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Everything posted by Meruem

  1. that doesnt happen very often here. the "worst" that happens is when my mom goes FUCK THE POLICE on traffic light that has just turned red.
  2. my actual responsibilities (tests) only begin in early/mid october.
  3. inb4 memes aside, i still think it's lin's past self. there were already a couple of threads for this and that's what i deduced from speculating on each of them.
  4. hype
    1. Flux


      As an outsider of Danganropa who has thought about looking into it, should I start here or play the earlier ones first?

    2. Meruem


      play the earlier ones for sure

  5. i s2g if my bitch ass brother calls me again to kill a fucking cockroach ill throw it in his face

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Meruem


      not hard to kill but really annoying. the thought of not having to ever kill one sounds like heaven tho omfg.

    3. BlueMoonIceCream



    4. Meruem


      hell no, im offering it to satan

  6. shameless advertising so, the anime and manga room is now up on showdown. if anyone's interested, come visit it :]. once again, thanks a lot commander!
  7. there should be a meme overlord rep status

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      Nah, I've retired from that, my days of rep post spamming are over.

    3. Meruem



    4. ShadowStar
  8. though i'm kinda poor and wanted to save some rupees, i don't mind paying for it. also, there are people who contribute more to the anime/manga subforum so they should probably have a word on this before it's created.
  9. would it be possible to have an anime/manga room on showdown?
  10. woah noble my ass i want the death status

    1. Flynn


      Not gonna lie was hoping for Dio.

  11. wait was that an actual reference or did someone write captions over it? if so, i completely missed it, damn it.
  12. IKRRRR, tho its been out for a while now the ending too
  13. he was pretty injured though, and its not the first time a protagonist would get killed :l. on a side note, i just remembered about something:
  14. i have a slight feeling he'll die too. but im trying to contain that slight feeling as much as i can because i really dont want him to die.
  15. i finally understand why hiss likes rokka no yuusha dat science > magic moment tho admit it
  16. alright, here they are guys :]. wow interesting, but ur a fkn idiot u forgot the most syn3rg3t1c thing about them: they both have a base hp stat of 60!!1 but yeah zoroark is a really fun mon which i always enjoy building around. and playing with it is the best, especially when you manage to trick your opponents and just sit there giggling like a ten year old girl when they go "wtf?? how!!?!1". i think it can work really well with whimsicott SYNERGY because zoroark pairs especially well with pivots and, overall, anything that's fairy, psychic, fighting or ghost and/or shares a common move with it. here's the team i got for you: team building process: how the team should be used: so i came up with something that was between balance and hyper offense, which i think matches your play-style nicely. be careful when importing, because i was lazy at the time i made this and decided to list the changes you can make on the the import rather than on the team building process, though i did elaborate on some of them there. anyway, i like how this turned out, looks pretty solid to me: team building process: how the team should be used: i actually really like how this turned out, despite the fact that it seemed like i could never come up with something nice. overall, its a team that puts a lot of offensive pressure while having counters for certain wallbreakers/faster threats. its more balance than hyper offense tbh, but yeah, here it is: team building process: how the team should be used: okay, i tried to make it as aggressive as i could, but i ended up sacrificing some speed for a spinner (i.e. blastoise) and resistances. i don't think it is a major problem, however, as faster things like noivern and crobat don't really threaten the team too much, given their counters didn't faint. in the end, scarfcross was the fastest thing in the team, but if you really find this an issue you can make rotom-h scarf instead of specs. team building process: how the team should be used: hope all of you liked the teams. i wont be taking any more requests now, since school starts next tuesday for me and i've been very lazy lately. though, if you're interested, i will likely do this some time in the future (basically once i feel like it again). would appreciate if a mod locked this now. if you have any questions about the teams or need any help, just pm me and i should reply within a day or two, depending on how busy i am.
  17. same, unless there's some crucial dialogue we're forgetting of. hiss?
  18. DAMN IT WHY DID THE ROKKA NO YUUSHA EPISODE HAVE TO END THERE other than that, this episode was so damn amazing. i wouldve never guessed that was the seventh's plan. but who the fuck is the seventh now, i kinda wanna suspect maura because of everything that happened. nashetanya still feels like a possible culprit though, especially since goldof has no decent development as of now. also flamie trying to protect THE STRONGEST FUCKIN MAN IN THE UNIVERSE adlet was so fuckin cute. and i actually dont dislike nashetanya as a character entirely, despite those freaking mood swings. all in all, this was easily my favorite anime of the summer season, with shokugeki no soma's second half just behind.
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