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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by sandy

  1. you can get a a mchop form the credit store
  2. seems my manetric's been ev trained in speed but not sure where form its at 50/11 docile seems to be a all round nature, that must explain it then but i din't even know i was ev training it.
  3. it couldn't as hawlutcha doesn't have a base speed of 118 i out speed it most times with a base speed of 80 on my manetric other times it was faster so i assume it was holding a quick claw also caz i would keep xatu in her teem as she seems to have it with her alot i think staraptor would be a good idea along with gliscor @phantom how would she get a noivern at this point? i know what you are thinking tho and th better option would be altaria due to the level we are at atm
  4. didnt know about that but either way she definitely needs a buff edit: a bit off topic but how i get those sigs that show your team for each game?
  5. interesting, seems i missed that on the location list but i doubt it has been there for long, m point was that both games are at their halfway stage already and i personally believe that it is too early in the game for tailow to be added but its ultimately up to caz wither it's added or not. as for scarlet i was wondering that myself i guess we will need to wait and see how v3 plays out to know more.
  6. isn't swellow just is powerful or stronger than staraptor? also remember you have pidgey there, also while we are on the subject of fixing things adrryan could use a a fix as she is almost sweepable with manetric, only reason she is not is because of emolga's motor drive ability. by the time manetric gets discharge (at level 32) it can out speed her whole team. my recommendation would be to remove say chatot reduce honchkrow's level wither you make it a murkrow also is your decision and make her ace something that cant be swept by a fast electric type like altaria since here ace is level 35 anyway neither amythest or jan has given us a tallow yet despite both games being attest half done yet starly are both obtainable one way or another
  7. thanks caz, not sure if only leaving us with pidgey as a flying type is ideal,tho this will only affect new players, tho i depends on what you add in v3 i serched all the houses and couldn't find the vending macheine i feel bad having missed it now
  8. i recommend training before taking connor as his levels caught me of guard
  9. you need to go talk to the elder in the town hall behind conor and speak to the professor to beable to battle him
  10. finished v2 but i'm looking for a few items with no results and not sure if they are even in yet. first one is a lemonade of the recruitment quest for the rangers guild second one is a leaf stone for evolving panasage and third one is exp share which would help until i can find a leaf stone since pansage is so frail at the 30 stage
  11. i did but i never managed to level up wooper so i returned the favor with my charmeleon another edit, thanks for the game so far i thoroughly enjoyed it i found a few shocks and surprises on the way was shocked with the next episodes teaser, i'll leave it at that , cant wait for episode 3
  12. i eventually figured that out enjoying the game so far conor destroyed me i was not expecting a level 19 lead off to train i guess, i'm also surprised that the second badges level cap is at 35/
  13. thanks for the heads up caz i proberly have the time depending on how long it is som ill give it a go downloading now hrm when i dowload the game via mega i just get a .rar file...is that supposed to happen?
  14. is it worth downloading and playing 2.1 or should i just wait for 3? this will be the third fan made game ill be playing, given the current progress of episode 3's developement
  15. its the odd key event in goldenleaf and it starts at the left statue on the gym's battlefield and you can do the other two requests without doing the side quest as for the poster above the one i quoted the event also requires 8 badges to acrivate. as for my question, anyone know where i can find the miracle seed? i found it in my first playthrough but i seem to have forgotten where i found it
  16. guess i'll need to wait till i can find another mystery egg for a trapinch then
  17. very odd, the egg i got off him hatched into a rhyhorn....and before anyone asks i'm playing version 7
  18. the boy that wanted a phantump egg? already did that trade and i got a rhyhorn egg for it, i guess he moved it else where in version 7 awesome cant wait
  19. your remodeling the game map again? i'm curious as to which pokemon will be in this? also will you be adding a way to get trapinch? (i know its a mystery egg but ive set to find the person with it) one more question will you be asking amethyst if you can use the animations from reborn when they are finished for version 9 or will you be making your own?
  20. ok 4 down 28 to go then i guess.....currently investigating wispy runes atm, there was a rock climbable ledge where shadow claw was that caught my attention and there are biberal there, so i can do two things at once here, then ill move on to gearen city when im done for the remainder. with some clever resourcefulness i manage to limit the number i needed to catch using what i had in my pc
  21. i tried having him in one it got to "undo the final lock" and i waited another hour on top of that and nothing.... ill try putting him back in and no problem.normal type....i don't have many if not any of those definitely not enough for eight chambers....just checked i have 4.....
  22. hrm thanks, interesting, guess i'll put them both back in on my first playthrough. another question how do i purify beldum? do i need to use that thing in the lab where i can go back to previous events to catch shadow pokemon?
  23. in my first playthrough it was female and when i put them both in the daycare and the daycare man said the both done seem to get along as since it was my first time breeding with a ditto i istantly jumped to the conclusion that it was the wrong gender also dose that mean when i put a male phantump in with a ditto in my second playthrough that I'll get a ditto egg?
  24. dont know if i should make a new topic of this so ill ask here, when breeding with ditto dose it matter that gender the other pokemon is? i've reset many times in my second playthrugh and i cant seem to get the phantump to be male or am i missing something with breeding? (never done it before and im after the mystery egg for the boy that wants a phantump egg)
  25. is swirlix evolveable in version 7 if so where can i find a whipped dream? i have already tried the vendor on route 3 and only the sachet is there
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