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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by sandy

  1. nice to see a huge chunk added to the progress for this do you have anymore to share?, like new characters maybe, as we have no mention of 6 of the remaining leaders
  2. sandy


    i know i only said that because ame sometimes forgets to update the progress bar.
  3. sandy


    id say its possibly half done as its been at 35% for atleast 3 weeks now
  4. erm ICSW? is there any significance to the marbles, i just seem to be randomly picking them up with no clue what they are actually for?, is the plan for this 3 gyms a episode? which would take us to 5 or 6 episodes by the time we can challenge the league
  5. im having the same issue will pm save also
  6. a couple of things to think about jan, first off take your time don't worry we will wait. second the public dev is a good idea id help but im not sure where to start learning sadly third i think i mentioned this earlier in the thread but ill mention it again we have 10 badges and current cap is 75, in addition to lowering the amount of exp we get you can always have us fight the the 3 remaining leaders in grand dream city and oblierium town in pairs just have them the same level range the first one you face doesn't increase and the second one increases thinking of the way spork did gyms 7 and 8 im sure ICSW wont mind you copying this form spork. now since we are still in the dark as to 6 of the leaders and 6 of the E8 who will you be introducing us to this episode
  7. ok first off i loved this episode, i was under leveled thought out the whole episode, second i dono how i came to this but every tiime i complete a episode i end up with a black screen with a therapy session, this time a black room with a grey tunnel some one talking describing the characters and asking a few questions then at the end of the scene im in the Forrest, with shiv's sister (its as if this game is one giant dream) i doubt i got the best ending as i didn't save scarlet or nova. its just weird.... anyway can any1 tel me what i need to do to trigger the event fro the deino egg plz
  8. thanks Caz ur the best, if i ddint have to go out in a hour id play it so ill download it now if the link wiorks
  9. just finished episode 2 and i must say i found it quite enjoyable the music was good also, tho i was i a bit disappointed when i beat dilyan and seen that the episode ended there i thought there was more. something i do need to ask, where are you planning to make surf be required as i currently don't have a water type Pokemon at all. the idea of choose any starter outside of the traditional made spork unique, your ordering of the gym leaders left me baffled as to what type i'd fight next some of them i wasn't expecting early like fire and rock, now waiting patiently for e3 also is it safe to save inside the gtms till the next episode?
  10. 9/10 got the match the evloution wihth the pre evolution wrong stranglly yet i matched 3 correctly http://pokemonquiz.net/ apparenltly odish dosent evolve into gloom
  11. if i remember correct we have 10 badges and current cap is 75 so yo may need to do both
  12. i assume fly and rock smash are there for hm coverage, but they can be replaced, in all honestly im not sure about hurricane at all, definitely replace protect yes but remember if the teasers anything to go by titania will be our next leader in the desert based off this i suggest benching leavanny for the gym and adding a fire or another ground/fighting, im not so sure which would be the best option, i would have said replace magnazone but if i remember correct she has a skarmory,
  13. to be honest if i was making the game i'd remove them for legend mode and for everything else id make at least one of the audino put up a fight like in rejuvenation, its not my game so just my thought's on the breeders. its been a good game so far keep it up.
  14. which of the starters are you planning to make obtainable outside where you choose your starter in episode 3? i got a charizardite i want to use at some point but i took gible as my starter. this may be because im too use to reborn and rejuvenation but i don't like the fact that there is no level caps and for example if say my swablu is level 20 and i face a breeder that's got a level 25 audino i get like a level and a half instantly because they only use healing wish. but otherwise im enjoying sport so far only 3 badges in tho
  15. wait what? hold the presses! i can get a gible as a starter in this game?
  16. don't worry about a thing caz just take your time and make this game awesome this community has patience as we just waited a year for the latest version of reborn, the absence thing happens no sweat it happens and cant be helped, cant wait fro it. tho i do have one question, will gnen 7 be comming wiht one of the nexxt 2 episodes or did you manage to sneak it iin this one?
  17. yes it is its been a while since i played desiolation also reticently played reborn
  18. darkview city near the harbor if i remember correct you need a pokesnax
  19. level up that sharpedo and teach it crunch, also teach it strength so you can utilise the field also, i also suggest you get a few more levels on ampharos and blaziken , will help alot not too sure about what to get rid of for crunch my instint would be destiny bond
  20. i found it quite odd when i beat the trainers in the grand hall and i was paid the same amount that i got for beating this episode leader 30,000 poke this allowed me to wipe out all the money i needed for all 3 projects bar one poke for 2 of them since i can only completely fund one of them this episode. it was indeed alot more resource management orientated at the start yes i will agree there i kind of expected us to get more money the higher ladder we got but not to the point where a farmable trainer gave the same prize money as a gym leader
  21. awesome caz cant wait but what do you mean by obscure future?
  22. caz is there any way we can get the files for this without having to use a program like winzip?
  23. that art its a very good piece of it , just finished reborn 16 cant wait total fangames im waiting for updates for is 4
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