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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. Where are you right now, this very minute?
  2. Don'tchu wish your girlfriend was animated like me?
  3. So, I just played Illaoi for the first time. It as incredibly anoying as I was the only person trying to handle her monstrous tentacles and mrgrgrgrgr
  4. Nikki growled slightly, verbally incapable of voicing her frustration. "Well you saw my plan get shot to hell." She said to the guy who had the Absol. "BirdJesus Christ but I wish I could keep things within legal bounds. You know how likely our chances are to be league champions AND convicts? Jack shit, I'll tell you that".
  5. Gotta go with SMT Devil survivor 1. That game loves to say fuck you and make you grind for years if you want to win ANTHING. Also has one of he most unfair boss rushes you ever did see. If I hadn't had a very select party loadout and had neglected to pick up one particular ability which is scarcely available with how the game works, it would have been unwinnable. Not even kidding, so much bullshit in that game.
  6. So, the 2015 fall season is coming to an end and, to help segment and archive our reactions and speculations for each season, this thread is being made. So, which shows do you like the look of most next season? I'm not going to lie, I haven't seen anything of interest for me, I'm hoping to be pleasantly surprised by a few I haven't been paying attention to.
  7. You have some of the nichest avatars and signatures I've seen, using actual people instead of drawings or photos like the weeb asking this question, your sig being the most notable one I can remember cuz short term memory. Who are some of these people, where do they come from? My guess is KPop but I'm not sure.
  8. What does it say you're looking at if you have multiple pages of reborn open?

    1. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      The one you opened the last, I think.

    2. Neo


      I do it all the time, fam.

  9. I have achieved maximum friendship with an old, creepy rich man. Win?

  10. The hallmark of genuine kindness is giving it when it isn't requested, so for Koumei who excluded themself, here's some nice music to listen to.
  11. I swear to Gawd almighty, I'm going to assemble a proper collection of those new age stones instead of just carrying them around. Note, I have Opal and Lapis, so I already have 2 of the reborn wards

    1. Sutoratosu


      Oh yeah? I got quartz, Rose Quarts, Tiger Eye, Chinese Flourite, Amethyst... my collection list could go on and on.

      But you really should though, dobby, if you're interested in them. The effects may be subtle, but you eventually do start to feel a change in yourself over time... at least in my experience.

    2. Sutoratosu


      May be a good idea to bath them in salt though, get rid of anything latched onto them... because god knows whoelse has touched that rock or where it's been or what it's seen.

      And no, I'm not trying to be funny or cute here. This is legit advice. Disregard it at your own risk.

    3. Felicity


      I do also have Rose quartz and Tigers eye. Along with a hematite ring, that adds up to symbols for luck, hope, love, strength, luck and memory, I think, oing off of an untrustworthy placard

  12. Fuuuuuuuuuck. Can I nominate the site banner? The Status wall? The Ace + symbol? Give me something!
  13. I didn't pay it much attention. I'm not interested in saving the world through science and those discussions tend to lead to a lot of confusion, annoyance, anger or a mixture of all three for those involved if you don't keep a straight head, see Eaglebys post, so I stay out of it and generally accept any science jargon as a maybe right. Anything huge would be brought to my attention by the actual nerds I know anyway so it's whatever.
  14. OOH OOH OHH, IDEA I nominate Hukuna for my Snow Queen! Why? Well he's always mistaken for a girl on the tinternet AND one of his particular characters named Vixen.
  15. Can you juggle? Can you balance a spoon on your nose? Can you put your feet behind your neck and walk around like a human pretzel? Everyone has something strange about them. A talent that isn't an art form, a skill that isn't useful for anything, something bafflingly curious that they can do. I'm curious about what you can do because people rarely think to mention these wonderfully unique facets of who they are. Personally, I used to be able to do the last of those skills I listed. Because I was so skinny and flexible I genuinely could put my feet behind my neck and, with a lower centre of gravity waddle around. Needless to say, it was amusing to surprise people with this.
  16. All I need is a nice little tune, a pretty picture and a few words to put a smile on my face

  17. I can't stop yawning

  18. You get your looks from your mother.
  19. THE NOMINATIONS OF THE COMMUNITIES CHRISTMAS ELF ARE DECLARED THUSLY And I'm going to need to figure out a new title now that Polar monarch is gunna be given to someone else

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

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