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About Myst

  • Birthday 05/11/1995

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  1. Myst

    LF 6iv Ditto

    Oh yes of course. But ahh, still thanks you know? I hope you have a good day/night ^-^
  2. Myst

    LF 6iv Ditto

    Thank you so much! I see you on here helping out with this specific pokemon especially, so thank you for all that always ^-^
  3. Myst

    LF 6iv Ditto

    Im itsMyst I'll be getting on now, thank you!
  4. Myst

    LF 6iv Ditto

    When did I post this uh....yea totally! So like, now onwards if its not too late I suppose. Im est time, so right now its 8:12pm est
  5. I have a male gible ready to go. I dont have a spiritomb unfortunately. Im online rn, and my name ingame is "itsMyst"
  6. Myst

    LF 6iv Ditto

    Another one of these threads, but i am interesting in breeding so it would be helpful ^-^ Name: itsMyst
  7. I mean yea, it probably gen 7, i dont really doubt that. But they could just be throwing us for a loop with words like that. Theyre all about the surprises. Who knows. Idk, its all just silly thoughts.
  8. XY was red and blue ORAS was red and blue Sun and moon is able red and blue (redish?) Gen 6.5 confirmed. Pft, what if tho.
  9. I thought radomus would have returned by now. I had hope in Fern. But i still kinda do.
  10. A good story regardless is what'll be great. A story doesnt need any dark undertones to be good, or realistic ones. It can have things, and sometimes its the subtle things that are better. But regardless if it does or doesnt, it can be as cheerful as possible, but its the plot and journey that'll make it good in the end. So I hope the story in that case is better then xy :/
  11. I know milk is useful in ways, but i still find it somewhat amusing to see your inventory with all sorts of healing potions and weapons. Then milk.
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