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Brave wind

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Everything posted by Brave wind

  1. Brave wind


    Yay, thanks for the Maractus egg location :3
  2. I actually think it's possible for the waterfall to take us back to the city, just not at the time we first arrive. There must be a reason for the lack of efforts in trying to access the water cleaning facility(?). My guess is that the same PULSE that is keeping up the barrier in Calcenon blocked of the access, it probably is at the other side of Agate as well. Progression will, in my opinion, be like this: 1. We access the bottom of the Waterfall, we get to fight either Amaria or Titania (Badge#13 for a TM I hope Scald or Flash Cannon). 2. We get access to a Tunel to the other side of Agate (I miss the Giant Steelix) we destroy the PULSE keeping the Barriers. (Mr. Mime probably) 3. We destroy the PULSE keeping Agate asleep (after a lot of Meteor battles + Boss + Plot twists). 4. We battle Hardy (Badge #14.¨Stone Edge or Rock Slide?) I speculate his badge will allow us to use Rock Climb. This would probably take 2 episodes though...
  3. Hello, has anyone found Maractus yet? From the sprites in the folder it should be an egg in the overworld, I've been searching all around I've found nothing.
  4. Officially In-Game poor, that darn Beldum and his Catch rate of 3...(At least he came with an IV of 30 in Attack)

  5. Found Skrelp! It turns out you need to register the Rod to use it in the poisonous water, trying straight from the bag won't let you fish.
  6. You can get DeepSeaScales from Lanturn, Chinchou and Relicanth and DeepSeaTooths should appear on Carvahna and Basculin. Both are relatively rare. THanks for Skrelp's locations, I beat Corey before he got one so I haven't even registerd seeing it yet.
  7. Hello, may I ask where can I catch some Skrelp? and if anyone knows the location of the new Riolu event?
  8. Today was productive, finished Ep.14 and EV trained my Chandelure. :3

  9. Hello, it's me again ^-^ I seem to have run into a similar problem with the maps. It seems Map 013 is missing and thus I can't seem to access Goldenleaf Town. I also come bearing a petition if it's not much trouble, would it be possible to know the level cap for each of the badges? Or should we assume the same level caps as the ones from Reborn? By the way, now that I have advanced a lot more than yesterday, let me tell you it's an amazing game, it's been so long since I last encountered Shadow Pokémon in a game it feels refreshing. Timburr (now a Conkeldurr) has been a great help, you have also left me quite intrigued with some recent happenings. (Also forgot to mention, the PC inside the DayCare Center seems to have overlapped with the counter, and can't be used).
  10. Hello, this game is amazing (The EV training ground is quite useful). But it seems I've run into a couple of problems: 1. The Pokedex isn't registering some of the pokemon I catch (my starter [Cyndaquil] for example doesn't appear). 2. There is a little park with tall gras near Garen City's Pokemart where lv 40+ pokemon appear. I've liked this game so far (even though I haven't even got my first badge yet, but there is exploring to do in the city and with it free and/or interesting stuff). Also, the return of Shadow Pokémon yay!
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