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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. It's funny, I've been checking out the TERA forums and they're tiiiiny compared to Reborn. Especially the introduction section. The RP section is also ew

  2. My way of seeing it If you can run an MMO in the main hub without unplayable lag, you're golden.
  3. Claude stared at Drake with his eye quirked quizzically, stopping in his tracks. "You do realise you looked like a serial killer for a moment there, don't you? At least, that's the kinda face I imagine a serial killer would have. Normal most of the time, then boom! One moment of creepy." He was particularly unnerved by the smile because of the possibility Drake actually was loco and he wouldn't have noticed without the smile.
  4. Nikki's eyes went flat, losing the sparkle of curiosity they had briefly held. "So, friendship power, heart of the cards crap? I'll take the next stop off." Nikki said. Why had she let herself think for a moment these people might have some clue? Hell, what she said was the 'power of the human heart' is probably something they mistook for an actual training technique. Or drugs. Adrenaline was useful in a fight after to kick the mind into high gear and make the right calls.
  5. Did you hear about the dslexic satanist who sold his soul to santa?

  6. Now Nikki was conflicted. She stood, staring at the woman out of the corner of her eye, yet to turn around and face her. Nikki really didn't care about what popes, the terrorism, any of the motives. Hell, we're here now because the pope thinks pride trumps beating the threat. However, the woman had said one thing that caught Nikki's attention. "Train them, brief them, help them grow stronger, use it's power unlock the hidden potentials of themselves and their partners..." If Nikki knew anything, it as that training was arduous, naturally. If she could expedite that process, she could be back to take on the league again. Take the title for herself. As Nikki pondered on what to do it also occurred to her that the other people here were strong. At least at a higher level than any of the normal trainers or wild pokemon she might find in Kanto. Who better to spar against? "When you say train us, help us, what do you mean by that? Facilities? Information? What?"
  7. "I'll take that option then!" Nikki piped up. "Seeing as Arcadia ended up being a myth I need to find a new training area." Right now, Nikki did not trust this woman at all. Her associates hadn't given her much reason to trust anyone to do with this mess and so far she wasn't feeling very warm towards other people. she also didn't particularly like ships either. There's a reason she cut through Diglett cave instead of just catching a ferry to Vermilion port. With all of this combined, Nikki's mood was not feeling very joyous.
  8. "You could care less?" Nikki interrupted when Steele spoke. "How could you care less, one way or another we're in a bad situation. Work for these guys, go to jail or get offed because we know about the crazy cult people who may or may not have just attacked us. We may not even be fighting. It might be we just go skating along beneath anyone's radar until we're forgotten about, forbidden to do any more without revealing ourselves." Nikki glared at the hooded woman, not impressed in the slightest, refusing to allow herself to be impressed. "Did I sum that up right?"
  9. The rabbit in the Ghost stories dub is the best voice. "touch me... Touch me HARDER"

    1. Arkhi


      Maybe one day he'll add me on Steam.

      My username for which is Arkhidon.

      Yeah, maybe some day.

      Maybe he'll even add me on Trove, my username for which is also Arkhidon.

      Yeah, maybe someday.

    2. Simon
  11. What to do when telling someone to fuck off doesn't get through to them?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Arkhi


      Slap them, I guess

    3. Felicity


      Ohoho don't encourage me to be violent. I'll only leave an elbow.

    4. Sutoratosu


      Walk away and wash your hands of the situation, house elf.

  12. Claude peered once more at the small puppy in Drakes arms. It's a good thing the subject of her nerves had been brought up. Claude could keep a check on any more boisterous actions whilst around the pair. "Hmmm, I don't think It's a priority anymore. I found someone as interesting." Claude quickly moved on from the remark before anything could be made of it. "So, if Whisper here isn't a people pokemon, I'm guessing you're either not a coordinator at all or one of the coordinators who chose the program to get over the nerves. Yae or nae?"
  13. Claude waved away Emberly's suggestion lightly. Claude had seen how nervous the growlithe was feeling, so he had decided maybe sudden movements were a bad idea. "I like her as much as you can like a stranger. As much as I like you or Redwood. Nah, I just spoke with her a while ago and she seemed interesting. That's all I really need to talk to someone. That, and enlisting someone's benevolent assistance." Claude flashed the same grin as from before at Emberly "Ah, but I've been terribly rude haven't I? I'm Claude Arliest, top Coordinator of the academy. Nice to meet you..." Claude traiiled off slowly, letting Emberly fill in the blank.
  14. Claude didn't let the smile waver. In fact he chuckled a little, how could something so adorable do that? "No need to lift me up like in the Pyroar king, I'm just having a hard time finding someone. It's kinda hard to see over the crowd" Claude waved his arms up and down his body, emphasising his unfortunately diminutive stature "and my partner in crime seems to have found his way elsewhere." Claude paused and began tapping his foot on the floor and his fingertip on his forehead in a quick repetition, twice, then three time in quick succession. What did she look like? And what did she say her name was? "Ok, I think she said her name was Citrine? Blond hair, blue eyes, kinda baggy green shirt. Has a skitty that'd be right at home on one of those cat videos on youtube. Can you help me out?"
  15. With the presentation done and sorted Claude stood up, stretching his legs to satisfy his desire to move after sitting still for that long. Now what to do? The coordinator thought to himself. They had been given free reign but Claude was actually quite bad at entertaining himself. He thought it was terrible practice to do something because he simply needed to do something. He briefly considered finding the girl he had spoke to before at the girls dorms, she had seemed interesting. However with the crowd of students moving here and there he couldn't catch the sight of her. So how to find her? Get above the crowd! Claude's ees roved above the crowd only for a second before finding the person he was looking for, the incredibly tall girl who had been at the dorms as well. Claude made his way through the gaggles of flocking students to get to her. "Hello, mind if I use your height for a second?" He asked Emberly, plastering his most persuasive and friendly smile on his face.
  16. Someone commented on my Youtube Channel. I didn't even know that was a thing

  17. Well shit. Ace powers away, post deletion gogo Did not realise it was thoughts.
  18. I did nt tell ANY lies sir!, g see the status update for yourself! >:C I'll throw Claude at anyone not in a conversaation by tomorrow. Get moving or get Clauded
  19. The fucking tease, just barely showing what Boros can do. Also, best Saitama face was used, as though it was taken straight out of the manga. Glorious.
  20. NGL, first episode of Iron blooded orphans was awesome

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