It's a shounen that starts off really slow but is extremely consistent. All it takes to like this is get used to the pacing, as everything else is extremely well written. The action scenes are done masterfully for the most part and the characters all have some type of goal, so you'll likely be rooting for most of them, even some villains. The story arcs always know where they want to go, which is one of the best things about this anime. It's also produced by madhouse, which if you didn't know, is an amazing studio. The animation is great and the soundtrack is just epic.
When I was first going to start hxh 2011, all I was thinking was "ughhh 148 episodes that's just so much", but when I was at episode 35 or so, I couldn't even stop watching it anymore. You'll get that feeling of wanting to find out what happens on the next episode, and then on the next one and so on.
Finally, don't expect the show to be as amazing as I'm making it out to be on the beginning, because not even I was that amused. Like, it's still okay early on, but that's nowhere close to how great it gets later on. Other than that, I have nothing else to say, as I'd rather not spoil you on the best things about it. Just go watch it whenever you can.