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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. If you can do it without using a loophole in the game, like duping, any tactic is fair game. If you can get something, get it. You don't have to use it anyway, so it's not an issue.
  2. I finished Abyss a while ago, I really need to do the new game plus but, well, I don't think I could do it without 10 tmes exp and, well, gotta grind for that hng
  3. The hair is a happy by-product of laziness
  4. No more than the standard advantages books have over traditional media. More insight into character emotions, the occasional PoV from the seventh etc. Thing is, the translation is meh so if you read it you have to pardon a lot of meh grammar and metaphors that just didn't carry over well.
  5. RnY I started reading the LNs and immediately all my speculation during the series was proved right. I just accused certain characters for very wrong reasons.
  6. More conversation is all, from what I've gathered. Not the best thing for a shy character #ShyQTPieProblems
  7. So, for the past week I have been stuck in a holiday resort with very little to do outside of things I thought to bring ahead of time. One of these was monster hunter and the game that sparked the idea for this topic, Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor Overclocked Allow me to simply say: This game sucks cockroach ass. it is so,so infuriating. Hax and bullshit situations can make the player tear their hair out. So, I have a tale to tell of this game, the most notable moment of sheer joy and utter shock as this game, which tormented me more than the Souls series ever has, allowed for some of the strangest things to happen. Spoilers will be prevalent. So. My first tale. For those who don't know, this game has several different story routes to play with boss battles and key moments varying between each route. At the end of this particular route, the boss fight is a Boss rush of all the previous daily bosses. Fuck this bosh rush. Fuck it with a hammer and some rusty nails, my lord is it complete bullshit. In order to get to a point where you can comfortably get even halfway through you have to put in a hell of a lot of work. Even then, you still can't get far because of how each of the bosses works. It should be noted that each boss has almost every advantage they had before along with boosted levels, including one that can only be killed by one specific unit, who can only attack once or twice per turn. On top of constant health draining on every member of your team. This guy also appears side by side with another boss it should be mentioned. That's just the second round of the boss rush though. Ah, but so far this has just been piles of salt and bitching. Where is the success on this? That lies in one character single-handedly soloing not one, not two, nor even three, but four of the bosses in that boss rush. And the person who did it was the frail mage of the group Yuzu Tanikawa. By sheer luck, I didn't even realise I had done this, I had set Yuzu up with a load of resistance skills, a mana regen skill, an instant full heal at the start of the battle, which is compensated for with the mana regen skill, and two dlly demons with as many resistances AND their own mana regen. Yuzu would not die. Yuzu verses more than the world. Yuzu fucking won.
  8. Note: Johnny Kenny Those names are too similar how did I not notice that before. anyways, the co-host has returndededed and will be catching up. Claude will return, I swear
  9. I return from the land of penis souvenirs and cats

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Flux


      Dobbyyyyyyyyyyy! Welcome back!

    3. Arkhi


      Thank god you're back, it's been unbelievably boring.

    4. Simon


      Welcome back. Totally not late, pfft.

  10. I'll be back in a week. Buh-bye

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. BlueMoonIceCream


      Th-this is so sudden!

    3. Rosesong


      Be safe Dobby, come back soon!

    4. Flux



      Have fun with whatever and come back soon!

  11. They'll travel with Noah to a land of happiness and sparkles yeaaaaaay
  12. She broke up with me. The Persona 3 romance system sucks
  13. Note to all the numbnuts: Co-host is away for a week on thursday, so ignore the pink coordinator you see before your eyes for the time being, my last post will be it for Claude for a week.
  14. Female dorms The young coordinator wagged his finger at Samantha, feigning a cross expression. "Tsk, tsk madame. That was an atrocious attempt at a euphemism and yet you dare call my companion and I peeping toms? I'd say we're the more innocent ones here." Claudes hand then dropped to his side. "Besides, I don't hide my best qualities. What's the point in that?" Now would be the moment he flashed another brilliant smile at those gathered, gesturing almost as if to pose but, for now, he held off. The good actor was supposed to know when to push the act. If he over-saturated them all with his air of extravagance it would hardly have an effect when it really mattered. When he was well and truly in the spotlight.
  15. I think my writers block is gone. Hal-fucking-leujah

  16. 5/10 I feel like it's a pic of a badass moment but there's like, no way to know where it's from
  17. Hello one, hello all. Here in lies the tale of one poor boy, new to romance (and still new by all counts) whom failed to handle a situation well and so left another with some pretty drastic consequences. Really this topic is me sharing my love life, as short a span as it has had. Why? When you 'say' something aloud it becomes a lot more real and I need to face some things. So, allow me to regale you with my first "romance". Truthfully, it was an example of how a blundering nitwit can seriously hurt someone and hopefully a fable to anyone else to not do what I did. One day I was sitting, internetting merrily like the good nerd I am, when one day I receive a message over the book of faces. This message comes from a girl I was an acquaintance with at the time, I can't say we were anywhere near friends at the time as she was a quiet girl and I could probably count the amount of sentences she had said to me on one hand. A conversation is born and we begin talking, fairly easily which is a surprise because at the time I was nowhere near as eloquent as I am now (which truly says how bad I was at the time). The conversation approaches more sensitive topics, like love lives and she divulges she has someone she likes. This is still one conversation, I should note. Being the nosy bastard I am, I begin to pester her who it was. It took a while but eventually she came out with saying she liked me. I don't know about you but this possibility had never even occurred to me, someone thinking of me in a romantic light. I was shocked and off balance. I end the conversation, saying we ought to talk in person. It's naturally too intimate a conversation to have over a book of faces. So, the next day comes around and at this point, I was dreading the conversation with what felt like butterflies in my cranium. Here is the crucially terrible thing I did. I rejected her. "That isn't bad though, it's your prerogative to say no, right?" You may be saying. And you're right, this exact point comes into play in my second story. No, the fault lies in the How of what I did. A mumbling, awkward, utterly ridiculous rejection that is essentially the fear of so many crushing people. I sent her away without even a proper reason as to why I said no. Something stupid along the lines of "I'm not ready" when that was clearly not the issue. For reference, the reasons I said no were incredibly basic. The poor girl wasn't attractive and I know was insecure about that. One of the biggest regrets I have is that I think I may have reinforced that feeling. So, how is she now you ask? Well, recently I found out that at the end of that school year, this whole debacle happening 3/4 of the any through the year, she came ut of the closet as a lesbian. No, I'm not so narcissistic enough to say I caused that. the issue is that I may have pushed her away just a little with my farce and if I did and she ends up not being happy then I kinda bear some responsibility in that. Plus, I'm no paragon of gender equality, that manly pride does sting a little, as ridiculou as the notion is. My second story is that of my own rejection and my failure to truly accept it. fast forward a year and now I'm crushing on another girl. I'm not completely infatuated, she was just so much more interesting and substantial than any of the other women in my life. So, after about a month of agonising over "Do or don't" I ask her out. It was not the bravest action, once more over the book of faces, and the next day she does the exact same as I did to the previous girl. Karma, right? The key differences is that she didn't mumble and she gave me one reason, she fancied another guy. The reflection between both situations don't miss me but I take that as a cue. Take the blow to my pride in stride. At least I had the courage to ask somehow rather than stew in my own mind for however long. I wouldn't let this hurt me and I would damn well be satisfied with this spot in the friendzone. I'd bring a cushion for the stay. I liked and respected her enough to respect her wished and not bring it up again. For a time, this is what happened. We saw each other about but didn't really talk. A comfortable distance for both of us as we forgot what happened. Easy. Until mid may, when exams began. She began to have a real hard time dealing with life. Because of the affection I still inevitably held for her, however subdued it may have been, I started talking to her and reassuring her as best I could. We really got to know each other a lot more. She actually started calling me bro. And throughout this, despite desperately not wanting it, I started to like her again, embers sparking back to life the old flame with a fiercer intensity than before. This has been the situation for the past 5 months. I cannot bring it up because I want to respect her decision to respect me nor do I want to distance myself, I care too much to do that. Now I'm trying to put that burnt old torch to rest, let the flickering embers die down. This is a promise to myself and you guys. An obligation to stop burning myself for this girl when there is no reason whatsoever to not be happy. Appreciate what you have people.
  18. I don't even know who I'd possibly cosplay as. Like, at all. Even if I wasn't bad at generally making shit.
  19. First game as Kassadin holy shit his moveset is insane for fighting champs.
  20. Female dorms "Oh, I see. You're Fruity, not Shiny. Noted." Claude really did mentally note that down. He had never heard of citrines being a fruit. He wondered if there were other gems that shared names with fruits... Claude would love to eat a rose quarts salad. Hang on, this doesn't really matter Claude steered that particular train of thought into the abandoned train yard and instead smiled at Mie. "Nice to meet you. Having fun so far?"
  21. I will be reading Jim Butchers new series The Cinder Spires in a few days
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