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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. Outside- Katie Now Katie frowned. Hugh really was creepy. What the hell was a kid like him needing to get stronger for? "And what about having fun? Enjoying yourself like Alia here? Just, travelling with a friend?" At least one of them wasn't as enthralled with the battles as everyone else seemed. That was nice. Made her feel like the next generation wasn't all bloodthirsty. Roy hadn't been paying much attention for the past few minutes. He had started watching the battles, made a few faces to distract the annoying monkey, gotten bored and then followed his new trainer. She was talking to the littler people. The littler boy had responded and his trainer had frowned. Roy didn't like this boy. He began glaring. Katie didn't notice. Much.
  2. I am roleplaying as Katie and Katie probably doesn't care much. #FightMetaGaming
  3. My favourite way to see comedy be used is in the beginning of a show to endear you to the characters. That way, if the show decides to develop Cerebus syndrome, you're already invested in seeing the characters get through whatever situation is ailing them and thus makes you want to cheer for them. Example: Bobby of Binbougami ga! A comedy show that has the occasional Cerbeus sydrome inflicted Arc. Bobby is the perverted priest meant to be used to make the dirty jokes. the one who gets abused by the women for peeping. Throughout most of the series, he is purely used for comedic value. Same goes for a fair few other characters within the same series. But comedy does go wrong. Take Shigatsu Wa Kimi No Uso. Your Lie In April. A Drama/Romance with a sprinkling of comedy to break the tension and lighten the mood in the same way a rollercoaster will have a rise before it whisks you away. Getting the appropriate height for the drop as it were. What went wrong here for me? In the later episodes the feels coaster was well underway. They tried inserting comedy that really slowed that feels train down a lot. It ended up taking away from the ending rather than helping and ultimately made what could have been a heart wrenching series a tear-jerker for me. Yes, there is a distinction. As for the shows you mentioned in the OP, I think you're asking from the show something they haven't promised you much. Blood Lad is part action so the "story" is more a plot device to facilitate that action and the wacky adventures the characters go on. Todorov's equilibrium theory essentially explains what's going to happen in the long term. Easy. For the second show, Subarashi sekai, you need to slow down there. The show has 3 episodes currently aired and also hasn't given any hints of anything more than a hijinks filled adventure. It could develop a super serious case of Cerebus syndrome that makes it rival shows like Death note or Elfen Lied in terms of edge but it's highly unlikely and you're really kidding yourself if you expect anything like that to happen. At most, the series will end up with a friendship trumps evil confrontation with the Demon lord. The story has to have a resolution after all. Simply put, not everyone is out to write a serious story and it's unfair to judge them on if they do that. Embrace the comedy. If it isn't up your alley, don't watch. It's not like you signed a contract.
  4. Dude, marry me. I'm hetero but marry me.
  5. Outside- Katie The young woman stood up straighter and put her hands on her hips, she almost pursed her lips in concern, but she managed to keep the smile in place. It was disconcerting how focused the children were on the battles. The two that had responded seemed surprised, as though they weren't expecting someone else to not be focusing on battling or watching a battle. Katie brushed back her blonde hair from her eyes as she spoke, an effort towards getting a better view of the kids faces. "You guys seem real interested in the battles." Everyone did. Katie didn't quite understand why. Sure, battling had always been a big thing but in her experience it clearly wasn't everything. The breeders and pokemon musicals in the world attested to that. So why was a first battle so important?
  6. Claude & Drake ((All good, but let's end it now ye?)) Buneary, racing around at the speed of almost sound, shrieked momentarily before she was muffled by the rock that had decided to give her a very hard hello at Treble's request. With prior damage and her new speed lending momentum to the impact, the frail Buneary collapsed in a heap against the rock, whimpering slightly. Claude cursed a shocked little expletive as he rushed halfway onto the field before realising it would be smarter to return the Buneary to her pokeball. Claude waved cross the field to Drake. "Congrats, I'm gonna run off to get some help for... Jessica" Claude called, summoning the name from his subconscious in the faltering pause in his words. "We'll have to try this again sometime, ok?" Soon enough, he was away and heading to a healing centre, leaving Drake with a victorious silence. ((I think at this point there's not much need to summarise it in the IC, too long spent here already.))
  7. Naegi best grill, Hajime best goku
  8. Outside- Katie Katie nodded happily. Why on earth would her first battle be unfavourable? Wasn't it a common occurrence to fight wild encounters? Katie was sure she could pick up the basics fairly easily. Maybe watching someone else fail first would be more beneficial anyway. Who knew? The whole point of this experiment was to find out anyway. First things first though, with Alecks now embroiled in a battle with Bianca, Katie stepped away to the younger children. She beamed at them all, making a point to include Hugh despite her feeling it didn't matter. "Hiya kids. How you doing? I'm Katie, it's nice to meet you."

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Felicity


      they actually did tho

    3. Ikaru


      YEAH they did ;_;

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I have no idea what you mean but k.

  10. it's kinda funny, until now I never realised that Roggenrola/Timburr kinda serve as parallels evolution wise.
  11. Nikki really liked clarity. She liked to focus on things. It was nice, it gave her a sense of purpose that nobody could criticise. So when she came to and her head was swimming in maple syrup, frustration joined disorientation. She needed to sort herself out but she couldn't straighten out the influx of sensations that were jumbled up right now. She steelled herself and resolved to sort herself out. First, opening her eyes. It felt like someone was trying to use a spear to draw an intricate pattern on her eyeballs but she did her damndest to ignore it. Didn't work really well. She tried to sit herself up, using her arms to leverage herself into a proper position. It really didn't help her head much. Did she have a concussion? A fear struck her. Was she hurt? Was it something fixable? People could die of car crashes, if the bigass ship they were on had crashed then chances were high that she wasn't in the mortal realm. The pessimist in her didn't accept pain as evidence otherwise. Looking around and actually seeing the other trainers gathering themselves as she was was a much better indicator she was alive. She slowly took stock of her health. Limbs, check. Senses, check. Possessions? No bag but she still had Aethors capsule. Her confusion and fear waned as she took stock of her situation. The focus she loved to have was returning. "Two questions. What the hell and how the hell?" She slurred to the rest of the group as an afterthought whilst she looked at her surroundings. A new place. An island near Kanto? Didn't feel like any of the Seafoam islands... So a better question was probably where.
  12. Outside- Katie "I'm obligated by my honor to prove Jason wrong, so I guess I'm going to have to beat you and Roy" holding his hand out to her, waiting for her to shake it in acceptance of his challenge "Come on, let's have a fight for the ages! No healing items or anything, just us and our skills!" Katie coughed awkwardly, averting her hazel eyes from Alecks. He seemed nice enough but... "Uh, yeah, that's nice and all, props for the melodrama and all, really, but I don't really wanna battle right now and, well, I'm not too sure Roy does either." She glanced down at her new partner. He was nodding along as he stood behind her legs, glaring at Apollo. Katie didn't really understand why Roy disliked Apollo but she wasn't gonna take away his right to be petty and not offer an outlet for any aggression. Then again, it might not be that simple. Katie waved Bianca over. "Uh, is it alright if we don't battle? I don't really want my first memories with my pokemon to be of him getting wailed on by someone else." Plus she wanted to rush over to the cutie pie girls and maybe the downer of a guy, if he proved to be a little friendlier, and squeal. She had a soft spot for little kids. Especially ones old enough to not be annoying.
  13. maple syrup soaked crumpets, the perfect union of brits and canadians

    1. Arkhi


      where do we come in

    2. Felicity
  14. Black Lagoon is awesome

    1. 5hift


      Too bad nobody lives forever.

    2. Gaunt


      Black Lagoon is awesome hiatus is bad

  15. Do not try to play devil's advocate Well immediately this is flawed. Playing Devils advocate is a common way to expand a way of thinking on a subject. It's literally considering another perspective. What's wrong with that?
  16. Someone stop me i'm about to go on blathering

    1. Maelstrom


      Hey, tell me what this fossil is, Blathers.

    2. Felicity



  17. god damn it Strat, why did you have to find that avatar before me? *grumble*

  18. in my mind Tara has a dead proper oxford accent.
  19. last episode of Attack on Titan. Took long enough to get here.

    1. Shamitako


      Imo taking your time with AoT is good. Gives time for lots of Fridge Horror :P

  20. I think I'm back to where I left off with attack on titan. Which is nice.

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