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Everything posted by laggless01

  1. Iirc you can also get Honedge, as Specially Bulky Aegislash with Leftovers is a very solid mon overall. Maybe won't handle Luna well, but the double after has many special attackers. You could also consider Sticky Web support with e.g. Ribombee (Belrose Mansion grass) to give yourself a strong advantage against the faster mons, but keep in mind that you won't get revives between the fights, only Full Restores. Ribombee is also quite frail and doesn't hit that hard, but it is very fast. Sticky Web would pair well with Mega-Medicham, if you have the stone (it's in the Sugiline Ruins if you don't).
  2. Well, since this thread has been revived and the available roster has changed since then, aloow me to praise Cofagrigus again. If you're willing to get a Bold coffin with Max IVs and EVs in HP and Defense, and minimal ones in Attack, it can (almost, if you're unlucky) solo the dragon, even without Intimidate support. It goes as follows: get the moveset Pain Split (Apophyll Tutor), Will-O-Wisp, Power Split and Shadow Ball/Hex (level-up moves). Give it a Zoom Lens if you want more reliability. First, you burn the shark, and eat the hit taking ~50-60% off your health. Solaris has 3 full heals, so burn three more times. Then, you can choose. Either you go for Pain Split to ensure your survival the turn after, or go immediately for the Power Split to reduce his attack and let your teammates deal with Cripple Shark. If they missed a Stone Edge or Dragon Rush though, you'll definitely 1v1 them by picking Pain Split and your attack depending on your needs per turn. Plus, Cofagrigus is very helpful against Kiki and anything threatening to murder you physically later, like a Stupidly Big Steelix, for example, or any physical-focused gym you can damage.
  3. I'm doing a second run to get a different ending, but wanted to avoid some of the messy situations I got myself in last time. For this, I am hoping to have a team with Lycanrock-dusk (mystery egg, Z-move terrain removal, can run SR for utility) and Klefki (screens, spikes + typing, plus I got a shiny). Greninja is likely to be part as well for complementing overall coverage at the end, as I picked one as a starter (suprisingly underwhelming mid-game due to weak attacks) and it being a very fun mon to have. The problem is how to fill up the rest to handle the new E19-content before post-game. Currently I do have a decent pool of mons already trained namely: Amoonguss (Calm), Weavile, Mantine, Meowstic-M, Diggersbytho, Excadrill, Toxapex (Bold), Cofagrigus (Bold), Alakazam, Ribombee, Medicham, Gliscor, Venomoth, Magnezone, Tyrantrum, Infernape and (shiny) Lucario. Although I have a bunch of mons that could fill nice team roles, I struggle with actual synergy between them as well as knowing some fights will undo their ability to perform their role as well. Particularly useful sets (besides the obvious) for existing ones, as well as new mons, and tips for team building in this case would be appreciated.
  4. I had a Blaziken, Greninja, Serperior, Aegislash, Mamoswine and Naganadel. I think all of them had MVP moments, but
  5. laggless01


    If you don't want to 'cheese' it, raising a Bold Cofagrigus with Power Split, Will-o-Wisp and Pain Split with Max HP and Defense is very reliable. At level 45 Garchomp does about half with its strongest move, and by then you have already reduced its power by over half. Pain split is a tutor move you should have access to, the others are level-up. It does great against Kiki too if you haven't beaten her yet, as it is a great physical counter.
  6. When doing a particular sidequest in a certain path in E19-related content, it became rather apparent to me that I had to noticably shift team members to handle some of the battles in certain fields. Unlike when you had a gym to prepare yourself, being caught off-guard and then being stomped due to your team getting wrecked in some unexpected field condition, and running back and forth to switch teammates is a lot of effort if you don't use password codes. Then, in another randomised field thingie also E19, this became even more noticable. So I was wondering if one could build a team of 6 that can stand its ground in any field, or at least long enough to alter the field in their favour and win that way. Some thing I did notice in this were quirks regarding certain terrains. Namely, New World and Underwater don't get overwritten by terrain moves, but every other one does. New World only converts by Gravity, whilst Underwater only changes in a single turn through Dive, Fly, Bounce, Sky Drop and Poisinium-Z. So unless a team is or has mons built to work on these fields, one would need these moves to even allow changing the terrain to a more favourable one. I also think members obtainable before E19-content, that is everything non-legendary bar a particular Needle Boi, would be rather valuable in forming this. Swapping items in between is permitted, but bonus if not required. So, my question is: what mons do you think would be very useful to build such a team? And what would they need support with? An example of this: Serperior is a great mon, but in Reborn it is even better because of the fields. This is because besides its known Contrary-storm shenanigans, it also gets Grassy Terrain (Egg move). This not only overrides most fields (and thus disrupts quite a few teams), but also boosts Leaf Storms and HP Fire if used. Having access to Leech Seed also helps dealing with pesky bulky mons abusing fields for defensive buffs and...'damage avoidance shenanigans' you might encounter here and there. Or you can use Glare to enforce speed control. Its main downsides are that it doesn't handle fire- and poison-types well as they change the terrain further, and quite a few dragon- and flying-types can be annoying if you didn't get enough boosts yet. Smack a Choice Item, Amplifield Rock or Leftovers on it depending on the need and you have something that saved my ass a surprising amount of times, even at the end of postgame.
  7. I have a shiny ralts. Female, but IVs are meh. If you want, I'll trade them for a shiny noibat as you have two, doesn't matter which one. Request trade with my username then.
  8. Well, mine loaded, but still got stuck. Weird. Anyway, just put the mon first so it works. Thanks a lot!
  9. Nice, Mine's just my username here. I'll give you something cool. (Update: got some weird issue in selecting who to trade, pointer is stuck in top right corner)
  10. I want to get a Lapras, but I'd rather trade for one than wait a few days to start the E19 rollercoaster, as I want to finish the pokedex sidequest first. I can offer some mons with decent IVs, or shinies like Corphish, Beldum or Growlithe. Or any regular non-legendary one fancies.
  11. ...I did check the guide first when I couldn't find them. So yes, I checked there, but zilch. Still curious why the dex then says they're also in the fantasy world. I'll try checking that Mirage Tower (if I find it as it, you know, disappears). EDIT, Update: I found them, turns out I didn't spot the way down to another waterfall. In other words, kept looking around everywhere else except that spot. Issue resolved, now I just have to wait to get that Lapras.
  12. So, I've been looking for the Marill line for quite a while in both the Upper route 4 and Once upon a Loopingmap (the places in indicates it could be found) with a Magnetic Lure on my mon at different times of the day, yet I haven't found any. Are they consigned to a specific subarea I'm passing over, or is something required? I just don't want it to be a bug.
  13. I checked for the beldum event, but it has effectively been scrapped. No pre-agate Tauros shenanigans anymore it seems. Metagross is kinda cracked on ice, so it makes sense. Still checking for the Karrablast and co have an additional safety. Based on suggestions (and figuring out I could get Swinub), I took Archeops, Crawdaunt and Amoongus in as additional members, and keep a makuhita on the side in case of emergency. Terra will likely be the most difficult one, but we'll see if I really got nothing to handle that. Thanks for the suggestions!
  14. After beating Radomus and accessing 7th Street, I have been in a bind on my team composition. Currently, I have quite a few members on rotation, but I mostly am using Diggersby, Blaziken and Roserade (Don't attack me for Blaz, Brace was my first ever pokemon). I do have on rotation Thatcher the Cofagrigus (RIP Solaris), Nidoking, Chandelure, Drapion, Pachirisu, Ribombee (RIP Serra), Meowstic-M and Galvantula. Of these, Drapion, Pachirisu and Galvantula feel like they're at their limits, so they might be considered for swaps later on. (I did prepare a special surprise for a particular hacker, I can't wait to try it). Given the leaders and challenges (and fields) coming before returning to the city, I wanted to add or change a few members on my team. -I am likely going to train a Thick Fat Hariyama with Bullet Punch, as I expect it to help tremendously in a particular area, and I don't have great Ice-resists. Suggested moves or better alternatives are appreciated. -I am considering swapping out Roserade, as despite the power, Toxic Spikes has had limited function, Sleep Powder missed more than the frail flower can handle, and its available attacks are too strong for technician but lacking in power. Due to this, I am deliberating on adding Amoongus or Tangrowth in her place, but can't decide what would be better for my team, especially with the ice, flying and sewer in mind. -The biggest issue is on adding a Water-type. I am stuck on deciding between Empoleon and Crawdaunt, and how that would affect adding additional members. Crawdaunt would add a Dark-type, which would help replace Drapion too as I have a lot of Poison-types now, and add a strong physical attacker with prority. On the other hand, it gets wrecked by Freeze-dry and Fighting-types, and good steel-types are rather rare at this point in the game, maybe except magnezone if you go looking for it. Empoleon would grant me a coveted Steel-mon, add defensive backbone and possible utility. Having its amount of resistances would help with pivoting, one of the reasons why I'm considering swapping the Rose out. (I'm not ruling out other options like Kingdra, Lanturn, Gastrodon or Swampert, but I doubt they work well with what I have and might be hard-pressed in the coming parts of the game.) Given the differences, such a choice would affect what other members I could add. If going for the Crawdaunt, I think the other choices for Steel-types atm would not be great or fitting well on the team. On the other hand, Empoleon's tools will be limited in the short term, and I'd have to seek mons for handling Ground-types as I'm lacking in useful resistances to them right now. For both I'd have consider how to handle fighting types, as Ribombee is a bit frail to do that. I'd prefer to prep teammates before going through the Agate gate, as I can breed for egg moves and the like before it. Any advice?
  15. As someone who started anew in the community beta, I definitely recommend doing so. The "early game" changes have been so far good across the board, and you might not even recognise some places.
  16. Ah, so its typing has been decoupled from IVs, then. That's good to know, thanks!
  17. Hi, I was checking my Hidden Power types in Apophyll, and the result was a bit surprising and jarring. I let him inspect a Roselia with an IV set typical for HP Fire (31/16/31/30/31/30, top to bottom in summary), after which he told me it had HP Dark. When I checked other mons, there were mismatches as well when I compared with a reliable IV calculator on the web. Has the way Hidden Power is determined changed, or is something else going on?
  18. Although there are guidelines regarding bugs, I didn't see any posts related to things that aren't errors, just a bit rough around the edges and thus might affect the experience negatively. Like how Gen 4 DP were functioning but also were agonizingly slow, just not nearly as extreme as that. I didn't find anyone talking about it here, so hence the topic. If it's helpful to the devs and I was not blind or dumb missing past posts, perhaps this could be used as a thread to bundle all such matters? Anyway, to the subject. Something I did notice is that, when text is set to 'fast', there's a bit of noticable delay when 1. sending out a pokemon and 2. when declaring an attack. It does seem to flow better on 'normal' text speed, so I think it is related on when and how the animation is started in relation to when the text is prompted. In a similar vein, on the faster text speed, it takes noticable time to continue text when you catch a pokemon, reducing the time it forces you to linger on that text speed might make it feel like it's flowing more smoothly. On a positive note, thank you for the Pickup rework, not having to check the mons every time is a godsend.
  19. Pray for the server tonight. It'll have to bear it.
  20. First budew now Fernip, it seems like Ame will have a lot of plant matter to burn again.
  21. Unofficial Episode 20 will be some nutter trying to put this game into a 3D graphics engine. I am not that nutter.
  22. Well if you're on grass, you can imagine dragons. No I'm not apologising for that one. Unrelated to this, I am low-key hoping on some new epic boss music in this episode. Some Rejuv Angie intro vibes or something as intimidating for Lin seems fitting, and it would add to the 'oh shit I'm in trouble'-vibe.
  23. Well, I fear we'll have to miss the Cass Update System once the episode is released. What a pity :( I hope the game stays on the site long enough for people. There's a hammer more dreadful than T3RR4's unfort.
  24. CHOO CHOO MOTHERF**- Yeah the hype train is about to arrive it seems. Now nobody has to ask ever again when the next episode is coming out.
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