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About mashonem

  • Birthday 09/09/1991

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

  2. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

  3. The least I can do is pay it forward for all the enjoyment this game has brought me =)
  4. He always did strike me as the Lactose Intolerant type
  5. I'm sure a lot of us didn't have any real issues with it (how many of us have a squad of EV trained Pokemon in the cut lol). Shofu on the other hand, with his team composition and how he usually tries to go through battles, is about to collect a serious fade. That said, I didn't see him beating Terra as quickly as he did, and he does have that Magnezone (he better not delete Metal Sound). Hell, I've been wrong before, he might surprise us.
  6. Made my account during Episode 10, 10.5 was the first version I played
  7. I basically cheesed my way to victory The team: Lvl 73 Metagross Lvl 68 Granbull Lvl 71 Gyarados (you know where I'm going with this) Lvl 74 Magnezone Metagross went out first and took care of Togekiss without any real issues. Her next Pokemon was Archeops, which meant that I had my chance. I swapped in my Granbull, Intimidate/Charmed it to -5 and put it into Defeatist range just to be safe. I swapped in Gyarados, DD'd once, and it was mostly GG. I missed my Ice Fang on her Mega Altaria which stopped my sweep short (should have just used Waterfall, I was at +5 =/), but Magnezone took care of that issue. I was still in FUCKING KILL EVERYTHING mode after the marathon battle in which we face Fern, Blake, and Solaris' Garchomp again, Ciel was unfortunately caught in Gyarados' crossfire.
  8. Story wise, we're supposed to be locked out of the rest of the Reborn region due to not being able to get through Agate City. The other areas aren't supposed to be accessible, but they are when you complete the episode due to the long wait times between episode releases.
  9. I don't know if there are any real differences. I did happen to have some candy on hand; I figured that the dialogue between her and the PC would be slightly more friendly if you do give her any, but I can't say for sure.
  10. Before the showdown at Amaria's house: Magnezone, mostly for its work against PULSE Swalot. I was doing pitiful damage to it with my other team members until I remembered I had Metal Sound on Magnezone. Sent that Swalot to -6, and it was a wrap after that. During/Post showdown at Amaria's house: Gyarados. When I realized I was gonna have to double battle Fern + Brake and I was gonna get a rematch against Solaris' Garchomp, I took 0 prisoners. 1 DD + Moxie = no wonder this thing got taken out the game.
  11. This monster continues to view DittoArceus as nothing more than free xp
  12. It's also useful against Luna (and Radomus kind of) if you're willing to grind it at that point. Other than that though, its usefulness does nosedive
  13. I had to struggle stall it in order to beat it; long ass battle that I hope I never have to repeat again.
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