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Everything posted by Felicity

  1. Like I said, that idea is fine, it's exactly what I did with Claude, so to say it's bad is hypocritical. It's just that most everyone has outlined their backstory to a minute detail. Sometimes less is more.
  2. We had issues with someone wanting a weapon before. I'd say no really. Keep battles between the trainers, you know?
  3. Edited in my own PC Claude as well as the Sign up sheet. I'll be handling PC teams, so if there's any changes PM me about it. Especially if it's due to a time skip and the team changes are big ones. There we go, Claude is Claude. Can't believe I didn't actually describe his personality in the original app.
  4. Except, you know, men. Or people in general who don't want to look girly or traditionally feminine
  5. 6/10, just a face really. Not one I know.
  6. Why wouldn't you man? No need to reserve things, people just... are
  7. Make absolutely sure to post when you have finished your app. Reserving may be all the rage but it's easy to miss summit when it was in an older post.
  8. Standard sign up sheet: Name: Age: 14 - 15. Same age, but depends on birthday. Students graduate at 17-18. (Unless you have an idea for a non student character. If that's the case PM Chim and Dobs) Hometown: (If Ymora PM Chim for more details) Program: Trainer, Breeder, Coordinator Starting side: Student or RoG (switching sides during the story is allowed) Appearance: Personality: Starter: (level 8, gender, nickname, moveset) Backstory: If RoG, include how they recruited your character. Extra: Not really necessary. Example: Monoteam or not, ... Example sign up: Accepted PCs: Hukuna: Murdoc: Commander: Turbo: Hiss: Exlink: Assery Strat Author K_H Cyaloom Ragnar Google Docs Archive of PCs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SJ_jEWpseLAxLDKEfWD4E4KH4C9PgEYFsoxq6Tfd0XE/edit?usp=sharing
  9. Claudia would be a lot more boisterous, open and probably more liable to get starry eyed.
  10. If all the vets just pulled a genderswap, I would push for Chim to throw y'all a bone, just saying.
  11. RP battles will always be pretty lax. To make a ruleset to account for everything is insane, truly it is.
  12. For game mechanics, the best bet was to crss those bridges when we came to them. Provided you aren't pulling complete BS or can justify your logic, you can do as you wish.
  13. Mr Chain is rather tired from the preparations, which is why I'm here.
  14. Strictly speaking, we have had one character, Allvin, have a slight aversion to Claude and gravitate, coincidentally I think, to female bug types. Closest we came to it really.
  15. Even with Darklight gone there's still another prankster... Doux will be haappy Speaking of, I fully intend to rehash Claude. I love the guy, I love Doux and I get a chance to pull a mulligan on any mistakes I made with him? Lessdoit

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Felicity


      YES, LIKE, WHY?

    3. Meruem


      btw there was also a final destination reference in monster musume

    4. Juniper
  17. Well, everyone sees the new OOC at the same time. The new characters are just ideas that are gonna be moulded to the world. Hell, Chim said he was recycling a lot of the old OOC, you can skim some of that to get an idea of it all. That's what everyone else is working with.
  18. So long as Doux doesn't have to stop an attempted suicide buddy... The little fluffball can only try so hard
  19. NGL, Ryan was angst in a bottle at times. Understandably, what with the vision of death, but still quite edgy. @Huk, we can only try to consider all apps equally. If people have more experience as a veteran or time to prepare because they started the work early, that's their dues for starting earlier. All we can do is try to be conscious of the circumstances behind each app. We can't really operationalise a character application to review it exactly lol/
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