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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Meruem


    1. Shing


      I can't disagree. These scenes was for funny and fucking ridicolous.

  2. finally, no shitty forced melodrama. for once, i actually felt for the characters on this episode. pretty nice episode overall.
  3. I honestly don't see any problem with fan service. It does not affect the actual writing in any way, those moments are no different from fillers. All you have to do is picture the entire anime without them to know whether or not it's actually good. One thing I do hate though is when certain shows are so shitty in terms of writing and have literally no redeemable qualities, that they rely on fan service for 99% of their enjoyment. Those shows are absolute shit and should be despised. The opposite is refreshing however, and insulting fan service moments with "they distract you from the actual story" is nothing but a personal problem some people might have, because I have not had major difficulties in following up with a story even when it's filled with those moments. I only have difficulties following up with a story when it's straight up shit. However, I have to agree that it affects how people that aren't into it view anime as a whole. Then again, most of those are probably not even interested in it to begin with and choose to use it as an excuse to avoid it.
  4. is there even water on the corrupted cave though? i was thinking it could be in the sheridan wetlands.
  5. i love every single nagi no asukara song so damn much. the feeling they give off is just so calm and melancholic, such beautiful vocals.
  6. I WANNA HAVE SEX WITH MY SCHOOL SCHEDULE SO BAD RIGHT NOW http://i.imgur.com/lmg1b61.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sheep


      Where do you go to school? Look at all of those port drinking lessons!

    3. Meruem


      its portuguese XDDDD

    4. Maelstrom


      Can you take a picture that does not need magnification to read wtf is printed?!

  7. the chairman is the best character in this entire show after hana and as the anime proved, ass > boobs

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Simon
    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I dunno... then again this last time this happened it was with Kill la Kill... and that's like one of my favoruite ANime now so... guess it could do well...maybe... XD I doubt it but I dunno... XD Maybe. No promises though.

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie
  9. i regret watching shimoneta, this now terrifies me anyway nice job there :]
  10. you can watch psycho-pass 2 and the psycho-pass movie, if you liked the original, though neither were as good due to lacking in a decent ending. the second season is dubbed while the movie probably isnt yet. as for other shows that might interest you, id recommend death parade, ergo proxy, parasyte, tokyo ghoul, deadman wonderland, steins;gate, zankyou no terror and shinsekai yori. the last one is especially similar to psycho-pass, even if it doesnt seem like it in the beginning. also, all of them not including parasyte and zankyou no terror have a pretty solid dub, in my opinion. as for shows that are currently airing, gangsta and rokka no yuusha should fit your taste. only the former is being dubbed, which is also pretty nice so far.
  11. oh yeah, that also happened
  12. no the protagonist literally slaps her in the fucking face, i recall nastasia's line was something like "your mom would be sad if she saw you in danger like this". i hope next time she roasts the protagonist even harder so that it feels even better to slap that bitch.
  13. has anyone else seen the most recent gakkougurashi! episode?
  14. completely agree with this, as one of reborn's major drawbacks is how one-dimensional the protagonists are. they're forgettable and serve literally no purpose other than so that you can play the game. rejuvenation is already one step ahead and doesn't have this drawback. as little as it may seem, it makes the game infinitely better imo.
  15. tfw your favorite characters are getting killed and your feels are just like
  16. in case anyone hasnt seen this you need to
  17. blaziken is easily superior. they have practically the same coverage moves and stats-wise, they're almost the same, with blaziken having slightly more power and infernape more speed. except blaziken gets speed boost which makes it absurdly overpowered and more than makes up for that low speed stat.
  18. i think the only filler railgun had was the final arc in the second season (and also some of the cute sol moments, but ill excuse that). i like to pretend that arc never even existed, other than some of the cool action scenes.
  19. if you wish to, please continue this conversation via pm so that this thread doesnt go too off-topic.
  20. It's a shounen that starts off really slow but is extremely consistent. All it takes to like this is get used to the pacing, as everything else is extremely well written. The action scenes are done masterfully for the most part and the characters all have some type of goal, so you'll likely be rooting for most of them, even some villains. The story arcs always know where they want to go, which is one of the best things about this anime. It's also produced by madhouse, which if you didn't know, is an amazing studio. The animation is great and the soundtrack is just epic. When I was first going to start hxh 2011, all I was thinking was "ughhh 148 episodes that's just so much", but when I was at episode 35 or so, I couldn't even stop watching it anymore. You'll get that feeling of wanting to find out what happens on the next episode, and then on the next one and so on. Finally, don't expect the show to be as amazing as I'm making it out to be on the beginning, because not even I was that amused. Like, it's still okay early on, but that's nowhere close to how great it gets later on. Other than that, I have nothing else to say, as I'd rather not spoil you on the best things about it. Just go watch it whenever you can.
  21. it didn't throw me off, I just didn't care from the beginning. the writing was so amateur and simple the entire time, especially when it came to the characters' stories, making everything predictable until the end. I was just sitting there to see if the author ever tried to do something different or that I didn't expect but nope, reason why I laughed. like if you want an actual good, heartwarming and sad story, just go watch nagi-asu or clannad afterstory. hell, even shinsekai yori's first half had me feeling more for the characters more than anything, because it's not predictable but actually shocking and sad. also, not trying to shit on sao II as a whole because I at least liked the first arc to some extent. imo though, the season should've ended right there and they should've made mothers rosario a movie, for the more hardcore sao fans. speaking of shinsekai yori though, TFW EP 17 ;________;
  23. tfw u can't decide who best girl is i actually laughed, i could never take that entire arc seriously
  24. literally any scene that has one of these characters: anna/ayame from shimoneta or kanbaru from the monogatari series.
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