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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by sandy

  1. i have a idea for something you could put in its a bit late for episode 3 but you can put it in to episode 4 im not sure if its been suggested either add a tab or a window that shows your rep with each person that had a reputation attached to them new ones can be added as you meet them. with the window you can be reminded of past decisions you have made this goes back to what caz said about the ending you get from the new episode is determined by choices already made
  2. i see that's VERY interesting caz i guess it's to do with the games reputation system
  3. i don't know why but i'm not sure that E19 will have a gym it would most likely have the league and post story content, i don't have any proof its more of a gut feelng
  4. im curious what animations are left? i know there's only 39 to go but which are they?
  5. its good to see you back ame, as others had said just take your time there are many other fan games out on the site at the moment and my up and coming ones to keep us busy wile you create the kind of high quality episode that we al know you for, also happy easter
  6. i thought ame said there would be 20 episodes not 19
  7. i need another look at that map then i only saw one of them.... seems i missed it... would u deny that the mountainous area up north with the snow is blacksteeple castle and the red square there is neverwinter city?
  8. true, amaria, may just use what happened to her house as the battle arena, as for Titania, ame may borrow the field Jan used for Eric in rejuvenation after reading the original post again i'm wondering dose Multiscale remove the dragon's weakness to fairy also? Multiscale additionally annulls user's Dragon type's weaknesses at all times
  9. i know dragonite is saphira's ace but i doubt gamefreak will announce a mega dragonite before sun and moon come out. there was plans to give flygon a mega evolution, so i don't think there's going to be that much of a problem for ame to make 1 for either flygon or dragonite from scratch as for the field i highly doubt ame will have the remaining leaders share the same one
  10. so how is story progression going to work for those starting from the beginning in e8? with no teila or krisoline town?
  11. guessing that the only gym in the city qill be our next stop then guessing if they give us two badges in one episode it would either be rock and water or either of those two and dragon. i doubt i would be steel, and fairy since fairy would most likely be next.
  12. which two do you think im guessing 1 would be adryans aka fairy
  13. i have a sneaking suspicion that nova with betray baron ant some point in the near or distant future and caz i'm not asking about baron as i can figure out what he wants, its nova im asking about
  14. what was your plan with nova? Byron seems more of a leader of an evil organisation than Nova dose
  15. ok, so whats that tiny island next to te southern island meant to be?
  16. ok so currently we are on the biggest island and the island to the north is the Xen base/castle where we were locked up, the southern island seems to be where we fought crawlie and angie but where's grand dream city? the middle island maybe? ok i get it now the map you linked is a reconstruction tha'ts why i cant find some of the towns on the southern island, according to the v7 map there's a town on the other side of mount valor where did it go on your map?
  17. caz, is there a reason that the freedom badge didn't give us a level cap increase? if it gives one its not mentioned also maybe its time for desolation to have its own sub forum like rejuvenation
  18. would be my dragon team if it included dragonite and flygon also
  19. don't remind me i'm just wondering what the rest of her team is..... Angie was just irritating i have also just noticed how different u and ame are when it comes to episode development Jan, the story for the next episode is the last thing she would work on yet you have it almost done already.
  20. haha yeh seems i'm bad at them also, was reading to much into it so i had to look at a video for it and it wasn't till i saw what he was doing that it made sence. now i'm starting to wonder what the pieces will be for.....
  21. not too sure how i can do that without giving it away but ill try tho it seems ice cream sand which has beat me too it, tho ill add to that if you don't have the odd doll its unsolvable if that doesn't help i have another hint but i'll wait and see if you get it before i say it
  22. it has a base power of 75???? i wondered why it was so strong on my mightyena, tho i dounbt it was intended
  23. hrm i'll need another look but riddle makes no sense to me, i think a hint for this is needed edit scratch the hint i figured it out
  24. Caz, i found a puzzle in the weeping hill that requires two badges to access, is it meant to be solvable right now?
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