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About Cuddlesworth

  • Birthday July 6

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  1. As Maelstrom suggested, it'd be nice if you make an outline first. Arrange your thoughts in a manner that is easy to understand. Making a draft of your intro/prologue/first chapter also works so that we'd get a feel of what you want or are trying to portay.
  2. I'd suggest Granbull. He's a tank with that intimidate and his Play Rough damage output is amazing , you also get Snubbull early. Gardevoir and Azumarill would be my other choices but they're so commonly used that I prefer the more unconventional fairies.
  3. Wow, so much tension in this topic. Although, I agree with some of the points dondon151 has said. -The grinding shouldn't be too tedious. Either the game give us low level pokeys and give us a varied / good way to grind or just give us -reasonably- lower-levelled pokeys. It has been stated several times, grinding really doesn't add any challenge, there's a limit to the levels anyway, and the only thing that you really need to invest is time and effort. ... Also with regards to the variety of pokemon to grind against: the unown in the citae are good for exp but the encounter rates are sooo low it almost seems like grinding against Crustle and Tauros is more effective. Another thing, Tauros/Bouff and Crustle are too specific/limiting, for ex. I wanna train my Ninetales against T/B or C but Ninetales just cant take a phys hit let alone a rock move, Grass types also have trouble against these Pokeys because of SapSipper/Megahorn and Crustle's bug moves. -The walking around also gets me. It would have been ok if the place wasn't so laggy, but we can't avoid that. It just really disuades me from 'exploring' Reborn properly. I really wanna catch a Tropius in Rhodocrine but I dont wanna pass thru lag-hell Peridot.
  4. Oh, nothing substantial then =) Good thing her dialogue in the Cascade cabin was pretty obvious otherwise I wouldn't have picked her up as a possible traitor.
  5. I haven't seen Tania in all of my saves. And she acts as wary and blunt as you guys describe it. Dunno any changes in text What did they even talk about in North Aventurine?
  6. ^Well there's Pokken And also a fan made game that I think has a few chosen pokemon, including Gengar Snorlax and Blaziken
  7. I actually never had a chance to play XD or the Colosseum games. I only saw videos, but yes, my god, those kinds of games I would buy in a heartbeat. I read somewhere though that it wasn't Gamefreak who made the XD game (unsure), so I doubt we would see it anytime soon.
  8. Thanks for the advice. Though as much as I'd like, I can't switch right now because my parents are paying for college and of course they said no b/c costs and the like. Thank you though.
  9. What made Mandibuzz better though? I'm still unfamiliar with Gen 6 Only thing I can think of is if it got Prankster, other than that.. Defog
  10. Good luck, try to get a Drilbur or Litwick if you can.
  11. A game with all the regions would be tedious. A single player game shouldn't be that long. Look at Kanto and how dry and pathetic it felt after beating the Johto League. It may even affect the level cap of the regions. Remember Johto's wild pokemon levels before E4. A better representation of regions, would be trainer cameos or sideline mentions / lore of the region itself. If they really would like to implement a visit a region. It would be better to restrict access to the region being visited, sort of like a passport that only allows you to visit certain areas. For example, you'd only be able to visit port cities like Kanto's Vermillion or Unova's Castelia. You'd do something significant in that place and then leave. It would be a tease of sorts but I believe that would be the best way for fanservices of regions.
  12. Well, there's grinding... and then there's Shell Smash. Obviously Shell Smash. Congrats on the win =)
  13. And here I thought you would rant about Pokemon XY/ Mario:Sticker Star/ Mario Kart 8 etc. sucking... I feel like you think Nintendo sucks because your ideas for games haven't been implemented/made yet. But that's just me. I like Nintendo and their 1st party exclusives. Their games are wholly fun and they use their console's/handheld's unique mechanics well, giving their games flavor and depth. But what I really don't like about them is that they mostly depend on nostalgia or existing series to carry the weight. I'd like that they experiment much more than they are now and not be afraid to spend a little on a new IP. And yes, the 3DS Mystery Dungeon is sucky for not including all the pokemon, because3Dmodels >_>
  14. Gliscor is my favorite. It's annoying with Poison Heal, and I love it because of its great Attack. It's typing is what really draws me though, and access to EQ of course =)
  15. Me and my friends during lab session last sem..
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