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Ojama Yellow

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Everything posted by Ojama Yellow

  1. I hereby declare that entei is the best of the legendary beasts and I shall hear no objections

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    2. Monochrome_Complex


      He's got an epic stauche, that's for sure. He's the apex dad mon.

    3. seki108


      An Entei who wants to protect it's identity from Nintendo lawyers appeared in the Touhou fangame 'Touhou Mother' as a boss' summon, so there's that.  I don't have anything better to add.




    4. Ojama Yellow
  2. very rare encounter in I believe the first area of the safari zone. just go southwest as much as you can, thats the grass I found my heracross in. keep in mind that the "rare" safari zone mons are indeed very rare, at an appearance rate of like 1%.
  3. gen I isnt a contest- venusaur easily has charizard and blastoise beat, even though I like all of them. gen II is pretty close between meganium and typhlosion, with feraligatr miles behind both of them. meganium wins out tho. gen III isnt a contest either- swampert easily takes it home from blaziken and sceptile. gen IV is tougher, as both torterra and infernape are among my favorite starters. torterras still the cooler one though. gen V is tough because I dont like any of them. emboar is just lame, samurott would win if samurott had actually looked like oshawott and dewott, so serperior takes it? I guess? gen VI is again super cool starters but chesnaught is miles ahead. gen VII is one of those cases where I again dont like the starters, but incineroar barely wins over primarina. decidueye is straight-up the worst starter in pokemon existence though.
  4. shoutouts to this one for being the one thing that kept me going for my final exam this period



  5. honestly 2019 started with a really good meme







  6. discords newest update has given me unlimited meme power

  7. n o i d o n t w a n t t h a t



    1. seki108


      This thing's time as a meme was so brief............I'm surprised to see someone made a video about it in 2018






    1. seki108


      ..........damn.  I never finished the Christmas Comeback Crisis either.  R.I.P. all you great great rips (especially all the mecha and Touhou ones for me).

  9. name rater is apparently bugged. he only allows your nicknames to be 10 characters max, even though the official limit of names is currently 12. even pokemon like fletchinder and crabominable have more characters. you can still give pokemon you catch in the wild a nickname of max 12 characters, but for some reason name rater is contrary.
  10. after completing the goldenwood forest restoration quest, if you enter goldenwood forest from the goldenleaf gate, the forest will be reverted to how it looked like when adrienn wanted the poliwag etc. leaving the area fixes this error.
  11. bit of a long thing about the wimpod event with a lotta images, so bear with me
  12. im pivorus, didnt ya know?

  13. one of the greatest gifts ever brought to mankind



  14. "Right, let's ruffle some feathers!"

  15. common sense should also amount to "not doing shit just for the sake of provoking people and then complaining about getting punished for being an asshat", which is honestly the only reason I can think of to bring a water gun to school. im assuming this is america, and from what ive heard, they cant really be careful enough.
  16. you people dont think big enough. pokemon fangames are too mainstream. ill kill piranha plant, and I know what we need. more sword users. and who better than the greatest character ever introduced in fe hacks- the man, the myth, the kelik. edit: actually like piranha plants moves and realized daisy is still there so we taking her out instead.
  17. #rakeamericagreatagain

  18. we got way too many fe reps already and probably mons rep as well. kill pichu as its the only one (to a lesser extent jigglypuff), that is currently completely irrelevant. bring hector if anything. gives some variety over the bullshit amount of sword users.
  19. o hai detective



    1. Plok



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