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Everything posted by Shamitako

  1. I don't suppose anyone is in need of an emotionally unstable housekeeper? 

  2. Five friends sat around a table, each with but a bite left on their plates. This was it. It was daunting, being away for so long and challenging such a hard journey. Yet it was also exciting, meeting new people and fighting alongside their very own Pokémon. There was nothing left to be said, they'd already discussed the event at length. All that remained was for each of them to take that final bite and embark on their journey.
  3. Bard wasn't sure why, but he felt pretty certain he was knowledgeable about demon architecture. Though it didn't help much, because he didn't seem to remember any of that knowledge, just that it existed. "I'm pretty fast." Bard started to suggest, instantly regretting what he was saying. He managed to stop himself for a moment before he resumed, "I'm pretty fast and durable, if we're afraid of traps you should put me in front. As long as there's no running water I'll be fine." He cursed himself internally. Volunteering to be bait was not a good idea, that was exactly the way to get yourself killed by a surprise decapitation.
  4. Sign ups are officially closed, I'll be going over the submitted sheets with the players to sort out who to run
  5. Hiroki Gryffin seemed reassured by Hiroki returning his look after speaking up, and cleared his throat to speak as well. "I think I know what their roster will be." Gryffin said nervously. It was a bold claim, and no surprise he was afraid to voice it. "How could you possibly know that?" Queen asked, and the other gods looks repeated the question. "We know that Arcturus, the Councilor, and Slumbering Giant will be involved. The other two won't be wildcards, Aries and Cardinal have been just as focused on the tournament as us." Gryffin explained, "I think we should expect Artemis and Supernova to be the other two." "Artemis? What was that about no wild cards?" Bear said, "We haven't seen her in years." "No, we haven't. But she does make sense." Lord said, sounding quite sad, "There's no question that if Aries found her, she would join him." "This is a lot of speculation, but if Gryffin's guess is right, then I don't think we can win. We should take our chances with a siege." Queen shared his opinion, "I don't think any of our options can stand against her or the Councilor, and as much as I hate to speak against her determination, I don't think Hiroki can beat Arcturus." "No." Seeker disagreed, "Even if we assume Hiroki will lose, and personally I think that judgment has been made far too hastily, I think we can at least beat Artemis. We should only assume a loss against the Councilor."
  6. Tai "You know, advice really isn't my thing, I just give people directions." Tejfidh said, "But my people had a concept called 'tejfrian' that I think might apply here." she seemed to be struggling quite a bit to figure out exactly what to say. "Literally it means 'the strength to restrain yourself,' but there's more to it than that. It's about responsibility, and how it comes with being strong." Tejfidh picked up speed and got in front of Tai, walking backwards so she could look him in the eye. "Whatever your reason, you sought strength. But you lack tejfrian, and you were bested by those who understood the stakes that come with power. Gambling with the fate of even just one life shouldn't fun, and there are far more lives than one at stake here. "If you want to have fun with your power, you first need to fulfill your responsibility. So long as that weight hangs over you, your strength will only be a burden." For someone who claimed she wasn't very good at advice, Tejfidh had a lot to say on the matter. Something in her tone told Tai she had personal experience with these sorts of stakes. Unfortunately, he wouldn't gee much time to reflect on Tejfidh's advice. As he neared the city, Tejfidh suddenly vanished, being almost immediately replaced by a different face that Tai would really wish he didn't recognize. "You're quite tenacious." Chronos said as it blinked into existence in front of Tai, "This time I will have to be more final in my judgment." But it didn't do anything, just stood there, analyzing Tai as if looking for something. "Very well." It said finally, "If the strength to rend flesh has rescued you, then my exile must have been unfair. I shall see you safely back to the city." Chronos turned and waited for Tai to resume walking, apparently content that showing up out of nowhere didn't warrant any further discussion. "Hey I'm still here." Tejfidh whispered, this time her voice coming from within Tai's mind like it had with Cardinal, "I don't like to show my face without a good reason, so I had to hide from the body the timeless guardian is wearing."
  7. Hiroki Luckily for Hiroki, her admonishment didn't draw any ire and the conversation successfully moved on. Not so luckily, the moving on started with a deep sigh from Seeker. "If Watcher shows up, it will be as a villain. Which means he'll either be our enemy, or he thinks we're in the wrong. Either way, it's not good for us."
  8. To most people this little troll is probably just an inconvenience that spooked you and gave you a quick laugh, but for those of us who make our home in the rp section, it's a major hurdle that completely invalidates our ability to post properly. pix~


    The fact that this went through shows that we've either been forgotten or deemed inconsequential, a stupid April Fool's gag is more important than remembering we exist. pix~ This is extremely inconsiderate and flies in the face of ribbon's own rules. pix~ If fun at others' expense isn't fun, why the fuck are you all still having fun at our expense? pixpix? 


    What's worse is that while this is the first time it's been so egregious, this is far from the first time ribbon's leadership has forgotten about or outright trampled us. pix~ It wasn't that long ago that one of our few representatives had to step down because the rest of the auth team constantly ignoring her and putting her down was caucyng severe harm to her mental health. pix~


    There was a time when I cared about this place, and worked hard to build something that I could enjoy and be proud of (and others have worked harder than me), but constantly being treated like we don't exist or don't matter is cruel bordering on heartless and I'm pretty fucking sick of it. pix~


    At this point I'm starting to think we're not welcome here, and we should just all give up and move our roleplays somewhere else. pix~ If the auth didn't outright throw a party, I'm sure they wouldn't care enough to notice until long after we were gone. pix~


    With Hope, 


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Shamitako


      Can you link to the thread? pixpix? I only saw one writing thread from you in cw and the only pix in it are vulpix


      And apparently they are affecting your perception, because I passed "annoyed" hours ago

    3. Candy


      It's technically a playthru and this one is the affected post. pix~

       I only expected a prank on April Fools, got it and I'm waiting for it to be over. pix~ I'm sorry you're furious, cynce that must mean there more people who share your opinion. pix~ Guess it'll serve the leadership to curb their pranks for next year. pix~

    4. Shamitako
  9. Princess Princess moved in silence as she poured Grima another glass of tea. There were many things she ould say, but none she wanted to. Eventually she settled on a question that she couldn't bring herself to let go unasked. "I was wondering," she started gingerly, "Why is it that you came here? Not here specifically, just... Why are you running Queen's errands? If he sent you here, you can't be a weakling, but you can't be anyone important to him either. And if you're strong but not important to him, why are you letting him control you?" Tai "Well, you can't just do things. Our initial meeting was all in your head, I just inserted some of myself into it." Tejfidh explained, "I can't tell you why your fire is out, but I'd guess it's some sort of self-doubt. Your passion or spirit or confidence is wavering, and your mind represents that as the core of your mech going dark. At least that's what I think is up. Theoretically you could just be bored and the fire represents having fun. But usually something as important as a mech has a more profound meaning tied to it." Hiroki Lord shook her head at the mention of Temperance. "Temperance is dying." she said bluntly, "She's very powerful, but that power comes from her artifical soul. We didn't see the signs in time." Lord trailed off. "The strain of ucyng such a volatile method or fighting has caused Temperance's dream space to crack." Seeker picked up the explanation, "Because of its unnatural creation, it apparently can't repair itself properly after a fight. She collapsed during her exhibition match and she's been in a coma cynce. Leonard has been trying to do a patch job, but this is all completely new territory, so we have no idea if she's going to live." There was a brief silence before Seeker again explained, "Watcher hasn't been seen in around fifteen years. No one even knows if he's still alive. Merlin has repeatedly refused to help us, apparently she 'can't defeat the fourth' whatever that means. Also, Blink is the only one who can get in contact with her reliably." Cardinal After resting for a short while, Cardinal felt her power returning. It wasn't much, certainly not enough to transport herself to Gluttony again, but she could at least use her Eye to check on Tai. Focucyng on splitting her consciousness, she glimpsed into his dream space and... And...? And nothing. Cardinal's head dropped into her hands as tears burst forth. Of course he was dead. He was dead and it was all her fault. None of this would have happened if she had just let him be. All she wanted was the freedom to meet and care for other people, and yet it had caused one of the few people she had cared for was now dead because of it. Was there even a point? Cardinal couldn't tell if it was truly grief or just guilt, but whatever it was, the feeling she had was the worst she'd ever felt. Tai hadn't done anything to her, quite the opposite. He'd been nothing but kind to her, even after everything she had done to him. She considered giving up, she deserved an eternity alone after what she had done. But she couldn't do it. Tai's death just further cemented her loneliness. he couldn't bear to feel this way for the rest of eternity, she had to escape, she just had to. And so she called on her power once more. This time she reached for a mind she knew would be there, though not one that she could just intrude upon whenever she wanted. After a moment, the proprietor of the dream space she was accescyng opened the door in his mental barriers. Being that he was a man of extreme power that rivaled even her own, Cardinal was always a little wary of talking to him. "Hey gramps," Cardinal said. "Hello Belial," the man replied. "I told you to stop calling me that," Cardinal pouted. "When you stop calling me old." "You are old." "And I don't need you to remind me every time we talk. What did you need?" "I just wanted to check in, there's a war going on after all," Cardinal lied. "No, thats not why you called." of course he saw right through her, he had complete mastery of his own mind, reaching into hers while she was there was effortless for him. "No, it's not," Cardinal admitted, "I just lost someone and I feel miserable." "Oh, I'm sorry. I know not many people have been around for you. Do you need to talk about i" Cardinal thought about that for a minute before finally answering, "No. I'm alright." "Let me know if you change your mind," the man replied, before asking, "While I have you, hows the war effort going? "I think it's alright, Arcturus has a plan to get it over with quickly," Cardinal explained, "That woman you told us about agreed to help. I didn't think someone who knew Lord so well would actually come over to our side." "I'm glad things are going well. Keep it up." Cardinal wasn't satisfied, though, something was still eating at her. "Watcher?" "Hmm?" "I'd this really okay? I really won't hurt anyone like the gods say I will?" "Everything will work out," Watcher assured her. Cardinal thought about Tai one last time. It hadn't worked out for him. She couldn't bring herself to say anything. "You went out of your way to help Tai, and things didn't work out. Who was it who told you to let him handle himself?" "You're right, this wouldn't have happened if I'd listened to you. Thanks gramps." Cardinal said, choking back tears as he Wright of the reaoonbility piled onto her once again. "No problem, Belial. Remember, my door is always open to you if you need to talk." "Thanks, I really appreciate you listening to and helping me." Cardinal didn't know what she would have done without Watcher's encouragement, "I'll see you later." "I look forward to it." Watcher smiled reassuringly as Cardinal left his mind. What Cardinal didn't see afterwards was Watcher's grimace of regret. Lying to and manipulating a child wasn't particularly high on his list of things he wanted to be doing. But it was his duty as the Third Prince to take up the role of villain. Lord might have bested him in the past, but this time he would achieve his goal. This time he would create a truly virtuous hero, one worthy of the title of Hope.
  10. Sceleratis Mayu shook her head. "No idea. Normally the taisha would explain things to me, but they're not exactly here." she explained, a hint of fear grasping the edge of her voice, "The jukai is here but there's no sign of Shinju-sama or the Vertex, so I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to do." Her frog croaked as if trying to say something, but, seeing as none of them were frogs, no one understood what it meant. Haruka Twoearle sighed and set Kyubey on the ground so he could return to Haruka." I'm going to wake Miss Chihiro so we can try to figure out how we're going to handle this. I wish you the best, but maybe we should stay away from each other unless we're planning to fight."
  11. Having already forgotten about his earlier action, Bard was a little surprised by the returned punch, but didn't think much of it. He did think a good deal about the doctor, whose explanation he didn't exactly trust. But he chose to accept it for now. As long as no fuss was made, Bard wouldn't make a fuss either. As for their task, follow an angel? Bard hoped it was the latter then. Though really he supposed if he was going to be concerned about an angel he needed to be concerned about everyone else here. They were all there to kill demons, there was a good chance they had a reason for that. "So when do we start?" he asked, his cheerful question not showing a hint of his worries. This wasn't because he was good at hiding them, he'd just immediately stopped caring.
  12. I'd like to properly express my frustration and anger but I'm pixly locyng the energy to care. pix~ So I'm just gonna leave. pix~ Hope everyone else can have a better day than I. pix~

  13. *Glares in RP section*

  14. Sexual orientation is a faulty and narrow concept that needs to be discarded in favor of a wider look through the lens of sexuality as a whole.

    1. Yahen


      I agree, its a very limited concept.

      I don't care as much as i should about it, though

    2. Wolfox
  15. Betwere Though he was somehow maintaining his cool outwardly, inside Betwere was in full alarm mode. He'd only been here for a week and a half. He barely knew what he was doing with basic things, and personal information, like phone numbers, was not basic. And Alexus's tits why was the tiny one smiling like that? Moving very deliberately, Betwere opened a drawer and started searching for the relevant forms while he explained the situation to the girl. "I can take a phone number, but you'll have to fill out a waiver. Do you have self-signing permission from your mother or legal guardian?"
  16. Lilith Lilith wasn't used to being treated so formally, and actually kind of liked it, even if Betwere was taking it to a bit of a ridiculous degree. Still, she stayed quiet and let Arturia do the talking. When Arturia mentioned there reason for being there, Betwere immediately started typing on his computer. "I'll double check." he said, "But I believe Made Lucille put in for some emergency time off the other day." he focused on the computer for a short while and his face fell, "I'm sorry, Mades Dearest, she did indeed take some time off for an emergency trip to Nayo. If it's nothing urgent, I can take a message and try to get in contact with her." While Betwere was talking with Arturia, Lilith was looking around the room and trying to avoid getting involved in the interaction. As she glanced around, she noticed a mirror hanging on the wall nearby. It was just one of many items mixed in with paintings and some wooden carvings of holy symbols, but it stood out to her. Suddenly she knew where she and Arturia could get enough silver for their purposes. In her excitement she nearly announced it outright, but managed to stifle herself enough to reduce it to a giddy smile while they were still with company.
  17. Bard pulled a small plastic tube out of his pocket and untied one of the bags of powder, pouring a not-insignificant amount into the tube. He couldn't share too much, but they were heading to fight deadly monsters, it couldn't hurt to be a little friendly to someone who could save his life. "Here you go, Sam." he said, capping the tube and handing it over with a grin. Notably, the grin revealed that Bard possessed extremely pointy canines. Also surprisingly clean teeth for someone who looked like a complete hobo.
  18. "I wasn't offering you any." Bard replied to the doctor with a huff, crossing his arms to accentuate his disproval. Bard wasn't a fan of doctors, they were always making a weird fuss about his body. "Breast cancer" this "gynecologist" that. Just a big load of crap, he was fine as he was. He tried to avoid them if at all possible, and he certainly wasn't going to share his powdery lifeblood with one.
  19. A homeless woman walked up to the demon hunters and Markus, having arrived well before the rest of the group. A black and blue weapon vaguely shaped like a shotgun was slung over her right shoulder by a strap that tugged her already wide open shirt even further apart from itself. The left pocket of her jeans held a red handgun, with a bullet sized hole in the pocket suggesting that this arrangement wasn't exactly safe. On the other side, three bags of white powder were tied to the woman's belt strap. Bard had arrived early, mostly because he had gotten excited at the idea of a job, but also partly because he literally had nothing else to do. With the others finally arriving, Bard got a chance to look them over, his eyes rapidly darting to each and quickly establishing a basic idea of what he thought was up with each of them. "Hey there, I'm... Uhhhh..." Bard started to introduce himself, but his name was beyond him as always. When it didn't come to him, he shrugged and walked over to Mohawk, extending his fist and touching her shoulder very lightly with it. "Anyone want some coke?" he asked the crowd, completely ignoring the girl's reaction to his ineffective punch.
  20. Accepted characters Aia Caph Petra Cassandra Liam Npcs Nami and Mina Professor Magnolia
  21. Story A group of childhood friends who have all turned fifteen recently meet up at their favorite place to eat chicken wings. This will be their last time eating at this particular location in the chain of restaurants for some time, as once they finish eating they'll be off to visit Professor Magnolia and begin a journey across the region together in the hopes of becoming Pokémon masters. Though such a journey seems like a simple undertaking, the group of friends are destined to encounter a variety of challenges, meet new rivals, and thwart the attempts of Team Revival to bring the world of the dead into the world of the living. Par for the course for an aspiring Pokémon master, or group thereof. Gyms Blazing Chicken Team Revival Region The Surpla Region is a region defined by consumerism. Cities full of people who spend and spend, driving an extremely powerful economic engine that feeds a high speed life of excess. Oftentimes life goes by too fast in the cities, and the people of Surpla's villages feel left behind and forgotten. This has only gotten worse in recent times, as events in other regions and an uptick in Pokémon related crime have led to an increase in the regulation of Pokémon for personal use. This makes it harder for the independent workers who heavily rely on Pokémon to compete with much less regulated companies. These regulations also challenge tradition, as now children who would set out on Pokémon journeys as young as ten must wait until they are at least fifteen to acquire a Pokémon trainer license and set out to challenge the region's gyms. This delay and the increased regulations as a whole have led to a gradual decrease in the number of trainers across the region. Most people have come to view Pokémon as pets or tools rather than a sport or companions, with some even seeing young Pokémon trainers as little more than hooligans. Map Cities Coldstone City Breyer City Stonefellow City Eyekeya City Coppersport City Stainice City Fordlift City Towns Dustbunny Town Fisheye Village (Chainlink Island) Bridgit Town Gold Village Other Landmarks Spelunker's Path Beachside Road Gold Rush Bridge Doorway Lake Split Ice Mountain Nugget Tunnel Victory Road Itchy Forest Ancient Grove Sunspot Beach Celestra Island Split Ice Peak Pokémon League Mechanics Though combat will be largely freeform, there are some guidelines to help decide who wins. As a general rule, you shouldn't be playing fights with the expectation of winning, but rather with the intent to make any outcome feel satisfying and earned for both parties. At the end of the day, a satisfying resolution takes precedence over mechanics. Switching and Team Size Moves and Type Effectiveness Level and Nature Role Items Held Items Money? Catching and Strengthening Pokémon Throughout the RP it will of course be possible for you to acquire and stengthen various Pokémon. For the most part this will be done in a very loose manner, much like combat, but there are still a few things to discuss. Catching New Pokémon Starter Pokémon Legends Breeding Pokémon Storage Partner Pokémon Leveling Up and Evolving Learning Moves Changing and Hiding Abilities Other Being a Lexi RP, this will inevitably run at Lexi pace. That means lots of posts in short bursts and then a delay for a while before another burst. Just a heads up for the un-lexi-initiated. I'll be looking for a maximum of five players, as I don't want to make the group too large. As such, if many people apply I'll be picking and choosing who stays based on which characters I think will be the best fit for the RP. I also intend for the PCs to all be friends with each other, so if the above does occur I'll leave some space before starting for players to sort out their relationships after they know which other players they're working with. Discord, pop on here and request the KFC role if you have any questions or want to talk to me about anything RP related. Character Sheet
  22. Haruka "Monsters made of despair, huh?" Twoearle mused, "That would certainly be troublesome to fight. I think the most unfortunate thing we've had to deal with was an old friend of mine who turned out to be our enemy." Twoearle looked around and then back at Haruka, her face saddening "I guess that's changed now that we're here." Mayu Mayu flexed her hand a couple of times, still uncertain about the handshake. "I guess if you trained your whole life for something you must be pretty good at it. I became a magical girl only a few minutes before my first time fighting." Mayu grimaced, apparently remembering something unsavory. Perhaps that first fight hadn't gone well, or perhaps it had gone too well. In any case, thinking about it clearly upset her.
  23. Hiroki The gods shared a look in response to Hiroki's protest, silently coming to a decision on how to respond. After a silence just long enough to be uncomfortable, Lord spoke up to say, "Well, thats that then. If we agree to Aries's terms, Hiroki will face Arcturus." "It's still a big if." Gryffin pointed out, "I think we should at least consider who they have to fight us with and whether we have someone to counter them, try to measure our chances of success." "Slumbering Giant, Arcturus, the Councilor." Seeker listed off the first three potential opponents, "I'm not sure who else they would even be able to field." "I hate to even suggest it," Queen said apprehensively, "but what about Princess?" He shot Lord a wary look and was visibly tense. Lord, for her part, managed to stay relatively calm. "That's impossible! I refuse to even consider the suggestion." she said with all the tranquility of a raging bull, "That woman may not be our ally, but she would never become our enemy." "How can we even speculate?" Bear asked, "We've been so focused on the tournament competitors, we don't really know about many other strong fighters. We could be facing complete unknowns." "Theres also the matter of the multitude of competitors who didn't see eye-to-eye with us and left. We still don't know je full extent of Supernova's relationship with Cardinal." Queen pointed out. Hiroki noticed Gryffin looking at her a lot as the other gods were talking, he seemed to be expecting her to speak up again. Apparently she wasn't the only one at the table who was uncomfortable with their seat. Tai Tejfidh giggled at Tai's empty compliment, "Don't be silly, that place is a mess." the way she laughed, she really seemed like an innocent child and not an ancient being of presumably unfathomable power. "And I'm not doing anything with your mech, you're the one who put that core there." she explained, though her tone almost sounded like she was chiding him, "I thought it was important that you see, because the only person who can put a fire like that out is its creator."
  24. Mika Mika felt her heart sink when Apollo made a segue onto another topic. She really just wanted to get out of this conversation, and was sure she'd regret letting her guest into her home for the rest of her life. She thought about trying to point out that it was late as a way to get Apollo to leave, but was too anxious to assert herself. "Are you from somewhere far away?" Mika asked, immediately kicking herself for the inquiry. Passive listening might leave room for Apollo to stop, but if Mika asked questions the interaction was guaranteed to drag on.
  25. Hiroki "I think that might be the entire point." Seeker responded to Hiroki, "We don't know much about Arcturus, but aside from being enigmatic, one thing we do know for certain is that he fancies himself a knight. Honor and chivalry and all that. He challenged you, but on the battlefield the chances of a one on one fight are much smaller. He might have pushed Aries to do this in the hopes of having his challenge met." "I think that's part of it." Bear agreed, "But I also think Aries may have been telling the truth, he wants to keep this fight short too. That doesn't mean he'll give up his advantages entirely, but sacrificing some of them to ensure a swift resolution to a fight that he would otherwise only win by dragging it on might be his only option." "Well, if we agree, we won't give Arcturus what he wants." Lord added her opinion, "He'll win no matter who we put against him, so we should just put someone out who can hold their own for a while to learn more about his abilities. Hiroki is our strongest play, so we should conserve her to take on one of their stronger fighters that she can actually defeat."
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