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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. I'd pull a butterfly effect and choke myself in the womb
  2. Male Dorms Malice and scorn seeped from every inch of the dark corridors before fading from the trainers senses. They decided it would be prudent to take a cautious retreat. They had begun attributing their machinations to a childish prank, as they did every year. They found it more and more difficult to incite terror as this went. But they would return. And soon, before the cold streak of fear they had lashed across the students minds faded. Female dorms "Righty ho Captain Wolt, onwards to our own dorm room this time!" Claude said, leading the charge away from the female dorms as it became evident to him any entertainment would soon become sparse. He's rather annoy Wolt some more on their minute journey.
  3. I remember... Hang on, no, I didn't move on. I'm as immature as ever.
  4. Aloha mi amigos, expect an update on the mens side of life tonight or tommorrow. The Spoopyness will come to a close Nyeheheheheheheheh!
  5. That's not my name and you are not from the normal rotation of avatars I see from this sub-forum. Zim.
  6. So, I was reading old PMs to see what to get rid of and I found an old conversation with Hukuna. It was my attempt to get into RPing. Within lay my first attempt at creating an RP character. Here's the monstrous first incarnation of Darius Renalim I thought it might be fun if people dug up their very first characters and put them here, for better or for worse.
  7. It will only get better, I can say that. Also, seen some footage of Perfect Insider, on the edge as to whether or not to catch up whilst it's still coming out this season. Same with the asterisk thingy.

  9. So, If Riot celebrates Hallowwen with the Harrowing on LoL, what about christmas? Or Easter? Or an other vaguely big holiday?
  10. Yo, okay, can we talk Rakudai kishi no cavlry for a second. Oh, and one punch man is so, so fucking good. I had t go and read the mange, which is so woefully incomplete right now :c
  11. Ok this show has a physics breaking pool. A girl stands up, the water reaches up to her thighhts, she then submerges herself and boom, she's floating like it's the god damn ocean. HOW?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Felicity


      meh, my ire isn't rused enough to warrant that. Just watch rakudai kishi no cavalry. Don't let first impressions get in the way.

    3. Shamitako


      Or we could not watch it because we don't care /that/ much about whatever is irking you :/

    4. Felicity


      and then you miss out on watching a so far pretty good show all in all.

      Or you could shut up if you have nothing to say except something that could be taken the wrong way. :/

  12. Flux, hit up Katanagatari and Binbougami ga yo. Katanagatari is a nice historical action show set in feudal japan that looks and sounds fucking beautiful, with some pretty memorable characters and a fantastic finale. Binbougami ga... Watch it for Bobby.
  13. Halloween fucking sucks.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Felicity
    3. BlueMoonIceCream


      I was referring to mde as well as australia as a whole because halloween isn't a big deal there, thiugh it's not that big a deal here either

    4. Shamitako


      Plz, Halloween is the best

  14. Fern beat Akinator

    1. Arkhi


      Because no one likes to acknowledge Fern.

    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      I saw before you posted this status :]



    2. Arkhi


      "Do you think I've gone too far"~

  15. "Serph, bring up our current Soldier Roster. Western has tasked me with handling the Vayu situation." The stalwart AI complied, shifting the tablet screens contents to display the information Vanon had requested. The command leader perused the information with a discerning eye. "Who gets to go to a small scale war?" ~~~ Hello, I got around to doing it. Kinda. This is the sign-ups for the short term Sci-fi RP I put an interest check up for a while ago. So, naturally, I'll be supplying you with all the necessary information to make your combat dum- I mean, PCs. You guys, the players, will be playing as a soldier within a small unit, yes there will be limited places, of not quite elite soldiers sent to resolve an internal situation facing the organisation you work for, T-Line, on the planet Galuna Seven. T-Line is a multi-media conglomerate that spread across the universe of the 9 galaxies and, from there, branched out into a whole host of enterprises that have led to them being the largest company in the universe, rivalling the largest sectors of the 9 galaxies in terms of sheer power. Naturally, they have their own private army. That's you, for whatever reason. In each galaxy there is typically a pool of races that are more prevalent there than elsewhere. In the sector Arcturus 11, the galaxy of Galuna seven, there are several prevalent races. Races Classes: Character Template: I'll be accepting PCs based on writing skill and originality more than anything else. Name: Race: Appearance: Class: Weaponry: (Choose 2 if available) Skills: - - - - - Personality: Backstory: (No need to fill out their life story here. This is meant to be a short RP so backstory won't have too much of an impact on my judgement) Additional details: If I missed anything, lemme know!
  16. so yesterday I played a game with a friend new to the game as I try and rope more people into playing with me in a call. I nearly cried when he started evolving as Kha'zix mid combat and yelled "FEAR ME, I HAVE WINGS!" Dear lord was it hilarious. Oh, and intro bots are so easy now. I got a penta with morgana on it lol.
  17. Note to self: be clearer with my words. This is a recurring issue
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