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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Shamitako

  1. Mika Apollo's cheerfulness caused Mika to try to bury herself further in the couch. She didn't handle outgoing people very well. It didn't help that Apollo asked about her family, a spot that had been sore for longer than she could remember. Although it had seemed like Mika was opening up to Apollo, that question set her back to her original discomfort and Apollo was answered with a deafening silence.
  2. Is there a cure for slowly dying of being alive? Because this is killing me

    1. Zarc


      Pokemon Reborn.

  3. Interview time. Extremely nervous 

    1. seki108
    2. SilverAngelus


      Late, but I hope the interview went well~

  4. "This corvette can only go so fast," Kella answered, "I'll tell you as soon as we're close enough for you to fight." Shr had no comment on what to tell Vixen's superiors after this was over, she wasn't sure they'd survive to that point in the first place. She hoped the Eclipse's pilots were stronger than they were numerous. The incoming Resanti craft spread around Naomi's shot fluidly and reentered their formation with little effort. But it wasn't just any motion, it was a recognizable pattern that she'd encountered countless times before. The most maneuverable opponents were near the center of the formation, letting them dodge initial barrages that targeted the center of their formation very effectively. In this particular case they were using a cross pattern, a very aggressive dodge used in swarm tactics. That combined with the lack of return fire towards her suggested they weren't equipped with much long range weaponry. A group of four interceptors broke off to intercept Torin and Rose, who were moving ahead towards the Cross. Alezar's Kormirand managed to pick off one with his turret, but moving so far forward to lay his mines put him in range of a hail of railgun fire, preventing him from following up on the attack without major risk to himself. Varg went largely ignored by enemy interceptors, facing no trouble until the enemy strikers came into range, when four with drills and railguns targeted him for a bought of melee combat. The majority of enemy fighters headed straight for the Eclipse, two getting caught up in Alezar's mines and destroyed. Rhees and her info staff counted twenty-two strikers and five interceptors, including the ones Alezar had destroyed. That was well under half of the Cross's maximum capacity, and Rhees happily relayed the info to her pilots. Even so, the strikers seemed to be well-equipped for capital ship destruction, even two making it onto the Eclipse would spell doom before the corvette even arrived. The Eclipse and Cross traded artillery fire, their shots whizzing past the convergence of fighters. With the Cross being low on functional plasma, the Eclipse had the advantage at range, but once the cross was in range for railgun fire, they wouldn't last long before they had to pull back. "Your friends aren't going to last another seven minutes." Kella told Vixen, "We'll be close enough for you to fight in another minute and a half, but I'm not sure we'll be in time to turn the tide." Even with the Cross weakened, the superior coordination of the Resanti drones gave them a huge advantage with their numbers. Sure a good pilot was worth ten bad ones, but Resanti was hardly bad. The Eclipse would have to have a truly outstanding crew to pull this off.
  5. Hello and welcome to Reborn! ^^// I'm Lexi, here to invite you to check out the roleplay subforum. If you like writing, storytelling, or roleplaying, please pay us a visit. I've got a handy little guide here to help get you started. If you have any questions feel free to ask. With Hope, Lexi
  6. Your happiest moments can become your deepest regrets 

    1. Sayia


      Nice words!

      Too bad is true


      Btw, you have pretty wallpaper ^^

  7. Yoshirou Yoshirou wasn't expecting the keys to be flung to him, and almost missed them in spite of the excellent throw. He felt a little grateful that, even if he hadn't found them, he'd managed to acquire keys. When Tsukihashi mentioned a back door, his face lit up with an idea. "Oh, actually, I think I saw a map in here somewhere." He said, rummaging through one of the drawers to find it again, "I didn't think much of it since the Ferris wheel is pretty hard to miss. But if we're looking for a back way in, it might be marked on it." He eventually pulled the map out from a stack of guides and manuals, spreading it out on the desk. It was hard to see in the dark, so he pulled out his phone and turned on the flashlight function to illuminate it.
  8. Mechanics Example characters Discord (Ask for the Magical Girl role) I've put together mechanics, yay. Also I neglected to link the Discord above (though I kinda doubt anyone who isn't already there will be interested). The system is a lot less complex than it looks, I just wanted to make my explanation as thorough as possible. If you're confused about anything, please do ask questions and I'll try to clarify ^^
  9. 7/10 It's a neat design but the dark blue/black+low contrast makes it not stand out very much
  10. Shamitako


    Hello and welcome to Reborn! ^^// I'm Lexi, here to invite you to check out the roleplay subforum. If you like writing, storytelling, or roleplaying, please pay us a visit. I've got a handy little guide here to help get you started. If you have any questions feel free to ask. With Hope, Lexi
  11. Mika Mika was actually quite good at lip reading, her paranoia had led her to always be trying to future put what people were saying, even when she couldn't hear them, and she'd turned out to have a knack for the skill. Mika didn't catch all of what Apollo said, she was too nervous to stare. "She's right. Done similar." Was all Mika caught. Mika wasn't sure what that meant, but it seemed Apollo understood why Mika was struggling to accept gratitude for her actions. Mika had her own gratitude to give when Apollo changed the subject, a hint of relief washing over her face. "Oh, I don't think we're friends. I just pester her for help a lot." she explained. Mika would have liked to say they were friends, but July always seemed more annoyed with Mika than anything else.
  12. 10/10 idk it just pushes a lot of yes buttons for me and I can't think of anything to nitpick
  13. I have an ear infection. Yay

  14. Initially yes. The start of the rp is gonna be a little frantic, and I want to give the players a chance to accumulate some territory before they run into each other
  15. 9/10 I like edgy shit like this and it's great, but there's something awkward about the perspective on her arm that feels ever so slightly off
  16. (working title) A bunch of magical girls on the brink of death get sucked into a mysterious new world that promises to make all of their dreams come true. As soon as they arrive in this world each girl is granted a small territory within it that they have complete dominion over. So long as they keep possession of a special gemstone, they maintain control over their territory and can live freely within it. But of course, there is a catch. Any magical girl may invade attempt to steal the gemstone of another, adding it and the territory tied to it to their own. A magical girl's power is tied to her territory and her life to her power. The larger her territory, the more powerful she will be, and should her territory and power be totally eradicated, so too will she be eradicated, vanishing without a trace. The characters would, obviously, be magical girls summoned to this world from their death beds and given a second chance at life. What their original universe is would be up to you, you could use a preexisting one, or make up one on the spot to fit the character you want to design. The definition of "magical girl" would also be rather loose, they'd just need to fit all of the following conditions: they have to use magic of some kind to fight, they have to transform from a mundane, powerless, form to a magical one before said fighting, and they must be contracted with some entity that grants them or otherwise aids them in using their power. If you can fit your character into those conditions, you'll be able to play them in this rp. Being an actual girl is not required, but if you're not one, your magical form will be required to be effeminately dressed (or outright female) to compensate. I haven't worked out precisely what system I'll be using, but it will likely be guided free-form or a light mechanical system. Either way there will be a large focus on customization to allow easy ports from the original world. The game will be primarily pve and rp focused, but pvp will not be prevented. Although early on you'll be very unlikely to encounter another player. As well there will likely be a lot of initial pve combat, but it should stabilize relatively quickly and open up opportunities to rp That's about all I've got so far, but I'll be working on this a lot in the next few days if I get any interest. With Hope, Lexi P.S. Its pronounced Battlestar Royale and is not actually a working title, it is 100% what I'm going with. Fite me
  17. Felicity Felicity wasn't surprised at the silence her scribbling had caused. In fact she was pleased, it meant they were giving serious thought to what was happening. She set down her pen and looked up at her guests. "You all seem to be rather big fans of mine, so I assume you've read The River's Librarian." As Felicity spoke, a spike slowly poked out from her eye. She remained utterly unflinching, is if she didn't even realize it was there. The spike split apart into six, each piece bending into the shape of a crab's leg. The appendages began to push against Felicity's face, pulling something out of her, yet she still didn't react. "Though I won't pretend all or even most of my works are grounded in reality, that one was based on a real event. In fact, the librarian was my sister." The legs pulled a strange fleshy mass out of Felicity's pupil, not unlike the body of a squid, but with wriggling feelers like those of a sea anemone sprouting all around the base where the legs attached instead of tentacles. "The book leaves what happened to Kel'th'gth ambiguous, but I've seen a lot of people correctly theorizing that it took the librarian's sister as a new host." The crab-squid-anemone thing crawled down Felicity's arm and sat in her palm. It was extremely small, but still large enough to make one wonder how it fit inside Felicity's eye. "Girls, meet Kel'th'gth, the Otherworldly creature that reads memories as books. He's a knowledge Seeker, so he's a lot more benign than most you'll encounter. He's also why I won't be joining you in the Otherworld. He cannot protect me, and my bond with him would prevent me from acquiring a more powerful Symbiote."
  18. 4x Magical Girl Crossover - Battle☆Royale


    Ominous musiiiic


    Coming soon

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