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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. The worst part of the hattening is that I'll probably have just the one avatar for a month.

    1. Cepheus


      1 avatar a month... - I have the same avatar the whole time (now it's just the same but with hats again^^)

  2. Step 1: Find the most adorable anime grill on the internet (hold your waifu comments people) Step 2: Report back here to be hattened
  3. If you're a romantic and are looking for a new thing to watch, watch Golden time if you haven't already. I can't promise an over-abundance of feels or quality but It's still worth your time.
  4. 2D-KUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Flash

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Felicity



      Ark gets me

    3. Arkhi


      *Pounding of drums*

    4. laggless01


      FLASH! A-HAAA!

      HE SAVED EVERYONE OF US!!!! (*guitar:*DUM, DUM, DUM, DUM DUM!)

  6. Why convert your religion to christianity, judaism or Islam when you can just convert to PDF?

    1. Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~
    2. Sutoratosu


      *Slightly chuckles...but just barely*

  7. Hang the fuck up. They released this already? No delays?
  8. 1: Congrats Rose and Jeri. Earned it. 2: So, in the light of this ruling that shitposts aren't against the rules, can I at least get a public yae or nay on my newfound warning point being legitimate? I don't care if it can't be removed, it's gone in like 10 days, I just want it acknowledged whether or not I deserved it.
  9. And I'm the outsider waiting for the perfect moment to break them up so I can have bibs for myself
  10. who is the other part of Dobbos? There's two it could be there
  11. My friend tried playing Braum a little while ago, he likes playing bulky melee champs and since the thing said Braum could tank he was all "Yeah, let's go!" He immediately hated it, what with Braums lack of real offense. Didn't help we were both bot and I was janna but, hey, whaddya gonna do?
  12. I don't deal with heat well, temperature or spice.

    1. Sutoratosu


      how unfortunate.

      for the spice part, I mean. Hot days can go fuck themselves.

    2. Sutoratosu


      when you're cold, that's easy to fix just by throwing on more layers of insulation... when it's hot out though... you're pretty much SOL even if you take off layers, unless there's an AC or a nice breeze going.

  13. "I've always had more of a taste for Fairies" Claude called back, grateful his voice did not crack. He had not expected Redwood to venture back with some banter! Doux chirped supportively before Claude continued. "But Dragons are cool too."
  14. Ice cream Can you touch type?
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