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Ojama Yellow

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Everything posted by Ojama Yellow

  1. shove it

    1. Dreamy


      what do you mean I push people away and then hate them for leaving?

  2. ! deltarune spoilers !

    ! warning !



  3. anyone else taking part in nanowrimo this year?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Candy


      lol nothing can motivate me, except my own whimsical nature - I'll write when I feel like it but can't feel like it everyday for a month 😅

    3. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      I feel like it when ive got a reason to, I suppose. that reason being a goal im now aiming for, the sense of accomplishment when I actually complete nanowrimo this year.



    4. Candy


      Konjou bibs, konjou 💪🏼💪🏼

  4. rngods are with me.




    this was a random duel against jaden level 20. and yes that winged kuriboh is fucking prismatic.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      the funniest thing is that this is jadens most powerful drop too.



    3. Wolfox


      yeah... PETA is gonna put you on their hit list

    4. Hycrox
  5. probably oughta delet pokenations 3 subforum. stuffs done and probably wont be returning for another two years, so not much point in keeping it around. topics can just go to victory road.
  6. three days in a row of getting a prisma. this is a new experience.



    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Wolfox


      oof, that stings

    3. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      oh jesus.


      I think I only have one of those, and not looking towards getting a second anytime soon.

    4. Wolfox


      I don't even have one, might be interesting if I get the time and gems to hunt it down

  7. I said I wouldnt anymore

    its not good for me




    god dammit.

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      I moreso meant that I scored 20000+ points in one round, aka more than half of what my team needed to win. though I have reached above 200k as well.

    3. seki108


      Ah, I misread.  Damn, that's a lot for one round.  I think 14k in a round is the most I've gotten in either Duel Carnival so far.

    4. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      yeah, usually im stuck around 10k-12k at best. got one round where I was able to finish matches decently quickly with aliens and at decent assessment too, I suppose.


      bless that prismatic wall of disruption.

  8. let me tell you about juses crust

    he rose from the swamp



    he forgive your sins

    you have sinned

    juses crust can save you

    1. Zumi


      but if he rose from the swamp doesnt that make him moist

    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      why must you ruin my fun HEATHEN

    3. Zumi
  9. what the fuck have you been smoking, commander
  10. That being said we are almost at the phase change and I don't really want to see Nicki getting eliminated just yet so [Eliminate] L'Belle
  11. god dammit fuck how did that take so long to realize Okay yeah that's fair definitely no reason to doubt for now.
  12. Huh, whaddya know. Of all the roles I could have attributed restraining to, it definitely wasn't the Storyteller. I thought the "restraining" moreso happened forcefully due to the wording. Might still be the Vagrant trying to cover for himself but I don't really have any reason to doubt you on that for now. Also I must have not picked up on that last part.
  13. We've heard about someone being restrained twice so far, but we've not heard about anyone getting roleblocked in another way. Restraining doesn't sound like the Storyteller's cup of tea. @CrimsonDragon21 Have you roleblocked so far, and if yes, who did you roleblock?
  14. The role reveal that happened after Jace's death may have also had something to do with an item, as I seem to remember the crystal ball exists. So I wouldn't rule multiple roles that can gift items out. As for my thoughts about the current players. 2. Captain Breakfast: Has helped out quite a bit by giving insight on what roles could possibly be, but I'm a bit suspicious about how I've been able to win him over with rather obvious arguments (at least to me) twice, and almost instantly to boot. 3. Purplecicada: Like Breakfast, given quite a bit of insight on roles, and has generally been helpful throughout the game. I wouldn't count anything out, but for now I'll lean more towards town. 5. L'Belle: Literally haven't seen anything barring like one message, which was admittedly a relevant one. Gives me a bit of a lurker vibe because of that. I'll give the benefit of the doubt for now. 7. Seal: Literally haven't seen anything barring like one message, take two. However, this one was much less relevant, meaning I'm also much less inclined to give the benefit of the doubt. 8. Andracass: Role got revealed, but it could still go either way. I don't entirely trust or distrust Cass- I'll leave this one neutral for now. 9. Alistair: Active player that has mostly taken a neutral stance so far, but I'll lean more towards town since his insights have been pretty helpful. 10. Walpurgis: I really just don't know, sorry. 11. LykosHand: Can't help but to wonder why he chose to only mention the received item one day after actually getting it, but that's not too important in either case, I suppose. Barring insights I've seen him mostly parrot. Very neutral atm. 12. Kabs: Obi-Wan Kenobi? Well of course I know him, he's me! 13: CrimsonDragon21: Made a strange hunch with the Vigilante thing towards Breakfast amongst other things. I think I'll have to agree with Nicki and Ali's doubts for now.
  15. I kind of doubt your claim of Jace being picked off by a Vigilante (if we even have one to begin with). Jace was the original Worrywart, who swapped roles with Bean (now revealed to originally have been the Conversationalist). As stated before, in order for the Worrywart to be able to switch into an "evil" role, the Marauders would have to not know the identity of the other Marauders. Otherwise a Marauder-turned-Worrywart could just turn against their former allies, join up with the Ballgoers and snitch on their former friends. If anything, this confirmed to us that Jace was very likely a Ballgoer (Neutral at worst), which may be why the Marauders decided he had to go. In either case, on the off chance it was the Vigilante (which I once more doubt very much), I don't think it was a very wise play.
  16. I don't think we have anyone (barring @Seal?) that hasn't spoken yet, though.
  17. I would have thought their wincon was to Worrywart-swap into a Ballgoer role as soon as possible, as I believe they ought to inherit the win conditions of the Ballgoer. Which is also why I believe it's in the best interests for the Worrywart to work with the Ballgoers rather than against.
  18. To confirm that @Jace Stormkirk is indeed a Ballgoer, all we need is for @Psychic Sheep to confirm that he was a Ballgoer before becoming the new Worrywart, but he doesn't have to reveal the exact role. As I said before, unless we missed something, the Worrywart kind of needs us to win, so there shouldn't be any reason to distrust the Worrywart either. I do hope that we can hear from Bean before this phase ends, though. @CrimsonDragon21 If my reasoning is correct, the Worrywart is indeed a confirmed Neutral party- however, if the mechanics work as described (aka Worrywart can't change roles with a Marauder), this Neutral role is effectively nearly 100% on the side of the Ballgoers, unless the Worrywart for some reason decides to bank on winning as another Neutral, but those chances are so low that it is in both the Worrywart and the Ballgoers' best interests to work together. With that in mind, we are about to lynch a role that isn't theoretically Ballgoer-aligned, but might as well be.
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