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Everything posted by Cuddlesworth
I'd suggest Granbull. He's a tank with that intimidate and his Play Rough damage output is amazing , you also get Snubbull early. Gardevoir and Azumarill would be my other choices but they're so commonly used that I prefer the more unconventional fairies.
Wow, so much tension in this topic. Although, I agree with some of the points dondon151 has said. -The grinding shouldn't be too tedious. Either the game give us low level pokeys and give us a varied / good way to grind or just give us -reasonably- lower-levelled pokeys. It has been stated several times, grinding really doesn't add any challenge, there's a limit to the levels anyway, and the only thing that you really need to invest is time and effort. ... Also with regards to the variety of pokemon to grind against: the unown in the citae are good for exp but the encounter rates are sooo low it almost seems like grinding against Crustle and Tauros is more effective. Another thing, Tauros/Bouff and Crustle are too specific/limiting, for ex. I wanna train my Ninetales against T/B or C but Ninetales just cant take a phys hit let alone a rock move, Grass types also have trouble against these Pokeys because of SapSipper/Megahorn and Crustle's bug moves. -The walking around also gets me. It would have been ok if the place wasn't so laggy, but we can't avoid that. It just really disuades me from 'exploring' Reborn properly. I really wanna catch a Tropius in Rhodocrine but I dont wanna pass thru lag-hell Peridot.
Oh, nothing substantial then =) Good thing her dialogue in the Cascade cabin was pretty obvious otherwise I wouldn't have picked her up as a possible traitor.
I haven't seen Tania in all of my saves. And she acts as wary and blunt as you guys describe it. Dunno any changes in text What did they even talk about in North Aventurine?
^Well there's Pokken And also a fan made game that I think has a few chosen pokemon, including Gengar Snorlax and Blaziken
I actually never had a chance to play XD or the Colosseum games. I only saw videos, but yes, my god, those kinds of games I would buy in a heartbeat. I read somewhere though that it wasn't Gamefreak who made the XD game (unsure), so I doubt we would see it anytime soon.
The "Talk about your feelings in your life" topic
Cuddlesworth replied to chuckles's topic in General Discussion
Thanks for the advice. Though as much as I'd like, I can't switch right now because my parents are paying for college and of course they said no b/c costs and the like. Thank you though. -
What made Mandibuzz better though? I'm still unfamiliar with Gen 6 Only thing I can think of is if it got Prankster, other than that.. Defog
Good luck, try to get a Drilbur or Litwick if you can.
A game with all the regions would be tedious. A single player game shouldn't be that long. Look at Kanto and how dry and pathetic it felt after beating the Johto League. It may even affect the level cap of the regions. Remember Johto's wild pokemon levels before E4. A better representation of regions, would be trainer cameos or sideline mentions / lore of the region itself. If they really would like to implement a visit a region. It would be better to restrict access to the region being visited, sort of like a passport that only allows you to visit certain areas. For example, you'd only be able to visit port cities like Kanto's Vermillion or Unova's Castelia. You'd do something significant in that place and then leave. It would be a tease of sorts but I believe that would be the best way for fanservices of regions.
Well, there's grinding... and then there's Shell Smash. Obviously Shell Smash. Congrats on the win =)
And here I thought you would rant about Pokemon XY/ Mario:Sticker Star/ Mario Kart 8 etc. sucking... I feel like you think Nintendo sucks because your ideas for games haven't been implemented/made yet. But that's just me. I like Nintendo and their 1st party exclusives. Their games are wholly fun and they use their console's/handheld's unique mechanics well, giving their games flavor and depth. But what I really don't like about them is that they mostly depend on nostalgia or existing series to carry the weight. I'd like that they experiment much more than they are now and not be afraid to spend a little on a new IP. And yes, the 3DS Mystery Dungeon is sucky for not including all the pokemon, because3Dmodels >_>
Gliscor is my favorite. It's annoying with Poison Heal, and I love it because of its great Attack. It's typing is what really draws me though, and access to EQ of course =)
Wow, I forgot I had even made this thread. But anyway, @Bluewolf & Tacps&Flowers, we're not supposed to consider Legendaries siding with their Home regions because it's unfair and would lose the point of discussion. Let's face it, having Dragons that control time, space, and antimatter along with the creator-of-all-things-Pokey would ruin any chances of other regions fighting back. As much as I love the weather trio (Kyogre4ever), they'll have no chance sparring with the big guys. Gen 1 and 2 are probably the weakest with their legends, since their main influences are with weather and the elements vastly inferior compared to the control the weather trio have. Gen 5 would be weak as well, as their main Legends are just basically glorified concept-representative dragon. And considering the other minor legends, Gen 4 still has the better hold (unless we count Celebi Time Traveling and Jirachi Wish-making), since they have so much. But the Gen 6 legends, now they can probably match Sinnoh's legends.
Best spots to EV train for Speed and Special attack as of now?
Cuddlesworth replied to Akatsuki1033's topic in Reborn City
For Sp. Att, the Citae d'arc astrae (sp?) is filled with Psychics, and have varying levels. I think the highest is Lv 81 with the Unowns, and 30+ for that Gen 5 alien psychic whose name escapes me. Idk for speed, but Noibats give speed right? The underground railnet would work. -
It doesn't even have to be end-game. What I want to happen is that after defeating a Leader, you get to unlock them and challenge them in the 'frontier' with your still-uncomplete team set-up so that it would raise the difficulty. Cuz if we only had access to this by end-game, we (hopefully) would have access to all the TMs, HMs etc. anyway and it would make Leaders like Julia (Earthquake), Charlotte (Surf) and so on much more easy. But, as they say, you can't always get what you want. =|
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Yeah, Whimsicott is gonna block him for sure, unless he gets Sludge Bomb or runs an HP >_>. He has the moves for it too, U-turn, Hurricane, and the obvious Fairy moves, though denting M-Scept with those stats is gonna be difficult. Correct me if I'm wrong but are you referring to Rotom-F with Blizzard? Because Rotom doesn't get Ice Beam. Also what we're talking about is a Rotom-W counter since Scept blocks his STABs, unless you mean Rotom-W w/ HP Ice. On another note, M-Sableye confirmed!! =D
^Cain Love(s) More Balls / More Cain('s) Love Balls / Cain('s) Balls -need- More Love ? Anyway, I'd like to see Battle Frontier/Tower-esque type institution that allows us to re-battle Gym Leaders with set Levels (Lv. 50) with their respective field effects and gimmicks cuz let's face it, some field effects such as Julia's and Radomus' become a waste because they only come once (so far). And I crave for strategy in fights which usually, only the gym leaders provide with their full team and superior set-ups
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Just basing on the team composition, it's very fighting weak (literally half of the first team is) so no Ursaring. Crustle and Hawlucha don't hate Fighting types but Hawlucha can handle Rock moves (a common way for fighters to hit flyers) better than Crus, Hawlucha is better. The second I like better, but is too Ground and Rock weak. Although having Escavalier and Crobat is reassuring for Ground types, only Machamp can really take Rock coverage moves with resists. Also, having two fire types will make Amaria difficult considering she will most likely have Ice Beam for Crobat and Energy Ball for Omastar. Well, you can't cover all bases, but it's better to cover most. Might I suggest Rock-Ground resist like say, Bronzong w/ Levitate? His Fire weakness can easily be covered by the Flash Fires and his Dark and Ghost weak can be handled by Machamp and Houndoom. Overall, you're going to be very open to upcoming/current Gym Leaders: Hardy, Samson, Terra if you don't adjust your team
^Whose Rotom's gonna stay in against M-Sceptile anyway? Or any grass type for that matter? Remember, it has to Mega-evolve first so the chances of him exploiting a Lightning Rod boost is very small. Hell, the opponent could predict the switch to M-Sceptile, since it'd be an easily telegraphed bait switch. I'm not liking Lightning Rod on it at all. Although, I can't deny T-wave immunity is nice.
You have 3 pure Fire types, consider changing one of them. Houndoom is good as you guys mentioned. And you also don't have to lead with Ninetales, since eternal weather isn't a thing anymore, unless I'm mistaken. Magmar can bring the sun for you just give him Heat Rock. Quick Claws can also help you esp. against that Sharpedo, Ninetales can Wisp him and he'll just be very fast. And, idk about Chandelure, I thought Litwick was readily available with the Soul Candle?? :\ or was it removed? As for the eventual Terra fight, Air balloons will be useful for your team =)
As the title says, who'd win in an all-out war between the 6 regions? Based on their Pokemon, Technology, Geography, etc. And no, we can't have legendaries take sides, otherwise Gen 4 would win IMO. But I guess we can have some legends, like the Legendary Pixies, Mew, etc. No Jirachi-wishing either. As I haven't played X and Y I can't say Kalos, and I'm leaning towards Unova because of their tech, although Sinnoh would be difficult to conquer with Mt. Coronet and the snow making it difficult to conquer the place. Your thoughts?
The "Talk about your feelings in your life" topic
Cuddlesworth replied to chuckles's topic in General Discussion
Nice topic! I've read some of the posts here and they are pretty much.. depressing & reflective. Some I even kinda went through myself and can empathize with. For me, I'm going to be a 4th year college student this opening; it's summer break here currently. And this is the year where internships, theses, graduation and that shite all scramble together. That's fine and all, except when you consider that I currently am not happy with my course, as in at all. It's certainly not because of the lessons or my kick-ass grades (ok, not so much, maybe between excellent and amazing? kidding). It's not the teachers or students either. I don't know. I'm feeling it's the work I do. The blood collecting, smearing, etc. I find pretty much troublesome. I feel pretty much incompetent when I do them, as in less than sub-par quality of work I might say. I feel... useless when it comes to these things especially when other people find it easy. I pretty much wanted to shift courses since last year but people, even my parents, were saying stuff. Translated to english: "But you get so good grades and people are expecting of you! You cant shift now." Some would even take offense when I say that, saying that I mock them b/c they try hard and get not-so-good scores, and that I get good ones appearing so effortlessly. It's not like that at all. I bust my ass pulling all-nighters just trying my best, and expecting the worst of my teachers. It's nerve-wracking really and even my health has diminshed b/c of this. I don't blame my professors though, as I believe a moment of pain is worth an eternity of peace... or something like that. People saying that I do it effortlessly obviously haven't tried hard enough and I hate them for saying that. Getting back to the me being incompetent part, this is probably the main issue. Good grades are fine. but that's all they are and will ever be. Meanwhile, being skillful in your trade is of utmost importance and something you inherently are or acquire. Months of practice and training and I have nothing to show for it. What can I do? I wanna leave my course so bad. All the expectations, visions and goals people have thrust upon me have piled up and I really cant take it anymore. They're really so blinded by my being studious that they forget that in truth, I really am useless. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ^Sorry, I just wanted to type-scream while I actually screamed at the end typing this. This was nice, even if no one may read it, at least, my chest is a little bit lighter... but what to do?