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About Railtracks

  • Birthday September 4

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  1. Happy Birthday :D, i hope you will have a fun day ^^

  2. I'm pretty far through the game, and I can easily say this is, by far, my favorite Pokemon fan game/ROM hack, but it's sad to know that it's not yet complete. I'm wondering if I, and/or other willing, could help with the development/production of the game. I'd love to give back to this game in any way I can, and helping finish it so that others can enjoy a completed project sooner would be great. I'm not sure what my skill set would be able to help with in particular, but I'd love to contribute in any way possible.
  3. Oh my gosh. I've spent hours breeding. xD I wish I'd known sooner. Thanks.
  4. Okay, I know this is gonna sound really dumb, but is there a way to change the nature of a Pokemon? I know there's Ability Capsules to change a Pokemon's ability, but is there any way to change their nature? If there's no in-game way other than breeding until you get what you're looking for, is there a way to edit files? Sorry, I'm desperate to make my shinies battle-ready. :3
  5. I can confirm this to be true. Great. Now I need to find, breed, and train another Electric type. .-. I don't know if the Pinsirite is available, but the Banetite is.
  6. I was wondering if the Mega Ring is obtainable, and if it is, which Mega Stones are available. I'd love to have a Manectite.
  7. What am I supposed to do with the Jigglypuff in West Gearen City? I already followed it around the entire city, but it always ends up back in the same spot.
  8. I want to evolve my Onix into a Steelix, but I don't know how, since you usually have to trade it with a Metal Coat. I checked the Pokemon Location Guide, but it just says to "evolve Onix."
  9. In the Attack EV Training Room, a single four have Sableye appeared, adding 1 EV to Defense each time. This has happened only once four times in around 1,200 battles. Ever since I passed the 1,000 battle mark, the appearances of Sableye have seen a steady increase. Not sure if that information is directly correlated to the problem or not, but it's an observation nonetheless.
  10. I've been searching for over an hour. I'm still clueless as to what I'm supposed to do with these items.
  11. I'm not sure as to what these two Key Items are used for...
  12. Heck if I know. I just kept playing.
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