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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. WildChalice, do you know where your App is? Or can you PM me it? I'd rather not dig through the past 7(?) or so pages so it'd be appreciated.
  2. We'll have to disagree. In so much of media, the first episode is incredibly important. It naturally has so much power over the tone of the series and is meant to draw the audience in, first impressions are important man. Hell, the same rule can be applied to anime openings. what with setting the tone and first impressions. Not as important as the ending of a series but still important. And I now recognise that the dialogue was reminiscent of Toaru. Thing is, I always thought that was a weak point of the franchise. The main reason I stuck around past the first index season was because the world and characters were interesting. Hopefully that reflects in the show later on but for now, meh.
  3. Something is sentient before it can be smart for one, so saying they're smart automatically means sentience. They also seem to have some form of a society if there are ruled over by a T-rex, another indication of intelligence that just doesn't gel with dinosaurs. If they have a society, the smaller dinos have to fit in somewhere, and that means that even attacks on them have to mean something, right? Even if a hobo nobody can identify turns up dead, the police are still obligated to search, right? There has to be some consideration for these incidents and I can't imagine a T-rex being docile or reasonable enough to tolerate attacks on its species. I'm saying this because, well, if I can poke these holes in the bare bones concept here it means something's off. At the very least it's identifying problems. You have to identify a problem before you can fix it.
  4. Aside from OPM, it's the second notable non-sequel release I've been hearing about. Which lowers my expectations of the season a lot. Because I really was not happy with that first episode. Only thing to keep me coming back is the 3 episode rule.
  5. If I may be frank, it sounds shallow as a concept, relying on the power of awesome you get from the word Dinosaurs. So much of it sounds non-sensical, you'd have to use a complex system of ropes, pivots and levers to suspend your disbelief properly for this one. Natives, ok, sounds like a form of Native americans. But somehow they have magic, why not? And despite it being against their tenets, they still hunt dinos despite living in fear of them and the supposed sentient badass dinos who would come and rip them to pieces. Meanwhile, random ass soldiers appear and of course want to fuck with nature and the locals. Because why not? And since when did Dinosaurs ever have any possibility of forming a hierarchy of any kind? Let alone develop sentience? Even if you could reasonably explain that, you'd think they'd have a vendetta against the natives for even the on and off hunting of their own species. It goes against every convention of dinosaurs in common media, and not in a cool avant garde way. Yeah, I don't see this being a thing. Sorry bud.
  6. Someone care to remind me why people were so hyped for Heavy Object? They certainly didn't put their best foot forward. Standard clusterfuck political system, mech battles without cool looking mechs, pointless sexualisation of characters and a couple of naive and youthful dipshits as the main characters. Seems to be set up for a standard "War is hell" story. The only thing that stood out to me was the old engineer lady because she wasn't a fapmagnet like I was expecting. Not a good impression, by any means.
  7. Those moments when you finish something you have quite literally been dumping too much time into.

  8. Make your choice now. As sentimental as I am totally feeling right now, a wishy washy decision is not appreciated.
  9. I'm going to wait until a third person has dropped out before linking "Another one bites the dust" And I'm gonna wait on Chim to confirm it was Chalice who was next in line. He kept the list.
  10. You have a maybe from me. If I come up with an interesting character I'll sign up. Otherwise I won't want to make any time for the RP, something harder than the actual act.
  11. You never know. shows can change studios. I think Oregairu from last season switched studios. That or it was just the animation teams, idk Industry names are not my strong suit
  12. In a world where literally every anomalous mystery is real. Psychics, magicians, Gods, demons, there is one man whose right/left hand is so normal he breaks anything weird. When this guy isn't around though the world is essentially one huge clusterfuck between science people, Gods and magicians amongst a few other factions, I think.
  13. Does the Age absolutely, positively have to be young? I kinda wanna explore with older characters more nowadays...
  14. Never read Pratchett, only saw bits and pieces of The Colour of Magic.
  15. Oswald Age: Unknown Appearance: A decrepit old man, hunched over with age. His bald head glints as it reflects the light, contrasting his few remaining dull yellow teeth. He's never seen in anything but a tatty set of dirty overalls. Personality: Irritable, grumpy, not one to annoy. If you do you'll only ever hear disgruntled curses under his breath. He is especially proud of his adept grudge holding and capability to enact petty revenge. Seriously, don't piss him off. Profession: Only Redwood really knows. As far as anyone can tell, he acts as a groundskeeper of some sorts. But Tyron is the academies handyman... A popular topic of speculation when students find themselves bored between training and classes. Pokémon Type: Oswalds only pokemon is his Geodude. Backstory: Even Redwood doesn't know this. There are rumours though. Some say Oswald is the creation of a resident Ghost type, haunting the grounds he used to tend to in life. Others say he is the legal property owner of the Academy, a theory debunked when people went and found the deed that was in Redwoods name. Another theory says Oswald is a student who never graduated... His story may never be known. He certainly isn't volunteering the information...
  16. *cackles* You fools shall never vandalise the academy with Oswald afoot...
  17. The Tank Girls Anime got a movie? What?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      That's.... what? THis exists? Why? WHY?!!??!

    3. Shamitako


      This looks amazing

    4. Sutoratosu


      I've seen the anime actually... it's exactly as Hiss says.

  18. Geodudes are lethal, all you need to know. When Geodude evolves, it actually gets weaker. It's so shameful to other Geodudes that when a Graveler has to evolve again it has to be traded away to leave the local Geodudes.
  19. Have you ever seen a chicken throw eggs as a weapon?
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