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Everything posted by Jimmy

  1. I'm actually flattered that someone came to my profile to congratulate my birthday :) Didn't expect people to be so polite i guess :D

    1. Paul25


      We are Greeters in reality :P

      You should be able to expect it from now on :D 

    2. Zarc


      happy birthday to you my friend , even if i don't really know you :) 

  2. Just sent bunch of Abra's with 3-5 IV's and received pretty much nothing but basic mons, except this one surprised me since i didn't have one yet, thanks to Sweet Co.
  3. Bumbing thread, so i've been trying to find Murkrow from the Aqua alley, but i just can't get Murkrow to show up there at any weather or time conditions. "Aqua Gang Hideout (Lapis Ward) - Must be Night-time (Requires Pokésnax)" it says on the Location Guide and i've met the conditions and tried bunch of different too, but Murkrow just doesn't appear. So has this event changed or what the h3ck i'm doing wrong? And yeah, read from other threads comments that it is able to obtain after beating Shelly or something, but i've finished Ep 15 so that shouldn't be problem. If i'm not mistaken, catchable Murkrow should appear here:
  4. Today is the last day of my 10 days long vacation. Damn i hate to go back to work -_-

  5. Check your private messages
  6. I don't really see the point of running 3 HM moves at a time on the mon since you can always just re-teach the move onto the previous one. So my suggestion for Linoone's moveset would be: Belly Drum Strength/Facade Shadow Claw (if you got it from Shade and not the Shadow Ball) Play Rough Or if you don't have the Shadow Claw you can replace that move and Play Rough with Rest and Sleep talk. P.S Now that i actually gave a thought about it, you can actually use all the HM's except Fly and Cut on your Sharpedo, so having extra HM slave is kinda pointless. So i'd suggest replacing your Linoone with something stronger and forgetting a full HM slave on your team.
  7. ^ I'll trade Larvesta, Azurill or Togepi for your Axew.
  8. Here is a list where are listed all Ep 15 areas and which pokemon you counter on each area. Shows also level of those wild counters. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18129 But like few already said it, best possible spot to grind levels is Grand Hall trainers (though they can be pretty hard to beat if you are at ~40 levels) so i'd suggest just training on the latest/newest possible area you're on.
  9. If the new Eevee would be introduced in Pokemon series, which type it would be and what name it has?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. NickCrash


      A Ground one also fits in the gaps. Glaceon and Flareon both are SE against Leafeon. At the same time Leafeon and Jolteon are SE against Vaporeon. A Ground Eevee fits perfectly to create circles.

    3. Cepheus



      but then Espeon still wouldn't have an Eeveelution it is effective against...

    4. Cobalt996


      The long-awaited Dragon-type (Dragon being the last pure-special prior to the split) is probably next, since they just did Fairy, which is immune to Dragon. Trollfreak would do it. No clue on names.

  10. Yes this is still a thing. I've been trading quite a lot recently. First, to your request, this is a TRADING thread though, so you shouldn't be asking for someone to donate a mon for you. Instead you should be offering something from your mons for the Exeggcute and Clauncher. You can offer ANYTHING, just anything what you got or just go grap an extra pokemon if you don't have any spare. Second, i don't have Clauncher but i can offer you a trained Exeggcute in a trade for something. I can even make it 5-6sh IV if you got anything interesting mon to trade it for. Third, raising a mon when you've finished ep15 is damn easy. If you have an exp.share it's easy to just grind in a Opal Ward Grand Hall against weekly trainers, or the Clown in Agate Circus. You can easily raise lvl 1 mon to 50 level in 10-15mins. And if you got a Lucky Egg you can start using it when your mon is enough strong to swipe anything by itself. EDIT. Actually, i would like to have your Clauncher in trade for trained Exeggcute (if you only have 1 Clauncher just go and breed it)
  11. All my spare time from work goes to 8-10 hours of breeding mons for the next new episode. Get a life huehue? Though this is taking still too long since my Cheat Engine keeps crashing constantly :'(

  12. Has anyone else had issues using Cheat Engine 6.5? I've been encountering lots of game crashes when using this to breed. When i start talking to the man to get the eggs / in a middle of the talk the game just crashes occasionally. EDIT. Well, first it looked like it happens every now and then, but i think it starts happening now constantly.
  13. Yes even for Mega. You don't benefit from your current Timid nature, since you're going for Physical moveset. Jolly / Adamant so it doesn't decrease your physical attack stat but instead lowers your Spe.Attack since you're not running specials. I would recommend Jolly over Adamant since Speed is Absol's lower stat than Attack, so it gives a good speed boost for it. With full attack & speed EV trained jolly Mega Absol, it outspeeds easily base 115 speed stat mons. Absol is kinda weak on defense side, so you wanna make sure Absol hits fast and hard.
  14. That's a good setup. Remember to change the nature of Absol to either Jolly/Adamant (Jolly would be better) and EV train attack and speed to have maximum potential from your Absol
  15. I totally agree. I think mods wouldn't even agree to make that kind of trade.
  16. Don't remember which one but my first was Red/Blue. Gold was the best game back then.
  17. You can still get the Razor Claw for Weavile by manipulating between episodes.. Also few good addons i have in my mind are Alakazam, Rotom (Wash) and Magnezone. Bisharp is also good choice if you need some Dark typeness in the team. Also if you don't already have entry Stealth rocker in the team i'd suggest something like Forretress with SR and Rapid Spin.
  18. You seem to already got tons of ideas how to beat Arceus, but the thing that got my attention is your current team. Emolga at this part of the game is outclassed by pretty much everything. Why not use Ampharos? Or you could go back and get Galvantula or even further to get Magnezone (even Magneton is much better than Emolga) With Magnezone you could also get rid of Mawile and put Sylveon in the team.
  19. You got pm. You got pm.
  20. I'm looking for: I can breed Drilburs. I would like to have a Squirtle I have Azurills, Makigarps and Togepis. I would like to have a Staryu and Froakie. I have Gastly or Chimchar for you and i'd would like to have a Torchic in trade. I've got Chimchar for you. I'd like to have a Treecko I have Gastly and Chimchar for breeding. What do you have to offer for me? (check my previous post for what i'm looking for)
  21. Can somebody make a fast guide on how to breed "perfect" mon from scratch? For example like, having a male Infernape (Hardy, Blaze, bad IV's) and want to breed a 5/6 IV's with Jolly nature and Iron Fist ability. What's the best way to approach this goal?
  22. Oh, well... darnit.
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