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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. Uh, Boss? Don't leave me in the dark boss ;~; and for the paperwork just go ahead and do it. Having it happen within two posts is just nice cuz it splits up a big ass post and makes it feel like some time actually elapsed.
  2. AYYYYYYYYY Accel world was one of the first thing I watched and I honestly prefer it to it's sibling series SAO. New series is dope
  3. Oswald and Helene Oswald said nothing as the Pancham approached Geodude with its young trainer in tow. Not like any meatheaded fighting types would understand him. Better just to let the trainer collect him and return to the inane farce of a registration. As Oswald began to wonder why on earth the academy bothered to distribute IDs to then go through a second round of processing the students, Geodude grumbled a greeting to the friendly Pancham, gently shaking hands with the fellow pokemon as he had seen Oswald do once or twice in the distant past. The rock type was unable to maintain the spiteful facade he wore in support of his friend in the face of the playful Pancham.
  4. I mean, if you don't use Teleport to teleport out of bad situations, what's the point of it? It follows what Teleport is meant to do 100% so I see no issue. Plus if Vanish still has teleport by the time there's actual trouble then that's just being prepared.
  5. Oswald Scuffs on the floor... mud being tracked into the hall... pokemon flying around, practically shedding, especially the damnable flying types. Oswald stood off to one corner observing the students hustle to register with a scowl in his eyes and on his lips that resulted in most students giving him a wide berth. The old janitor leant on his cart, stacked with cleaning supplies that would quickly be put to use once the students cleared out. His dutiful geodude hovered beside him, idly sweeping a single spot of the floor with a broom as he imitated his masters spiteful expression. Why did there have to be so many students year after year? Claude Amidst the crowd of eager students stood a young, cherubic young man. He was no different, an excited smile and a twinkle in his eyes making that very clear. Still, he did not rush off to register just yet. First he released his partner, the beloved Cottonee that always accompanied him, and set him off flying. Claude knew Doux would want to explore their new surroundings and he had no interest in stopping him. The Cottonee flew throughout the crowd, drifting lightly between people and twirling with the occasional puff of sparkling wind. Still, the urgent rush of the crowd could not be ignored for long and Claude soon followed suit, grasping all the paperwork in his somewhat sweaty hands. As much as Claude despised paperwork of any kind, he knew that these pieces of paper were as important to him as a dead tree could possibly get. So he would make damn sure he had it when he got to the front of that line. Oh but how the wait tormented him...
  6. What to watch next? Cast thy suggestions nooooow!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I think you've watched most stuff I have so not really much I can really throw out there for you XD>

    3. Arkhi


      The Heroic Legend of Arslan. All episodes are on Funimation's YouTube channel.

    4. AuthorReborn


      shofu's comments section on a Reborn/Insurgence video. Just watch the hate fly.

  7. Ladies aaaaaand Gentlemen! Let's get ready to Rrrrrrrrumble! This is the Battle topic for Ymora. When a lot of battles are happening simultaneously or in quick succession, a single IC can get messy and hard to follow. Our solution is to run the battles in another thread, this one, to make sure battles happen ahead of time to be depicted in the normal IC without stalling for god knows how long. Basically, if a situation calls for multiple battles, the battles will be announced and started in here by myself or Chim for you guys to duke it out. Same thing for friendly battles, should you wish to try one. Rules are: -Standard RP rules, no bunnying, metaing or auto hits (assuming the attack landed) -Label your fights. Makes it easier to sort through. -Only battles are to be posted here. Any other scenes happen in the normal IC.
  8. Hm. Noted. In regards to sorting out the logistics, it's pretty simple, should a rent system be applied, like with server rooms. Buy a subsection, wait a month, pay the rent. continue until a payment isn't made, then the subsection is deleted and subsequent topics are dumped into the regular subforum, organised by date of post. If the RP goes defunct, it doesn't interfere with the ongoing RP because they would be sorted behind the ongoing ones. I came up with that in 10 minutes. The only thing making it messy is the idea of it. Because dealing with numbers is terrible. As for the issue of complication, whilst I still think it could be sorted with adequate clarification and guides I see your point in that a bustling subforum can be disorienting. This isn't too serious a problem though until the RP starts losing players and signups start to dry out. Still, it'd be an issue for the host to handle in regards to clarification. Some may go with a similar idea as Tomas' and not be complicated at all. Just larger than the average RP. EDIT: We also can't comment on the ease of making a subsection until a knowledgable mod steps in. Too many assumptions being made, so let's stay away from that point until Huk or Murdoc get here.
  9. Look to the precedents I mentioned briefly. PZA and nations. They had their own subsections made and, later, closed down. I'm assuming they were essentially hidden from public view. If the RP dies, the same thing would happen. Any talk of revival would be started in the main RP forum and later moved into the old sub-section should it be purchased again.
  10. Oh, gotcha. Yeah, I didn't take that to Ame yet. Just to the RP mods. Not sure if they've seen it yet... How so? You buy the item and poof, a sub-section appears for the allocated host or RP due to the graces of the forum gods that be.
  11. Um I might have already brought something up to Huk and Murdoc. The conversation had just touched on the idea of subsections when Tomas mentioned it, so I brought it up to them in private. Below is an outline of the idea along with the pros and cons I could think of. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WpEp4vmgjWyJYOYZMv5zTuNZ7D8I0x9uluacmWxc-cQ/edit
  12. @Tomas, you're blowing it out of proportion. We're still discussing reason as to why initiative in RPs is an issue. Pinpointing the cause of the problem is necessary to fixing it, right? My evidence lies in the terms Extroverted and Introverted. They're core aspects of ones personally that dictate how concerned you are with those around you and yourself. Naturally if you're more concerned with yourself you aren't going to be approaching people as much as an extroverted person who is naturally, and I stress this word because it's important, outgoing. It's sheer common sense. Go look at any number of studies into these terms, you'll find a general consensus in this. As for quantifying initiative, a study could be done throughout a variety of RPs. Select an assortment of RPs within different genres, have the involved RPers test for Intro/Extroversion and then perform a content analysis of the RPs, tallying the amount of times a PC independently started a conversation, approached an area without explicit or implicit direction from the host or attempted to interact with an object, again without hints. Then slap the results onto a bar graph, comparing initiative taken by introverts and extroverts respectively. And I'd be willing to put money on the fact that 7/10 times it's the same people taking the initiative in these RPs, with various others trailing along after them.
  13. Danny phantom was the tits

    1. Jan


      It still is the tits.

    2. Arkhi


      It still is the those.

  14. So you're telling me that the majority of people having a trait that means you aren't outgoing can't have any effect on how much you take the initiative in an RP? At all? Anecdotal evidence never really holds up anywhere. >.>
  15. Might also serve to consider that the majority of people here are going to be introverts. That's definitely going to have an impact on how outgoing and inquisitive our actions are going to be.
  16. SMT: Devil survivor. The only game to make me think of plug sockets in a religious context

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      Eh, I never manage to fully enjoy it when I play it, because the ROM is kinda glitchy on NosGBA... But even I can tell it's a fantastic game.

    3. Felicity


      I can't say I prefer it over the other SMt games bar maybe SMT IV but still, is gud

    4. Fezzdog


      the only thing I'm not a fan of in the first Devil Survivor is the pacing. They had much better pacing in the second, but the story in the second wasn't anywhere near as good as the first

  17. Tomas is right that a sub-section has many advantages. Hell, topics could be set up and specifically delegated by Co-hosts as opposed to the main host asking them to handle X event or control X npc. It would make interactions and duties of co-hosts far more manageable. It would also help with clutter really. Ymora made the battle thread cos it was jarring to see one character interact and then a convoluted battle technique appear in the next post. Sub-sections that allow for specific areas of posting in different topics would help sort that out immensely. Furthermore, the idea of separate topics could be toyed with immensely. Imagine, each character in an RP has a phone. They then get two topics that only they can see, an in-box and an out-box. Only the player gets to see everything in their phone and so interaction between characters takes on a new dynamic. Ideas like this would be awesome.
  18. @Tomas, at the same time we can't go starting sub-sections for every possible RP. Even the arguably biggest RP this forum has seen, Ymora, has only ever had 3 active topics at once. The current chapter, the OOC and recently, a battle thread where any planned battles go down to be rehashed in the normal IC. Scratch that, mod says we can. Go nuts
  19. A few reasons: 1: Never learned to do it. Speaking from experience, my first RP was Stratos's own PSS. Thing is, that RP, as engaging as the world was, left little room for much interaction or independence in the beginning. So within my first RP, whilst I figured out a whole bunch of other stuff, independence was not one. Then the next notable RP I joined was Ymora, of which this was not the case. Independent action was encouraged, interaction between students. This, however, fell into two categories of "Go get your own pokemon" events or just plain PC interaction. Which at the time was easier to not instigate because, well, I didn't know how to do it lol. I like to think this issue was solved to some extent but still, erg. So then you get people like me, not often taking the initiative whilst the players who would are the hosts or are otherwise engaged. So newer people don't learn much independence with their character either. Rinse and repeat until we have this situation. 2: Unknown boundaries. Independent action is friggin hard when you don't know when you can or can't. Referring back to Ymora, half the reason I didn't drop Claude into more interactions is because it felt like it would break the other peoples convos if he just popped in and interrupted. It was hard to find that sweet spot of popping into a conversation smoothly because you don't have those cues that you would get in real life, explicit body language, no locking eyes and starting a battle. Of course there are other boundaries. Namely where you can or can't go. Kuro did a good job of at least making it clear how you could explore in the Gaelech Basm exploration segment that was meant to happen in PMs. I at least knew where I could go. But it's easy to forget that there's a nearby forest for a player to waltz into at any time or that there's a certain character around. It's a case of leaving Chekovs tropes everywhere in the hopes a player notices and messes with it and broadcasting constant possibilities of what people can do.
  20. I agree with Nick here in regards to multiple teams. Leagues rightful difficulty came from how limited you were as opposed to the supreme adaptability the leaders had in comparison. The only changes you could make were Items and EV spreads, the latter of which were almost pointless to change anyway as you were going to use them in accordance with the permanent set of moves you selected. And there's nothing wrong with that per se, aside from the whiny people not liking that scale of difficulty and demand for skill, but wouldn't it add a new dynamic if the leaders had to consider the possible tactics the challenger could use? It would also lessen the need for pokemon like Talonflame and co because you can have two teams that can handle different challenges. Considering the advantages that the later leaders will get in comparison to the old league leaders wth the introduction of new megas, it's an interesting idea, right?
  21. Sorry, I think I have to drop out. When this popped up and I signed up, I didn't expect a lot of things to drastically take up my time. I've been neglecting this now and it'll only get worse, which is unfair on you guys. It's already been unfair to begin with, stalling as I have. Sorry.
  22. Probably the biggest question Why am I fighting for redemption? I never did anything to anyone that needs redeeming...
  23. Now, you see, I have largely discredited the search bar due to its supreme failures in the past. Still, I got it.
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