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Ojama Yellow

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Everything posted by Ojama Yellow

  1. @Nosada the type quiz has been retired for years now. around november 2016 there was a big site update in which pretty much everything got overhauled, and the type quiz got lost in that void.
  2. as unfortunate as it may be, if your goal is to make your fanfic appealing to all readers, its nigh impossible. every reader has their own preferences of story or storytelling, so its impossible to appease all your potential readers. but dont worry too much about getting as many people as possible to read your story. while its fun (honestly understandably so) to hear that others read and enjoy your story, dont be too disappointed if your story doesnt get as much fans as you had hoped or expected. remember that everything you write is a path to becoming a better writer, which will eventually attract more readers as well. first off, something that may sound obvious, but try to be as original as possible. for example, the backstory of "I found a hurt pokemon and nursed it back to health so it now likes me and its my starter". cool thing and all, but like half the fanfics out there use it as a starter. as great as a writer you may be, most people arent overly fond of reading something that theyve read ten times before. so try to avoid or take your own spin on the common clichés. secondly, make your story appealing to actually read. constantly having long sentences of three lines or more, grammar or spelling mistakes commonly appearing in your story and bad paragraph formatting are big red sirens to most readers. proofread everything you write (preferably have someone else proofread it as well) before publishing. it sounds basic, but its amazing how many amateur-writers dont pay attention to this. lastly, try to make a story that you made or that you are very close to. while its fun that your friend has given you a story you can use, its possible that youre not as close to the characters as your friend, the original writer, was. this may lead to more superficial and subsequently less interesting writing about the characters. this is just a nitpick on my part, though. if you feel like youre able to write it as well as your friend would, then do what you want to do. most importantly, write something you have fun writing! if you sacrifice your free time creating something that youre not actually a fan of yourself, its only a matter of time before you drop it into obscurity. thats all I can tell you, though. im only a beginning writer myself, so all my advice is rather basic. good luck!
  3. so duel links has done the forbidden thing. the newest structure deck has been datamined, and it contains cards that might make the card that was never meant to be good very good.



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      will obviously still have to see how it matches up against the onslaught of sams, gears and amazoness burn. but theyve got some pretty powerful stuff.

    3. YinYang9705


      its modern support that makes then actually playable, so it's gonna be pretty good, maybe less good without rainbow neos or isolde, but still decent 

    4. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      rainbow neos would probably be a bit, uh, mad. it does require you to run rainbow dragon which is a brick when you cant use it, but then again neos has 1000 ways to fuse.

  4. suffering



    1. Wolfox


      This avi again? 

    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      remember who you are, simba.

  5. Ojama Yellow

    Yugi Oh.

    as far as im aware, it depends if youre looking for a multiplayer or singleplayer experience. as zarc mentioned, ygopro does best when it comes to multiplayer. if youre looking for some single player, tag force special (psp) and legacy of the duelist (xbox one) are probably the latest installments, from 2014 and 2015 respectively. I cant speak for legacy of the duelist since I havent played it, but tag force special contains all cards up to october 2014, I believe? as well as a good portion of anime cards. the downside is that its only been released in japan, so youre gonna want a translated version which thankfully isnt too hard to find. alternatively theres duel links with a mix of single- and multiplayer. it doesnt contain nearly all cards in the game, not by a longshot (especially given xyz, pendulum and link summoning dont exist there yet), and the mechanics work quite differently, but it does have some more recent cards not included in tag force special or legacy of the duelist.
  6. a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.

    1. Alistair


      henlo Mr. Senate

  7. 0GEN41s.png


    it has been done.




    and this was the deck I used to eventually hit this. dinos are unexpectedly fun to play once you figure out how they work.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      if it were possible I would have done so already a lot of times over.

      unfortunately not even the obelisk/ojama turbo combo can do anything in the current meta because of the fucking existence of shi en.

    3. Commander


      What a horrible world to live in when you can't be the best while memeing

    4. Ojama Yellow
  8. dlv19 hit, thank you survivals end and other dino friends. run for dlv max is something for tomorrow.

  9. KI9uDBl.png


    what the hell, quillbolt hedgehog.

    1. Wolfox
    2. seki108


      R.I.P.   At least it's useful

    3. Alex
  10. seems like the randomly spawned level 20 duelists favor me. a few months after my prismatic winged kuriboh from jaden, zane hands me this.




    I fucking love cyberdarks in duel links, and despite keel being the worst of the three basic cyberdarks, its still a necessary component to create cyberdark dragon. so you fuckin bet ill use this.

    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      image link inserted because somehow it broke.

  11. my ribbons hurt~ pixpixpix~

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ZEL


      Don't be so gloom, Az. pix~ C-can you brush our ribbons instead? pixpix?

    3. Azeria


      C. U. R. S. E. D.

    4. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      C. pix~ U. pix~ R. pix~ S. pix~ E. pix~ D. pix~ ? pixpix?

  12. HbOu3aw.png


    probably this will be as high as I will be reaching this season. not too bad given I started out somewhere half from rookie 1. thank you aliens.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      ya. switched around the build a bit, going balance with eight monsters, six spells and six traps. three warriors and two kids are my core monsters. kid has become more valuable than telepath in the current meta imo. I even thought about running three kids and two warriors for a while. other than that, two overlord and one telepath. telepath isnt bad, but given im running balance the deck bricks quite hard if telepath happens to be my only monster in first hand without recomb.


      for traps I just went with three powerful rebirths and three brainwashing beams. I initially dismissed the latter as kind of bad, but again, in the current meta (where alien cannot defeat yubel any other way), nothing feels better than stealing their terror incarnate or ancient gear reactor dragon and subsequently swinging for game. even managed to steal an ancient gear ultimate golem from a guy attempting to go all in turn 3 too. poor guy.


      spells is obviously three copies of the recomb device. its the core card of the deck, there is literally no reason to not run it three times. other than that, two econs because econ, and a mysterious triangle that allowed me some otks but also made me brick at times. substituting it with cosmic cyclone or forbidden chalice could have been an option but I was iffy about those.

    3. seki108


      I haven't really tried Aliens since the middle of the Fur Hire invasion  (even then Kid became an absolute must), so I'm glad they can still be used decently.  I might have to try them some next season, even though I was waiting for Amonite to come before returning to them.......who knows when that squishy boi will drop though.  

    4. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      the rise of six sams may hurt them though. aliens are very reliant on spell/trap combos, so the best thing you probably can do against them is steal their monsters before they can bring out shi en.

  13. gee thanks sartorius, how ever did you know that of all events I wanted a prismatic in this one


    because arcana force is super strong and ill be able to get a lot of use out of this one




    at the very least empress is probably the best one I could have gotten, barring maybe temperance.

    1. seki108


      At least it's usable, unlike my pismatic Exodia Necros



    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      oh man thats tragic. my condolences.

  14. YYOAc18.png


    now if only we got some of the better arcana force cards.


    on the flip side his skills seem fun to (ab)use, and his theme is lit, so w/e.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      I know but its not in the game yet :[

    3. seki108


      If it's like the Yubel events, maybe his level 50 or 60 versions will give you one copy Dark Ruler........can't say I expect The World anytime soon. 


      Maybe they can at least give us some of the anime exclusive ones next time around, since that Ojama swarm card and Mach Synchron are in the game.

    4. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      maybe but I doubt it tbh. would be nice though.

  15. I have never felt this personally betrayed by the press holy fucking shit

    1. LeoYT


      please there is no level they will go to in order to get some rage bait

    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      I want to believe what gets published, because theyre the most reliable source of news I will probably get anywhere. unfortunately, most reliable apparently does not equal entirely reliable, as ive realized the past two days.


      thats not to say I dont understand why it happens. ive taken journalism two years in college, which told me enough about why this kind of shit exists. you need to write an article about this thing, and its gotta be ready in two hours, and you better make sure its ready then or fucking else. theres a blatant lack of quality because the writers and creators oftentimes dont even get the time to fact check whatever theyre writing or copying. after going through the coverage from yesterday, I noticed that the journalists did read their sources, but not nearly thoroughly enough, resulting in errors.


      its something that I hate to see happen, and I know that its only going to deteriorate at this rate.


      (note that this rant only applies to whatever news sources ive checked the past few days. im very aware that some news stations only really care about bias and feeding controversy, but I refuse to call that journalism. so what I just wrote does not in the slightest apply to those.)

  16. tleast we had a few weeks without broken feeds

    1. seki108


      It was nice while it lasted....

  17. its a name rater issue- you can give a pokemon you caught in the wild a nickname of twelve characters at most, but pokemon that you bring to the name rater can only renamed with max ten characters. im assuming this is leftovers from pre-gen VI name rater, where the maximum character limit was 10.

    1. seki108


      My name's not Shane, kid   *gunshot*

    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      very often I am amazed at your meme knowledge

    3. seki108


      This thing I know solely from Joel's stream of it.   


      Some of the other stuff is just from being somewhat active on Know Your Meme on and off since 2012......though I've barely gone there the past year or two, so newer ones will go over my head. 

  19. once upon a time, describing someone as a "trap" was considered derogatory language on reborn. then, not so long after, it apparently ceased being that for reasons unknown. kind of felt like a gray area the past few years so I for one welcome the decisive answer.



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