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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Meruem

  1. http://myanimelist.net/anime/31964/Boku_no_Hero_Academia FUCKING CALLED IT EDIT: YOOO THERES ALREADY A FREAKING PV FOR IT bones this is why i love u
  2. i thought id reply to this here rather than on the favorite anime thread, so that it doesnt go off-topic man, i completely agree with this. the tone shifts in railgun completely fucked up the story and misaka's development. after enjoying the anime (amidst all of the sol shit), i decided to check out the manga and the first thing i noticed from the chapters i read were how they lacked all of that unnecessary filler the anime had. there is almost no sol garbage, comparing to how much there was in the anime. if this show had been adapted well, they could've done the entire first railgun season in one cour and then the sisters arc in another. at most, it would take one cour and a half for each, so 36 episodes in total rather than 48. that is roughly a full cour of filler slice of life + the silent party arc which added nothing new to the show. overall, the only good thing about the railgun anime is the sisters arc, the fighting scenes and the sound. read the manga and only go to the anime for the fighting scenes you enjoyed the most on the manga. most of those, especially on the sisters arc, were done really well and with great monologue that helps you understand the situation each individual character is in. story is generally the same, except the manga is consistent and lacks all of the sol the anime added. now im just hoping that on a future railgun season 3, jc staff no longer commits the error of adding all of that sol. the last thing i want is getting ruined.
  3. the only problem i (might) have with the rny lns is that if they drag on for too long with the "who's the seventh" thing it might get boring. when i started the anime, i thought we would discover the seventh in no time. when i noticed how long the process of figuring it out was i got hyped and was pretty happy, but now, after finishing volume two we only have solid proof of two characters not being the seventh. really gotta wonder if this riddle is going to be fun at all times or if the author will rely on a couple of ass-pulls every now and then just to keep this up for like 10 volumes. a good example of an ass-pull that would make me flip all the motherfucking tables would be anyway, so far it's doing good and it seems consistent enough. ive only read the prologue for volume three and im already curious on how sucks that ive been too busy to even start chapter one :[ also, i dont know if ive said it yet, but i highly recommend checking out volume two, for anyone who's watched the anime. the final mystery at the end was more or less the same as season one of the anime (i.e. how they presented the clues and how complex the process of figuring it out was). there wasnt as much science, other than a couple of tools adlet used, which were made by atro spiker. the main thing that makes volume two so much better than the first one is that we got a major focus on the "seventh" and their motives, as dobby mentioned. the character dynamics were absolutely great and goldof/chamo got a little more development, considering they were pretty bland on the first season. i wouldnt bother waiting for a second season if i were you, because at this point, im certain its not going to happen. the sales were just so bad that even garbage moe shorts like wakaba*girl sold more, smfh. nevertheless, the light novels are great.
  4. madhouse and shaft are my favorites. the former animates things very fluently and with high quality. some of my favorite works from them include hunter x hunter (2011), death note, parasyte, ngnl, black lagoon, the tatami galaxy and texhnolyze. shaft, on the other hand, has one of the most unique/different animation styles ive seen so far, and i almost always enjoy anything animated by them. they're mostly famous for doing the monogatari series, nisekoi, sayonara zetsubou sensei, mekakucity actors and madoka. also really like some things jc staff has done lately, such as shokugeki, shimoneta, prison school and heavy object. love the toaru franchise as well. finally, i like wit studio a lot, even though they've done very few shows (shingeki no kyojin, owari no seraph and a few more). also love studio deen pfft jk lmfao no one likes deen
  5. lost 1-2 vs mikzal ggs http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-ou-34322 http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-ou-34323 http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-ou-34324
  6. tried to battle mikzal yday but he didn't show up. if he doesnt reply to my pm within today, it'll have to wait until next friday cause I'm really busy with school this week.
  7. this episode of heavy object was much better imo. starting to like the series, with the only thing that really bothers me being some of the cgi flames/explosions. other than that, it's been pretty interesting to see kamachi handle a military/war setting.
  8. owari no seraph second cour gakusen toshi asterisk rakudai kishi no cavalry
  9. https://twitter.com/VIZMedia/status/652531677072359425 DUB YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
  10. ah, finally an ecchi/harem that doesnt seem bland. besides those generic ecchi moments, taimadou gakuen interests me to say the least. hoping it doesnt try too hard to be edgy while failing in the writing. other than that, im really looking forward to this one. the perfect insider was ok. not that good comparing to sakurako-san or some other things airing this season, but ill give it two more episodes.
  11. ikr, fucking love noragami. yato is such an awesome protagonist.
  12. set them in fire

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BlueMoonIceCream



    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      To be fair setting them in fire is worse, because that means you are putting them in a flame or chucking them into it. And if you can set them ((which implies debirtlay putitng them there.)) They probably aren't all that consuis at the moment... so this is actually probably worse depending on how you look at it.

    4. Meruem
  13. my eyes just had an orgasm watching a corpse is buried under sakurako's feet, oml. not counting with one punch man, this is possibly aots.
  14. meh, they seem pretty shit so far. nothing special comparing to standard garbage ecchi/harems, but ill give them three episodes to see if they get any better. comet lucifer is also the same, nothing different has happened so far, its just a gurren lagann/no game no life wannabe. one show that managed to pick my interest, however, was concrete revolutio. man, what the fuck is even going on with this anime? i dont know what the hell studio bones is smoking but im loving it, and i cant wait to see more of this show. it gives me that panty and stocking cartoon-like feel along with flcl's wtf-crazy action, magical girls, giant super heros and a badass pink haired protagonist. also dat trippy ending.
  15. ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RELEASE ANGIE ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
  16. for those interested, a sword art online movie and a new accel world anime were announced. http://myanimelist.net/news/42481711 and on other sad news, there's still not going to be an index III in a good time :[[[ http://www.animenewsnetwork.co.uk/news/2015-10-04/dengeki-bunko-editor-no-season-3-yet-for-a-certain-magical-index/.93770
  17. probably really late since i couldnt see it sooner, but congrats on the rejuvenation battle theme glitch made for you jan :]

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BlueMoonIceCream



    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Is it bad I didn't click that because Ferro was on the thumbnail?

    4. BlueMoonIceCream


      Well, no fern uses it I can understand

  18. in the media, sure. but in that aspect, there are other things that matter a lot more than first impressions, such as names and industries. take charlotte as an example. first 4 episodes or so were fine, and if it had stayed that way it wouldve been an ok series, nothing amazing but definitely not horrible as it became. yet the writer chose to make it a rushed mess while copying steins;gate and trying super hard to make it as dark as possible for no actual reason. yet, despite being so shitty, it's still number one in the summer anime sales, because p.a. works and jun maeda. no other reason. in the end, i couldnt care less about first impressions or other people's opinions on the show, as they dont affect how much i will enjoy them. unless they sell so bad and dont get a sequel because of that. by the way, im not sure if you've read the synopsis yet but i just did and this actually intrigues me a bit: so, again, im definitely looking forward to next week. really expecting this to get better.
  19. it's just a first episode lol. im hyped for it mainly cause its railgun/index's writer, but ive got to admit this first episode really didnt seem like anything special, and the fan service was just awkward and pointless. one thing i learned tho, especially with the summer season, is that a first episode really means nothing in the end, as most of the shows that started out good turned out shit and the ones that had a meh start got much better. noragami was great tho. just awesome like the first season, really excited to see the bishamon arc fully adapted.
  20. its really sad tho, 'cause they made some amazing shows. most of them were only popular on the west, which sucks because japan is where the sales really matter. now a deadman wonderland or gangsta sequel is pretty much impossible (if it wasnt already lol). we could still hope another studio continued them, though. fridays and saturdays look freaking amazing to me. noragami and heavy object begin tomorrow, hype!!! i think that mainly happens when shows get really popular or sell very well, which i dont think is the case with any of manglobe's shows. havent really checked on gangsta's sales, but im pretty sure things like overlord and charlotte are much higher.
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