Hello to all who read this! I have actually had an account for a while, but hadn't introduced myself yet so... better late than never, right?
Anyways, about myself. Personality-wise, I've been told that I'm very laid back, if extremely stubborn. I tend to take a while to really make an opinion, but when I do, I tend to stick to it. Nonetheless, I try to look at both sides of every argument. Seems to me that most arguments have at some merit to them, you know?
As far as hobbies go, I tend to be a bit of a bookworm. My favorite genres are sci-fi and fantasy. I've also wanted to get into doing RP for a while, so I look forward to getting into one on this site maybe?
Anyways, I look forward to being friends with you all. Cheers to a happy future together!
Also, I like dragons. Dragons are cool.