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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. Looks good to me, but Imma wait for Chim to voice his own opinion before adding you to the lists
  2. Seeing as synthesis is a key part of a defensive tropiuses moveset, really can't justify it for a starter. It's the same as giving a coverage move to an offensive mon, you know?
  3. I'd allow Leech seed for being an Egg move but I dislike Synthesis. Tropius learns that at level 50 as of ORAS in its normal move set and further considering Tropiuses already considerable bulk as a single evo mon, I can't justify it. It's already bulky enough as is without giving it a recovery move.
  4. If she was hot like me, she would have to become a male, seeing as I am male. So it's kinda irrelevant in a way.
  5. *Cough* For all the badasses in the forums. So not you, Person reading this >:
  6. They saw how trilogies in film fluctuated and decided they didn't want to risk the same thing
  7. I want THIS to play wheneve rI arrive

  8. Just condense it. Less is better in this case, leave a few gaps for you to fill later.
  9. Agreed on Tropius lol. Without DDance I think it's play very similar to how I play Doux. With bulk in place of speed.
  10. Considering Absols stats though and the versatility that the RP format gives these moves a lot more viability. Also, super luck + Razor wind, which gets a higher crit ratio, even if we neglected crits before it's still going to have a hell of an impact.
  11. Total amnesia. Using it to hide who a character is. I can't stand that because it sets up a sucker punch from the get go.
  12. @Tacps Issues with your character. She seems very suish in the angsty sense of the term. She starts happy and fulfilled, popular and happy. Then her dad becomes a dick and forces her to do something she really doesn't like, which to most people would be a position of honour (also impossible seeing as the kimono girls are sisters iirc). Then she becomes moody and distant, pushing her friends away even though she really just wants friends, becoming meek and timid after being pretty out-going, judging by the popularity. You see what I'm saying? It makes no real sense and is just a little ridiculous.
  13. Commander, you're one of the shorter apps. Size dun matter.
  14. Props to Huk and Exlink for minimal spoiler usage. Fuck copy and pasting spoiler sections mang
  15. I blame ~all of you~ for that. You all just HAD to go and over use spoilers
  16. Ok, so I've updated the PC info with the currently accepted PCs. Chim will get to the as of yet unaccepted profiles to tell you why we aren't satisfied yet.
  17. This stuff is more useful than you think. I'm debating listing the past year and a half of RPing as writing experience on my CV and personal statement lol
  18. Our stories are meant to be read buddy, feel free. I know of several individuals who simply read the RPs, it's cool.
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