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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. i've got my eye on you

  2. Go with the flow, explore. No one knows what you're really capable of, maybe you have an affinity for the fucking didgeridoo that would land you in musical history as a genius. It's fine not to know that kind of thing right now, you can take your time and figure it out. Life, despite the saying, is not short. All it takes is one good day in a good month of a half-decent year to set you on a path you like. Faith isn't something reserved for religion, if you catch my drift. Try not to compare yourself to the progress of others either. Those marriages could go tits up, careers can live and die on the whims of so many things. Friends, sad as it is to say, fade out of life. A happier note to hear though is that new friends can come into your life. You'll be fine. Trust.
  3. im listening to two songs at once because i absentmindedly clicked a link and they work and they dont and im scared of sound

  4. the real mvps in lloyds fight was Camilla and sheena. Use camilla to reposition sheena over the river, bait the archer and blue mage down to die then reposition away when lloyd wanders over.
  5. why do i not see you around ever this is a bad

    1. ZEL


      You mean on the forums, the server or discord? I'm lazy about forum activity, only come to the server a few days a month and then isolate myself for another few, and I only re-joined the discord two day ago. I'm honestly terrible about visiting regularly, oops :[

    2. Felicity


      I mean i guess the main one was discord, the forums are like parallel lanes, we can be on the same site but never intersect. I aint on the server nowadays so


      git on discord more >:

  6. no i didnt accidentally steal a donut not at all wahaaaaat are you on about

    1. Hycrox


      I'm on donuts

  7. Aight, summary sentence. The titular choice, spectacle vs substance? This goes through all forms of mediums, films, games, TV, anime, books, comics, whatever you think you gravitate to. Do you like the fantastic western blended with the sci-fi action of star wars that kicked off the blockbuster trend or are you one to dive into the thought provoking topics posed by things like Ghost in the shell or the frank representations within shows like Orange Is The New Black? Obviously a veritable shit-ton of examples will have overlap between the two, many talented people have managed to combine the two aspects quite well, a feat that is damned admirable, but I ask you to think on what your favourite pieces of media, what catches your interest when browsing for new things to consume, and see what you find. It's interesting to me to see if people are as indoctrinated by blockbuster as my film course suggests. Of course enjoying one doesn't mean you can't enjoy the other or that one is superior. 's just something i thought was interesting.
  8. tfw i type how into google and it auto completes "How many virgins do martyrs get"


    1. Combat


      Well, don't leave us hanging. What were you looking up that made that as auto complete?

    2. Felicity


      How to read

    3. HongaarseBeer


      But how many virgins do martyrs get?

  9. So I disliked the arena unit set until i realised i could slap xander on my team, give him axebreaker with all his leftover sp not spent on his skill and have him act as an anti hector. Lukas and Camilla then do very nciely with the rest of the common units and linde is there the let xander have AB and nuke people. Fun times.
  10. I like something at a distance to keep an eye on everything at large. Getting up close means i get tunnel vision, doesn't end well.
  11. Yo, Re:creators, sleeper hit of the season, if you like Fate/, You'll like this.

  12. Name:Adam Jesus Lowe Age:18 and a half! Birthday: Augsut 15th, same as many other people and my favourite auth Simon, mainly fave cuz we share birthdays unlike those losers Ark or Ikaru. Location: Ingerland, Leicester Height: iunno last i was measured was roughly 6 months ago and i think i put on a few centimetres, so like 177? Hair Color: vibrant brown Eye Color: vibrant mud Live With: on my own, kinda. 9 other dudes here but they're my closest strangers soooo... Pets?: I miss my cats Relationships?: I maxed out my social link with @Tommy Wiseau Crushes lately?: @Zumi notice me also @Arkhi, @Ikaru, @DJ Mewdeon ft Dan Punk, @Amethyst and @Alex. Now the real question is, who is the real crush? Dream Job: fuckin wit da books Currently Playing: PSO2, Dead Cells, FE8(?), Okami, the list goes on and on and on and i should focus sometime Favourite Food:You think I can choose? That seems unethical. Favourite Drink: Apple and Blackcurrent squash. Favourite Color: It varies by mood. Favourite kind of Music: IDK anymore man, whatever gels at the time. Favourite Band: Coldplay...? The Chainsmokers...? Favourite Album: Al's bum is p nice ngl. Favourite Game: Persona 3 is dope. Favourite Genre of Game: Some kinda mix between strategies and RPGs. Favourite Hobbies: Violent mast- Listening to Beethovens top chart hits yup that makes me sound cool and hip and normal. Favourite Movies: Hot Fuzz is p high up there. So's Hercules, that animation is still gorgeous to me. Favourite Shows: Scrubs, I won't count anime here cuz too many to count.
  13. Notice I said rotation, I know removing them will make the pool even stricter for what you get. I'm suggesting that they take some of the three stars and swap them for another set of units to keep things fresh and new between banners. There's no good reason to have units like Est or Cecilia or Azama in every single banner ever.
  14. Dead cells is fucking awesome.

  15. I wonder how they'll keep long time players interested. We've all got to have acquired enough units now that a new one is a rare enough event in and of itself, voting gauntlets are top tier meh events imo that barely register in comparison to new banners or GHBs. Maybe if they took some of the three stars off rotation a little so we're not always seeing the same faces. Idk.
  16. "Woah, calm down guys, I think you'll find I did introduce myself, Exordia or whatever your name was, and I wasn't even being hostile, just petty, because I like doing that sometimes. There's an interesting thing about me if you really wanted it. Zoren, Sir, Dragon, I appreciate you tagging in here but maybe we can keep a lid on arguments until after orientation and we all know where to storm off in a huff, yeah?" Polly didn't like Exorcia for hypocritically singling her out, according to Zoren, but she didn't want this being a spectacle in front of their group right now.
  17. Polly watched dreadfully as the circle spoke up and became closer and closer to her. She wet her lips and cleared her throat before speaking up with a hint of frustration in her voice as she was forced to go through one of these stupid exercises.. "I'm Polly Geist, I'm pretty clearly a girl unless my fashion sense has been fucking up and I'm a half ghost, it's not easy to notice so I've just been going to human school. An interesting thing about me si that I hate circle introductions that single people out in front of all our peers." She then not so subtly glared at their guide.
  18. just gonna casually go all in on My Hero Academia now cuz i've been lsitening to the season 2 op for like an hour now.

    1. BIGJRA


      I've died of hype 6 Friday nights this year now so retweet

  19. ok so my three mage girls have 3 different roles. Linde is a straight nuke, no espcially finicky thing with her. If i just want uncomplicated damage with fringe healing, she's my go to. Tharja is better nino. With a lil prep she will do above and beyond the damage i need. She just isnt the best with the blue meta. Julia, after a lot of work, is gonna have gronraven+ after sacrificing cecilia on the alter of SI (deserved it really) and Tadept so she'll decimate the blue meta and takumi/kagero. She gets the most utility but she'll be useless vs reds obvs so she'll need some to cover that base, like Linde.
  20. This banner has actually treated me so right, Tharja, Linde and Julia within 8 orbs of each other. This is karma for getting nothing from hero fest.
  21. js fuck those assassins, they are my bain.
  22. my working method

    Write a burst of 100 words for 2 minutes

    dick around for 45 minutes


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hycrox




      but with equations sometimes

    3. dead account

      dead account

      Same. Except sometimes I see what I wrote, am unsatisfied with it and then rewrite it, then dick about.

    4. Tartar


      My working method:

      Write 500 words in 10 minutes.   

      Use 1 hour trying to shorten  it down by 50%. 


      (Perhaps there's a break in there somewhere)

  24. Two good pulls, great ivs 5* tharja and Linde. I've also got errything i need for a good ass build so les GO.


    I've got this trend of great pulls first time from a banner and then shit forever on after.

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