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[IC] 4x Magical Girl Crossover Battle☆Royale
Shamitako replied to Shamitako's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
Sceleratis Mayu looked a little confused by Sceratis's extended hand, and it took her a minute to realize she was expected to grab it with her own. "A demon hunter?" she repeated, her grasp of the concept apparently as weak as her handshake, "That's a weird thing for a magical girl to be. Is it hard?" Haruka "Elemelians are disgusting otaku perverts." Twoearle answered firmly, not a hint of self-reflection in her voice, "They're the members of Ultimagill, an interdimensional menace that goes around stealing the attribute energy of entire words and turning them into boring places devoid of creativity and happiness, all to fuel their depraved fetishes." -
The world has changed, there's no longer an internet, guns are barely used, airports are reserved for military purposes, and for some reason everyone is driving electric cars. As if that wasn't enough, nobody else realizes that anything has changed. Most people think you're a lunatic, a crackpot conspiracy theorist. You might even start to think they're right. But the reality truly is that the world has become something different, and only you and those like you, those that remember, are able to set things right. Also you may or may not get time-related magical powers, I'm not sure yet If anyone is interested please post below letting me know. I'm looking for 3-5 players, and will post an OOC with more details, better structure, and a character sheet if I get enough interest. Feel free to poke me on my Discord for more information before then
[IC] TTG Chapter 5: Wrath
Shamitako replied to Shamitako's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
Tai Finally passing through the warning curtain, Tai was met with a particularly shocking sight. A large room housing a device that he knew all to well, yet far larger than he ever could have imagined. Towering over him in the center of the room was the reactor core of his mech. It wasn't currently active, which was good because the heat would have incinerated him the instant he stepped through the curtain if it were. Across the room there was another large room with an observation window looking over the core. It seemed likely that the controls for the device were in there. However, none of the exits in the core room seemed to lead to it. Princess Princess cleared her throat. "Those glasses aren't cheap." she calmly prodded Grima, no accusation in her tone. She didn't say anything more to try to keep Grima from leaving, after all, she really did want to be left alone. The world wasn't hers to save, and Victoria's wars weren't hers to fight. She'd already learned the hard way that she wasn't meant to be a hero, that demon had put her squarely in her place. She was just a woman who happened to be good with a sword, nothing more. -
[IC] TTG Chapter 5: Wrath
Shamitako replied to Shamitako's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
Tai As it turned out, the curtain wasn't ajar because of someone passing through, but rather because the room beyond was missing a piece of the wall. The entire room was cold and unwelcoming, and there didn't seem to be any other exits from it. A dead end, and a chilly one at that. While Tai was becoming freshly acquainted with the bitter cold, he heard what sounded like a scream from behind him. Not so much a scream of terror as a banshee-like screech. It was clearly coming from the danger curtain attached to the intersection. He got the distinct impression that if he didn't confront it head on, whatever was making the sound would sneak up on him when he was distracted. Swag "There's not many details, but it seems like it was a coup that Aries joined with out of opportunity." Adam answered Morgan. He apparently chose not to sit, well aware that he was unwelcome at the same table as Hiroki. "Then there's a chance they aren't actually aligned in their goals." Swag said, "If so, Hiroki may be right that it's not an issue." Swag didn't say it yet, but he actually thought this might work to their advantage. Aries was virtually unbeatable on his own turf, but if they could challenge him in Envy while he was still trying to secure it, then they might be able to actually win. Sarah would come to the same conclusion, she was good at this sort of thing. When the time came, he was certain she would have a winning strategy prepared. She was Lust's unconquwrable general, after all. He didn't realize it, but tears had started to run down Swag's face. The overbearing god in the room was utterly obliterated as a broken man took his place. -
[IC] 4x Magical Girl Crossover Battle☆Royale
Shamitako replied to Shamitako's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
Nova (vs. Veronica, turn 3, Clash) Although her foes were putting up a good fight, Nova knew that she was going to win. Their power was certainly strong enough to overcome hers, but they couldn't match her speed in powering up. It was unfortunate, they seemed to be a really good pair, it wouldn't be much fun to tear them apart. Nova recalled how she had first gotten to this place. A victory, but at the cost of her life and the lives of several people she cared about. She liked fighting, but she wasn't sure she was still a fan of winning. If only she'd listened to Parsley-sensei when he tried to stop her, she wouldn't be at risk of hurting more people. It was too bad that this world was so deadly, she would have liked another chance at fighting. With a sigh, she cut off her energy output and let her opponent's attack overwhelm her. She gave them a smile as she went out, thanks for giving her a good fight. Nova forfeits the clash, she takes 3 (44-43+2-0) damage, killing her HP: 0/5 Dice: 4, 2, 3, 1 Magic: 7 (9*80%) Veronica and Rust (vs. Nova, aftermath) Though they were pushing themselves as far as they could, Rust and Veronica knew they were soon to be overpowered. It sucked, having their second chance blown away by an overzealous neighbor, but they had both been pretty resigned to just dying outright before they ended up here. Yet suddenly, Nova's beam was gone and Veronica shot forward, I'm paling the girl through the stomach. It was so unexpected that it completely shattered the pair's resonance, not that it mattered at this point. With a smile of gratitude, Nova vanished from existence, in her place floating a soul. Veronica returned to her human form to ask the obvious question: "Why would she do that?" "Pay it no mind." the response came from Nova's elderly familiar, "She simply didn't want to ruin an enjoyable fight with a sad death." "Well she failed." Rust replied with a shake of her head, "She didn't have to be our enemy, she was just so impulsive." "Indeed." the old man agreed, "Impulsive, reckless, a bit stupid at times. But far from heartless. She'd appreciate that you found her death saddening. And she'd hope you use your winnings well." he gestured to the soul. "Uh, that's a human soul, I really shouldn't..." Veronica said uncomfortably. "No, it's fine. That's just this world trying to accommodate us, it just represents her gemstone, eating it will add hers to yours." Rust explained. "You're sure?" Veronica asked. "I'm sure." Though she was still apprehensive, Veronica trusted Rust. So she took the soul and swallowed it. As soon as she had, Nova's territory began to shift and change, merging into their own. "If it's alright with you, I'd like to stick around." the old man brought attention back to his presence, "I'm a bit more keen on being alive than my student was." "Can we do that?" Veronica asked. "Sure, just consciously allow me to be part of your territory. You have almost total control over it, right?" "I guess." Veronica closed her eyes and concentrated for a moment before saying, "I think I did it?" Nova's land vanished completely, fully integrating into Veronica's, but the old man didn't vanish, so it seemed Veronica was successful. An awkward silence followed as nothing more was necessary to say. Veronica and Rust recover 4HP and 3 Mana Dice HP: 6/8 Dice: 3, 3, 5, 2 (need 3) Sceleratis The girl sighed and uncrossed her arms, her face softening significantly. "Apology accepted." she said graciously, "I'm Mahou Shoujo Tanpopo☆Mayu, the frog is my fairy, Moriya. If flying is difficult then feel free to land, just watch your step and try to stay on the bigger vines." Haruka As expected, Twoearle still seemed unconvinced about Kyubey, but nonetheless nodded when told not to accept any offers from the creature. "Well, it's pretty clear that we're supposed to be fighting our neighbors, but I'm not sure how well that will go." Twoearle answered Haruka's awkward question, "I designed the tail gear to fight elemelians, Dark Grasper's glasses gear was a struggle to defeat even with three. If only Mister Souji were here, I'm sure he would find a way..." Twoearle trailed off into uncertainty. -
[IC] 4x Magical Girl Crossover Battle☆Royale
Shamitako replied to Shamitako's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
Sceleratis The proprietor of the vines glared up at Sceleratis with her arms crossed. "Couldn't have done that the first time?" she said, her tone matching the state of her arms, "Hurting the jukai causes disasters in the real world. This may not be the way the jukai usually appears, but when people's lives are at stake it's better safe than sorry." -
[IC] 4x Magical Girl Crossover Battle☆Royale
Shamitako replied to Shamitako's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
(OOC: Will doot the fight later today/tomorrow) Haruka "Why would I do that?" Twoearle asked, clearly surprised at Haruka's animosity, "He's so cute and precious! He's even got these little twintail things, he'd make such a good mascot for Mr. Souji." There was a momentary twinge of sadness on Twoearle's face when she mentioned the name, but she didn't let it last long. It seemed pretty apparent from Twoearle's demeanor that nothing Haruka could say would convince her that Kyubey was anything other than an adorable pet. The buxom girl seemed pretty headstrong, or maybe completely oblivious. Neither would make her easy to reason with. -
Sharp "It does seem that everything leads back to the goddesses." Sharp agreed, "We could go to the library right now. I'll leave a note and our roommates can meet us there." Sharp seemed rather giddy at the suggestion. He rather loved research, and Platinum seemed to have chosen a much more fruitful path than he had.
Kindle Kindle narrowed her eyes at Arturia's outburst. Perhaps it was merely stress over a companion's injury that caused such a response, but Kindle's instincts told her there was more to it than that. What more, exactly, would have to come to light later, as Kaede's words prompted Kindle to a different response. "My station, you say?" she sneered, "You aren't even ranked high enough to know what my station is, let alone how it operates or the rules that constrain it. It is well within my purview to badger people in their homes. And I will do so at my discretion. The fact of the matter is, Ustole Kaede, you and anyone connected to you are highly suspect in a matter of religious and national security. Should I deem it that any of you are a threat to the stability of our holy nation, your lives will be immediately forfeit. If you wish to avoid that outcome, you will all answer my questions swiftly and truthfully."
Kindle "Kaede, Alva, and Arturia." Kindle noted to herself. She scratched at her chest a bit while she contemplated what to do now that Kaede was here. She'd hoped that letting rumor of her visit spread would have kept Kaede away longer. Then again, Alva didn't seem to be getting her anywhere. This was when a third girl decided to enter the room, hurriedly pushing her way through the door. Kindle assumed this to be Arturia. Rather curiously, Arturia was not alone. A fourth girl was held unconscious in her rather tired-looking arms. "Oh," Kindle said flatly, "I guess we're having a party. If you'd told me I'd have brought dessert." She pointed aggressively at the unconscious girl, "Who is that and why are you carrying her?"
Sharp Sharp listened intently to everything Platinum had to say. He'd heard of Kelsey and Tressa, of course, but he didn't know all that much about them. "Humans with godlike powers and magic weapons. Seems as good a place to start as any." Sharp wished he had more to add, but it seemed Platinum had been much more successful in her research than he. There was the one thing, but he still didn't feel comfortable sharing it with Platinum. "Considering that Lilith seemed to have some sort of super strength, Kelsey seems like a good place to focus." Sharp suggested, "Have you read anything about where her strength might have come from?"
Sharp "But you have leads?" Sharp pushed a little. Platinum seemed convinced she hadn't found anything, but Sharp was sure she'd have given up already if there was truly nothing of interest for her to discuss. Myth was often based in reality, perhaps the miracles and magic of old were real in some way. Sharp already knew that the supernatural existed, but knowing of it didn't actually give him any answers about Lilith or himself.
Mika Mika didn't really know how to respond to that, the best she could remember getting out of July was a curt expression of gratitude. And that was after she forced Mika to clean the bathroom. Though she had seen July be rather nice to customers she liked, so maybe Apollo had given off a really good impression. "Well, um, I guess she's not always grouchy." Mika admitted eventually.
Sharp "So that's why you have that book." Sharp mused, largely to himseld. He hadn't even considered looking at mythology, and wondered what had prompted Platinum to follow that path. Perhaps she might even have new information. "I don't know much about mythology." Sharp admitted, "You dont sound like you've found much, but you're still reading, so it can't be totally fruitless. Maybe if we put our information together we can figure something out?"
Mika Apollo's clap was met with a wince as Mika recoiled from the sudden outburst of sound. To her credit, Mika managed to keep herself from closing off again, long enough for Apollo to give her something else to think about, at least. "I don't know about seeing it." she said, her tone just shy of actually making a joke, "July is good at being grouchy, even around Mr. Honeydew."
Planning to run queen's game at 8pm EST. Drop by if you're interested: https://discord.gg/VDm2q7C
In light of last night going so well, I'm going to attempt to revive the weekly Queen's Game. If such disturbing insanity is of interest to you, follow this link: https://discord.gg/VDm2q7C
[IC] 4x Magical Girl Crossover Battle☆Royale
Shamitako replied to Shamitako's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
Haruka "Haruka, that's a lovely name." Twoearle parroted Haruka's name back to her. She then took notice of a certain cat like creature, and before it had a chance to react, Kyubey had been captured by the scruff of its neck. "And what is this adorable little thing?" she asked, stuffing practically it's entire body into her bosom as she snuggled the creature in a suffocating hold. -
[IC] 4x Magical Girl Crossover Battle☆Royale
Shamitako replied to Shamitako's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
Haruka The twintailed girl laughed sheepishly. "It's complicated. Let me change back real quick." Another flash of green light and the girl had reverted to her normal form, which seemed to be that of an average girl slightly older than Haruka. Her outfit was now much duller, as was her hair, which was a much more boring brown and had significantly shorter twintails. As this was happening, the silver-haired girl came to, seemingly shifting immediately from knocked out to on her feet. She rubbed her forehead and gave her attacker a hurt look. "That was mean, Miss Chihiro." she pouted. Chihiro glared at silver-hair, and seemed to be about to launch into another assault before she suddenly yawned and flopped lazily onto the ground. "I'm tired, introduce yourself to the neighbors." Without waiting for a response, she curled into a ball and shut her eyes. The silver-haired girl looked around and finally noticed Haruka. "Oh my, what a cute neighbor." she said, the devious, perverted, sneaky, dirty, suspicious, hungry look in her eyes preventing Haruka from taking it as a compliment. It faded so rapidly that Haruka wasn't even sure she'd seen it, being replaced with a smile that beamed like the sun. "Hello, it's nice to meet you. I'm Twoearle, the lazy one on the ground is Chihiro. Don't mind what you just witnessed, Chihiro was just surprised by my teasing because she was confused." Twoearle's words seemed like a gross misrepresentation of the situation, but both she and Chihiro seemed to be over the matter, so perhaps it was best to let it go. -
[IC] 4x Magical Girl Crossover Battle☆Royale
Shamitako replied to Shamitako's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
Sceleratis Francine looked a little surprised, apparently having forgotten Sceleratis was present. "Oh. No, we're fine." She said, though she was clearly still upset from the altercation with her partner. She showed that she really was done by turning away and focusing on the helicopter girl's hiding place. There was nothing more to do here for now. As she was leaving, she noticed that the castle had grown much larger by taking over the land to its west. Haruka As Haruka approached the entrance to the manga shop, the silver-haired girl with the enormous breasts came careening out of the door, landing roughly on her behind in Haruka's own territory. A shout, "Tail on!" echoed from the shop, followed by a flash of green light, and finally a green shield with a black and white spiral on it flew out and smacked silver-hair square in the center of the forehead, knocking her out cold and causing a torrent of blood to spurt from her nose. The shield's thrower, an extremely short, twintailed girl with an extremely green color scheme whose bust rivaled even silver-hair emerged from the doorway, glaring at her fallen foe and cluching her chest defensively. Another shout finished this bewildering interaction, "Pervert!" green twintails spat. Green twintails walked over to retrieve her shield, and finally took a moment to look around and notice Haruka's presence. Her face flushed bright red. "Oh... is this... your land?" green twintails looked awkwardly at the silver-haired girl whose head now rested in the pool of blood that had poured from her nose. She then looked back to Haruka, but didn't seem to be able to figure out what to say, so she just kind of shuffled uncomfortably. Galiah (vs. Zeta, turn 2) "Take care Galiah, the alien seems to be strengthening herself." ALICE warned. "No problem, I won't let any contaminants overpower me." Galiah replied confidently. "I would still like to advise the use of your BUFF." "Alright, fine." Galiah keyed in a command on her wrist and a purple energy began to gather around her, seemingly out of thin air. It condensed around the tank on her back and was absorbed, causing the tank to glow more brightly. Galiah uses Beam Unlimited Form Finalizer with a 2 Mana Die, buffing her Magic by 4 [(4+0)/2+2] HP: 10/10 Dice: 6, 3, 1, 3, 4 Buff: +4 Magic Nova (vs. Veronica, turn 3, Clash) Nova's protection reduces the incoming damage by 2, the remaining 4 damage trigger a Clash. Nova once again ignored the parasol's attack, instead bringing her hands down to her side, condensing her aura's energy between them into an orb of raw power. A droning scream accompanied this action, her voice the manifestation of her willpower as she pushed against her limit. Before Veronica and Rust could fully close the distance, Nova shouted, "Hypernova Outburt!" and blasted the energy forward towards them in a massive beam of red energy that had enough power in it to sunder planets. Nova uses Hypernova Outburst with a 5 Mana Die, Clash damage: 22 [10+7+5]. Total: 22 HP: 2/5 Dice: 4, 4, 2, 3, 1 Magic: 7 (9*80%) Veronica and Rust (vs. Nova, turn 3, Clash) With their opponent's attack so telegraphed, Rust had plenty of time to react. Dodging didn't seem a likely option, Nova's attacks were just as quick as they were powerful, she would no doubt be able to easily direct her charge attack into them if they tried to avoid it. The only option was to meet it head on. "You ready for this?" Veronica asked, having come to the same conclusion as her meister. "For you? Always." Rust answered without hesitation. Rust transitioned from her attack to a different motion entirely, extending Veronica's canopy and setting her spinning on her tip. "Let's go, Soul Resonance!" The pair shouted in unison, a blue aura of echoing out from them along the wave of sound. Their bodies, minds, and souls resonated in unison as their cry raised itself up to match Nova's intensity. Veronica seemed to multiply, and suddenly Rust was surrounded by twelve twirling parasols. Nova unleashed her mighty beam, and Rust started dancing what appeared to be a ballet. Following Rust's motions, one of Veronica's images launched up to meet the beam, spinning rapidly as it fought to overpower the mighty blast. Veronica and Rust use Twirling Dance with a 6, Clash damage: 20 [1.5*(5+2*2)+6]. Total: 24 HP: 2/8 Dice: 3, 3, 6, 5, 2 Dominion: 0/2 Soul Resonance: 2/5 (+2 Execution) Nova (vs. Veronica, turn 3, Clash) Seeing her opponents somehow manage to meet her attack head on, Nova laughed gleefully and pushed more energy into the beam. Win or lose, this had been an awesome fight. Nova uses Hypernova Outburst with a 4 Mana Die, Clash damage: 21 [10+7+4]. Total: 43 HP: 2/5 Dice: 4, 2, 3, 1 Magic: 7 (9*80%) Veronica and Rust (vs. Nova, turn 3, Clash) Rust performed the next step of her dance, and another of Veronica's images launched up, switching places with the first, which spun back down to circle Rust again. Though it's spin speed had slowed when challenging the attack, it immediately began to speed back up once it was freed from the confrontation. Veronica and Rust use Twirling Dance with a 6, Clash damage: 20 [1.5*(5+2*2)+3]. Total: 44 HP: 2/8 Dice: 3, 3, 5, 2 Dominion: 0/2 Soul Resonance: 2/5 (+2 Execution) (OOC: A little math and you can see where this is going (unless I got it wrong, which I have done twice now), but Haven should have a chance to respond to the clash of two distinctly different and equally awesome powers, so Ima wait another post before I finish things)