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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. I'm s happy they used Saitamas best face

  2. 1: I honestly can't remember. I suppose the first to come to mind is the guy dressed as real life mario, although you may have had more than one of that idk. I remember a joker esque mario. 2: The only one I recognise and like is Aerosmith "I Don't To Miss A Thing" from 1998 3: You not being able to nerd out in reborn after finding you on skype Questions: Have you ever been in actual military combat?
  3. Yeah, I'm gonna A that M in the A tonight if you know whaddam sayin'
  4. I feel like there's a disconnect here, this is hardly a punishment. At worst an inconvenience if, for some weird reason, someone was forced to click the spoiler against their will.
  5. I read the dresden files when I was twelve and I've been enraptured by the idea of doing something similar since. As for favourite genre, probably supernatural more than fantasy, though fantasy is a close second. It's such a flexible genre that lends itself to enhancing all kinds of situations and telling so many different stories. IRL The forums have made me more thoughtful about how I act in general and introduced me to the reality that opinions differ. I live in a very close knit, clique focused area and if you have friends they rarely disagree with you. Here, not so much. I've also opened up more to my friends and now I'm more comfortable with my hobbies that I used to only talk about here. Hell, I'm no longer a closet weeb and I even roped a friend into LoL recently, which is fun. Favourite author is Jim Butcher, writer of the aforementioned Dresden files, Codex Alera series and the new series The Cinder Spires. If I had to pick a second it would have to be Wildbow, the only name I know them by, author of the Webserial Worm, a superhero story that has fantastic world-building and more interesting power selections than your garden variety superhero story. Wildbow also recently finished Pact, a supernatural thriller featuring every ghoul and ghosty you could imagine that I'm currently reading now. as for creating something, one of my biggest crux's as a writer, something I'm resolving now, is that I get moods where I just want to write. Typically it'll be the dead of night, I'll be listening to music and boom, I write. Normally these moods result in half a chapter to a chapter of my main project being written. That said, they're few and far between, thus why a fix is needed.
  6. Another person beating on the dead horse that is the AMAs. I wanna make a new one though because attention. Feed my boredom and ego with questions, I need it to sustain my freedom. As for who I am here, showed up in 2014 as one of the billions of grains of sand washed ashore by the Shofu wave, lurked without an account till February 2014 and then joined. From there I hung around in the Reborn section whilst acclimatising to the community, getting used to the people here and such. Stuck around due to a mixture of meeting nice people and a lingering interest in the games development and story speculation. Soon that interest waned but was replaced by my introduction to the RP forum and transference of activity to there. Then I joined Ace and the feels thread became an anchor for my pubescent emoting. Outside of here? Hello, Adam Lowe, aged 17, hopefully going Uni next year and studying creative writing to get a formal education from those who know how the business works. I'm going to be one of my generations most influential writers. I say that as a statement because that's exactly what it is and, whether it's in 3 years or 30, even if it's in my last few months on this planet, I'm going to finish a series that will stand on it's own in literature as an outstanding piece of work, loved by millions worldwide. So, that's the Me portion of AMA sorted.
  7. Could you bless us with the best of your weeb music?
  8. To stay up all night or naw?

    1. Another Felix
    2. Grizzlybrand


      As a man who naps as casually as he breathes

      sleep is good


  10. Hpw do you like your eggs in the morning? I like mine Bacon
  11. I'd heard of it before the anime came out from a show called Mangapod I keep up with but I hadn't gone to read the manga until the show came out. I am so, so hyped for the Boros fight.
  12. Harvest moon and the sibling series Rune Factory doe
  13. What is your favourite story of all time, doesn't matter which medium it's told in, so long as it tells a stoy. Do you have a favourite character you have made? If so, which and why?
  14. If an answer is free, what do I get for £14.99?
  15. Depends on my day. If there are things I know I'd hate to deal with regularly, I'm out. Gone, you can't see me Cena style. If It's something I like, fuck illness.
  16. I was gonna copy and paste the YGO card Copycat here but then I realised I needed to ask an actual question Had any good laughs today? If not, that will change.
  17. Praise having Arkhidonger on hand Whiat's KyoAni putting out this season? And is it a departure from the school setting or naw?
  18. Jesus christ Atlus must have some faith in P5 to have an anime slated already. Don't get me wrong, Atlus is one of the few companies I actually trust to pull through with some good quality in everything they put out, but so soon? Even after pulling the game back to presumably fix things? Idk man.
  19. To yawn or not to yawn. That is the question.

  20. What do you think of Plutos categorisation?
  21. Well then, wish granted. If I could get someone to legit animate me I'd ask them to lovecraftian me up
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