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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by laggless01

  1. Isn't that Pokemon Red adventure's selling point? I think Reborn is somehow more...consistent storywise.
  2. The dev team be spitting more bars than a chocolate factory. Good riddance.
  3. Flygon is a good option (keep it Trapinch until it learns EQ by level-up): it gets Rock Slide, EQ and has 100 base speed, which can be enough if trained well enough. Pranksters with Rain Dance work wonders as well. Or you could go with a bulky Trick room mon to eat the hit and turn the battle on its head.
  4. Could be cut off right before he does (Flowey-style). Reborn's health bars always seem to "jump" the last bit, which is quite large for a level-5 mon.
  5. Not what I intended to say. Check Juice's comment. If it comes out shortly after (like a couple weeks), that could be the best scenario if Gen8 turns out a bit underwhelming. Not a desirable scenario, but not impossible either.
  6. Reeled back a little due to the surprise. Also if it is released in six months, that might put it past the Gen8-release date. That might not be a bad thing.
  7. Some Distortion World/Regular world puzzles would be cool, as one overwhelms the other...
  8. If the developers want to be really gnarly about it, they could refer it to as to why you can't visit Kalos...might kill off their British market somewhat, but it would be a bit funny. Given that wolves are extinct in Britain, and they were rather uncommon on coats of arms, I'd think dogs would be more likely than the former (plus the Victorian era originated quite a few 'dog breeds'). But who knows? Maybe it's based on Nordic mythology (as it was quite influential, given that even the royal family are descendants of the Normans, which were descendants of Vikings). I just hope they don't make it too easy. And that they don't implement the Let's Go-stat mechanics. But the game being on the Switch makes me quite excited if the latter doesn't happen.
  9. ^This. Just trying to plan ahead for such an event. It is merely speculation though. Commander's suggestions are probably the best way to go. Back to topic: if Ame wants a sadistic Victory Road puzzle, she can just redo that magic square puzzle, but have to fight a pokemon every time you want to make a move. Or just throw every puzzle up until then together and mix them in a glorious clusterf...
  10. There are a couple things. First one of them is Rejuv. I doubt it will be finished before Reborn, so if the site gets wiped who knows if and where that will be finished (it started to get really interesting this episode). Same goes indeed for all the others. I'm mostly afraid that I'll miss the release and won't get a chance to play the finished versions of any of these games (including Reborn) if it comes out at a time I'm drenched in work and deadlines, 'cause that happens sometimes. Second, if the site would get axed, it would mean a lot of people (which are not on Discord server for reasons, for example myself) might suddenly lose contact with the community. Sure, worrying doesn't really lead to any benefits for me, but I'm just hoping things will be alright for everyone. Anyway, thanks for the reassurance, Commander.
  11. I don't like bringing it up, but given Uranium's history, I'm worried Nintendo will take down E19 once it comes out as the game will be 'complete' then. Not sure what to do if that happens.
  12. A this point, you could say that about playing it as well (not complaining). I do wonder if Ame adds a twist to this final gym, or if she goes for straight-up ball-busting difficulty. Or both.
  13. Yeah, no. Dont forget post-game content has to be implemented as well, so it'll take quite a while. Plus the E4 and probably at least two plot twists would have to be implemented too, soo... (Cyborg Ame fires her mouth-laser at hydreigon)
  14. I just hope the plot can be resolved without massive exposition dumps in the last episode. It would be a little dissapointing if you'd have to wade through a buttload of text just to get through the ending, I think. Fingers crossed.
  15. That's news to me. I can't imagine why we're given such a pokemon this early, but as it is the case, we'll probably get access to nearly every Mega-stone (maybe except Gengar and Salamence, and possibly Kangaskan, Metagross as well) before the league.
  16. Besides, who knows which mega stones we'll get before these fights. Some megas are near busted, you know.
  17. Just sayin', having/winning a KKK-Kawaii award might give some outsiders the wrong idea...
  18. Eh, counseling seems to have very different connotations depending on the country, so I guess it's understandable you might get annoyed at that. I'm just not sure we're able to help you as well compared to someone with a degree dealing with such situations. It ain't a guarantee that it will help, though, but the odds seem better to me. Just don't be too harsh on yourself. You have a strong bout of infatuation combined with a distrust towards others, and in such circumstances it makes sense to feel like you do. Give the both of you some time apart, and focus on something else if you can, as continuously dwelling over this doesn't seem to me like something that would help this situation. If you're not sure later what to do, you can always post something again. Happy holidays, dude.
  19. Well, good to know I'm not the only person failing at that But besides that, congrats on your year, and hopefully you have some nice festivities to look forward to.
  20. I suggested Excadrill in case you don't want Mamoswine. Either can be nice. I haven't used Sylveon myself, but it is referred to as a 'nuke' on the forums due to Trump Card. If put to 1 PP before an important battle, you get a massive 200 BP pixilate-boosted STAB-move capable to one-shot an unresisted Arceus if you happen to run a Choice Specs. Other than that I guess it's a decent cleric with a powerful STAB attack. If you want to run it, do so, but I'd say you should play it to its strengths. It learns a bunch of nice support moves for Reborn, so experimentation is possible Given your physical attacking-problems, I do recommend you to consider Azumarril and Mimikyu as well if you want to run a Fairy-type. The former is surprisingly stong, levels up quickly and learns its best moves early on, but you have to breed Aqua Jet on it (via Buizel/Floatzel) to get the most out of it. The latter has Disguise, giving it free setup to demolish stuff, but to get it you have to go through 2 long late-game events.
  21. There are other options possible as well. As your current team is heavily oriented to the special side, you coud definitely use some physical attackers. You don't have a Ground-type yet, which might be worrisome with a plethora of fields boosting electric-type attacks (hence Mamoswine as a suggestion). Excadrill is a very good option, as it greatly benefits (Sand Rush/Force) from TTar's Sand Stream. Garchomp has Sand Veil as well, but Earthquake isn't available to it yet (and Rough Skin is usually a better ability). Gliscor can benefit from chip damage the sand brings as well with stall sets (Toxic Heal). Due to TTar, steel-types are also something to consider. Lucario is perhaps the best option regarding coverage on your team, but Scizor and Metagross could be viable as well (or Mega Mawile once we get the stone). All of them get priority moves by level-up as well iirc. Hope this helps!
  22. Disclaimer: do not take relationship advice from me. Pretty bad at it and relations in general. With that out of the way, consider that this contains in part personal opinions. I know you didn't ask for them, but. You seem like an adult, so I trust you can decide whether you should read it or not. I'm an idiot sometimes, so keep that in mind as well, as I'm able to accidentally anger people without any intention of doing so. opinion part - skip if not interested opinion part ended - It'll at least take some time for things to become less tense with this person I think, so pushing the issue with her might not be the right idea. I don't know if you can get counseling, but it might be a good idea to talk with someone who is educated in this field rather than a bunch of people self-studied in the arts of alternative pokemon metagames based of complex field tactics . (If it's possible, of course. Not every country has 'good' mental healthcare.) I think it is probably a good idea regardless to think about how much your "logical" moves were based on logic. You had endured a heavy emotional ordeal shortly before it after all. Don't make yourself feel like you have to play hardball all the time with people. Besides, wouldn't the existence of a "single special someone" be rather illogical? If there are over 7 billion people on earth, would it make sense there's only one compatible person for everyone? So take it a little bit easier on yourself. Anyway, take care.
  23. Or that same feeling and seeing them eventually (after months or years) start a relationship with someone else, and having to face it (and your lack of courage) continuously over a long period of time. Definitely not recommended.
  24. It depends. Perhaps it is best to also add your movesets (natures and EVs optional) so we have a better idea of the tactics you (can) use in battle. (For example, idk if your charizard is a physical DD-set, a special attacker...) It is also common to have a couple mons in rotation so people can adapt to specific challenges. I have a team of about 20 due to abundance of time between episodes (although many of those are ground- and fire-types I trained for a very specific gym leader...and I didn't use them because I didn't find a PC nearby...) Lucario would be a nice addition, I think. You don't have a steel-type yet, and you seem not to have much physical attacking presence (but movesets). I'm not sure how great froslass is. All I know is that it can set hazards and use Destiny Bond, and that its special attack is rather lackluster. But I haven't used it in Reborn, so it might be an awesome pokemon in this game. My personally favourite Ice-type is Mamoswine, and it could fit on your team as well. Breed with Beartic for Icicle Crash, complement with Ice Shard, Earthquake and Mist (great for nullifying terrains for a short while) and you have a fun mon. (If Stealth Rock is available, which I doubt, it's also a possibility.)
  25. It did, quite a while ago so. Thought that made it a bit more unexpected, but oh well. (Would be funny if used in this case, tho. Getting ripped apart by that hydreigon on those tunes would be so jarring it becomes hilarious imo.) The rest still stands, however. Haven't heard that much done with the Arceus theme from gen4, even though it might be a good basis for something quite imposing. Lin is just ideal to have a theme displaying both restraint and brute force, mixed with a bit of terror.
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