered now. IT WAS TIME FOR ROY TO FIGHT!!! Bag: Pokeball x 5 Potion x 2 Pokedoll Xtransciever
  15. ORC because I've never played an orc myself go nuts
  16. Digimon Cyber Sleuth sucks it doesn't have Coronamon.

  17. I don't know why you wanna be the avatar of a dragon who gets his ass whupped but hey, here's hoping you turn that around. Happy drinking.
  18. anthony Head is an awesome actor

  19. Hi, I've been here 2 years, the narcissist within was gonna make a big old "I love you guys" speech to nab some quick attention and giggles but I'm feeling not so optimistic, I think that is the best term for it at least, so instead I'm going to say something else that's on my mind. People get bad moods. Everyone gets bad moods. You complain, moan, whine and maybe if you;re optimistic you joke about whatever puts you in a bad mood. You get your good moods too, naturally. Tit for tat in the cosmic balance of maybeitexistsia. What about when you have no mood? What is that? Your first answer is probably apathy. You don't care, you just move along with your life until whatever ails you ends. At least that's how I've always thought of apathy, I don't claim to know anything proper about the condition itself. Maybe your next answer would be boredom. You aren't uncomfortable per se, there's nothing actively wrong or right in your life. You just sit there in stagnancy until you have to take care of your basic needs. With both time just kinda washes over you like a pebble until you're eroded into dust, swept away into the cosmic ocean at death. I hate that idea. I take steps to avoid this stagnancy whilst precariously managing my life and making arrangements for the future as best I can. I see other people though who seem to simply sit in this horrid state of being. If you're one of those people I urge you, I implore you to please for the love of whatever deity might exist to get up and find something. Let whatever that little spark of creativity or curiosity or whatever it is that drove the first humans to light you up like a bonfire. Maybe you'll only burn for a short while or maybe someone else will use you to roast a marshmellow then leave. Maybe you'll be lucky enough to provide someone some comfort before you go out or even create a new flame. At the very least you'll be warm for the rest of your life.
  20. I like Kallista, had a game last night and whist it was strange to get used t hopping around it was fin. Plus I got a couple of snipes with her q
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