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  1. How strong is he really with his drizzle ability? Will he be strong enough to sweep, or just be sort of mediocre? And if so, what strong water pokemon would you suggest? And Vinny, don't suggest Gyarados.
  2. Yeah he didn't show up.
  3. Didn't really get much help from the guides, so someone mind telling me the location of where it can be caught?
  4. Charizard Nidoking Snorlax Zapdos Lapras Mewtwo
  5. Oh, alrighty then. Thanks.
  6. Wouldn't mind having a fire/ghost pokemon in my team.
  7. I believe people have the right to know of this option if they don't know about it already. Censor all you want, can't stop what's already on the internet. And just FYI, there will always be exploits.
  8. Only good for poke and healing. Maybe baiting if skilled enough. But doesn't offer actual effective team play.
  9. It's obvious where Piplup is gonna hang out at. The real question is, will we ever get to see Saphira's photos?
  10. So a caterpie would scare the shit out of you?
  11. I would love to tell you how to make money infinitely on CE. But just mentioning CE is like a taboo. There are guides. Look them up. Makes the whole thing easier.
  12. Cheat engine. Make your money infinite, buy all the coins you want, and buy Trapinch. But of course, if you want to go the harder route, you could grind those voltorbs. You could also try pressing C all over the place and pick up some coins. Though Flygon isn't really worth it later on. I mean, the whole being dragon/earth with levitate is pretty nifty. But you'll start running into ice pokemon and a few dragons that can trample on Flygon. The process that it took to level Trapinch into Flygon without cheating was just boring, since Trapinch doesn't learn many strong attacks (maybe Bulldoze, but it was mediocre. ) The secondary evolution isn't all that great either.
  13. You can also go the dishonorable route and use cheat engine to have infinite amount of monnneyyy
  14. Sylveon is not to be underestimated. Also, that Gigantic Steelix was pretty weak to begin with.
  15. As in toxic spikes, stealth rocks, spikes, grassy terrain, etc. I personally find toxic spikes the best to use unless you're against steel/poison/flying, etc. Grassy terrain I only find useful for grass pokes, and stealth rocks only useful for those special kind of pokemon like Charizard. Spikes tend to be very weak for me.
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