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Rawr-Ma-Ama last won the day on December 27 2014

Rawr-Ma-Ama had the most liked content!


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    Right behind you :3

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  1. America's presidential election looks pretty good in comparison to this ~

    1. Halloween


      we'll never get a presidential couple as handsome as the obamas again and i'm ok with that, but jesus urgh

    2. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      Hope Trump isn't president! Otherwise, that video was hilarious! Thanks for giving me a good laugh! :)

  2. Just heard that Dragon´s Dogma is gonna be released on Steam, bloody excited to have this game finally on my pc. Welp, time to save some money for it ~

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      That's why you don't pre-order, that's also, why there is a refund system now on Steam. Use your tools as a consumer. You speak with your wallet and what you stick with so you can now say "This game wasn't enjoyable I want my money back." jsut keep in mind the rules for a refund and read reviews online etc... Use the tools that are out there to make good decisions.

    3. Rawr-Ma-Ama


      ^ This pretty much. First look at gameplays, Let´s Plays, reviews by customers etc. and then buy ~

    4. Combat


      Of course, I haven't preordered an game sin several years, and love the refund system. I'm simply apprehensive when it comes to major games.

  3. Like everybody said: It´s definitively worth your time once it evolves into Noivern, but until then it´s rather painful to raise. Trust me, I had it on my team and most of the time it was pretty much deadweight.
  4. Banned because respect is overrated.
  5. Could´ve guessed from your avatar and your signature ~ 87/100
  6. The sky? It´s very cloudy with a chance of amateurs ~ Micky
  7. I tend to change my avatars as the mood flies ~ As long as it has green hair ~ I have a ton of avatars saved in a folder just for them ^^
  8. Wearing glasses and still can´t read it and had to zoom, but ya said you can´t control the size ~ I like what the text says though xD 8.9/10
  9. redheads all the way What´s your favorite music genre?
  10. Banned because the devil is good.
  11. Thanks ^^ 9/10. Kokoro is just so cute.
  12. Know neither of them ~ Dark side or light side?
  13. Not sure whether this Sakuya has pads or not. But either way, it´s 10/10.
  14. I have none. I smell good the way I am ~ Coffee or tea?
  15. I don´t know, I never had any serious injuries to be honest. The worst thing that happened to me physically was when I was kinda injured on my arm I guess. Do you feel like you have any purpose, any dream you´d love to pursue? And what is it?
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